středa 8. dubna 2015

Presenting, explaining, remembering

1. Presenting
Can you present with Powerpoint?
An can you present WITHOUT it?
Sum up your opinion to Powerpoint into the comments to this blog.

Some links to improve your presentation skills:

Tired of Powerpoint? Try Prezi!
Register and try to prepare a presentation on any (funny) topic. Publish the presentation at your website.

2. References and bibliography - hot tips
Do you know how to refer to the books you quote?
Register and explore!


3. A quick intro to the process of learning and remebering
- we remember through associating (connecting the new information to those items already stored)
- our brain constantly creates new connections (links), compares the info, drops unused or not reliable items
- the usual capacity of working memory  is about 10 items; connecting and associating the items always supports memorisation

understanding => remembering (passive knowledge) => independent use

VISUALS always help! (images, charts, graphs...)

In the class:

A Presentation
present the meaning of new items clearly, PREVENT any mistakes or misunderstanding

What makes a good presentation or explanation?   -  It is
*      clear
*      simple or simplified
*      brief
*      true
*      uses examples
*      applies various approaches
*      asks for feedback

How can you present vocabulary?
*      definition
*      description
*      examples - hyponyms
*      illustration
*      demonstration
*      context
*      synonyms
*      antonyms (opposites)
*      translation
*      collocations

B Practice
~        controlled activities  - focus on form (matching)
~        guided activities (multiple choice)
~        free activities - creative, high level of tolerance, autonomy, S centered (gap fill)

Which piece of information from the lecture+the above presented summary did you remember? Why?
Enter your ideas into the blog comments.


4. How to make a gallery

1. prepare the photos in full resolution (save them separately as a backup!) and record the audiofiles.
Be careful about filnames and folders! Be systematic!
2. Create two sets of images: web version (1600 pt the longer side) and thumb (icon) version - cca 20-30Kb
3. Create a new html file, name it Gallery. Insert a table 3x4. Insert the icons into the cells.
Link each icon to the web version of the same image.
Add audio to each image (e.g. "Click here to hear the comment" - link to the audio file.)

13 komentářů:

  1. Visuals always help.
    Why? It confirms my bias that just plain text is not enough and sometimes too boring to be successfully remembered later.

    Ondřej Kurz

  2. to demonstrate new words
    because it is always better to remember something we learn with fun

  3. "The best explanation is the one that works." I remember it because I said it aloud (that has worked for me since elementary school) and because I know it's true.

  4. Lucie Salačová
    I remember the fact that the demonstration of word´s meaning is important and also its repetition. I think I remember this because I just think these are the most important things for learning and understanding new vocabulary.

  5. There are many ways to introduce new words including - demonstration, translation, synonyms, live aids and pictures. The time needed is 1:10. For example 5 minutes for introducing words, 50 minutes for practice. Z. Krausová

  6. I learned that new vocabulary need to be presented with a clear definition, demonstration, illustration, etc. And then the word needs to be repeated enough times for children to memorize
    It is really importat since without clear explanation the children can interpret the words they learn differently and might miss use them in the future

    Richard Záhrobský

  7. Robert Sluka
    1:10 ration between presentation and practice
    -nothing in particular is interesting about this to me, I just took one of informations and wrote it down.

  8. Pospíšilová
    Present the words with no mistakes...the children won't get rid of them.
    Re-learning fixed errors is really confusing and irritating.

  9. Barbora Cerna

    The surprising factor for me was the 40 minutes practice on just 10 items. I have never thought it would take so much time (based on my experience from private tutoring) the presentations I used are mostly contrast and explanation or demonstration.

  10. Brief and simple term and ideas given in a certain order so our brains could better associate one though (term) to another. E.g.: presentation – clear, simple, brief, true – How? Via: Illustration, demonstration or context/ Practice – matching, multiple choice, free activities. Also when ideas are presented in an order not in a simple paragraph it is easier to filter out unnecessary text.

  11. I was suprised, thet we need to repeat a new word 80 times. I'd expect a smaller number. The other thing I remember is how demonstration is important, it always helped me the most while learning new things.
    Bláhová Zuzana

  12. Sůva Michal
    I remembered the following:
    - we remember things through associations
    - there are many way how we can explain/present
    something -> pictures, explanation, context etc
    - we must be clear in our explanations to avoid
    - ppl need to use particular words many times before
    they are saved in a memory and can use them
    afterwards anytime

  13. THIS!
