úterý 14. dubna 2015

WebQuest Introduction

A WebQuest is an effective tool for USING English. In the following two weeks, you will find out how it works, and you will discuss the design of your first WebQuest.

REMEMBER: A good WebQuest
- uses Internet resources (written in good authentic English)
- requires independent thinking, not mechanic copying from references
- is based on information processing: the students search for facts, evaluate, and come to their your own conclusions

WebQuest Home Page

1. Explore the web to find out what a WebQuest is. What is the difference between a WebQuest and a LanguageQuest?
2. Identify an example of good practice - a WebQuest which you consider to be of a high quality - and enter its URL to tne comments of this blog.

Example: Greece or China?

A tool for making and publishing presentations online

WebQuest characteristic:
• information search
• information processing (THINKING, evaluating, comparing, choosing, combining, analysis, synthesis…)
• creativity
• autonomy
• fun
What is necessary:
• clear instructions
• clear description of the final product
• adequate choice of internet sources, with comments

WebQuest from the T’s point of view:
• choosing topic and task
• TIME – web search, detailing the process, clear and logical instructions
• focus on information processing – prevent plagiarism
• focus on authentic English resources

WebQuest from the Ss point of view:
• instructions
• tips + web URLs
• final product
• autonomy + freedom of choice
• creativity


1. Make pairs.
2. Your project task will be to design a webquest for a class of eager 19-year old students (YOU!) at the first year of University studies.
First, choose a TOPIC - at best, use some cross-curricular content: do not focus on English, but on another subject matter, or use your experience from the subject you are studying.
3. Think about the outcomes of your WebQuest. Describe the final product and enter the WebQuest topic and the product description into the comments to this blog. (Sign with both names.)

Look at the WebQuest template to learn more about its structure.

WebQuest 1 - Canterbury Tales
WebQuest 2 - Animals
WebQuest 3 - A Trip to Egypt
WebQuest 4 - A Diary of the Survivor

For the final design and publishing of your WebQuest, you may:

use questgarden or zunal:
Read the registration and free use conditions first.

download a template and use it

13 komentářů:

  1. http://questgarden.com/180/56/2/150408194844/index.htm

  2. Robert Sluka
    Topic : Music Styles
    Product: Short essay(at least 300 words) + separate paper with lyrics (at least 2 stanzas + refrain)

  3. Lucie Salačová
    This webquest is about Everyman and the task is to write short paragraph about this play.

  4. http://questgarden.com/179/39/9/150309040115/index.htm
    -biology, histology, pictures, comprehensive, simple and fun
    -morphology, no pictures, but quite comprehensive

  5. Birnerová, Černá
    Topic: Geography of the British Isles
    Product: blind map test + short 100 word article

  6. Topic: Write a fairy tale like Grimm brothers.
    Task: Form pairs. Use sources given to get familiar with Grimm Brothers and their collected tales. Choose one of the three countries (Poland, Switzerland, Austria), read about their regional folk tales and use one of them to write your very own fairy tale! At the end you may form class collection.
    Time: 3 weeks in total.
    First week: Read through the sources.
    Second week: Cooperate to create the concept.
    Third week: Both of the team write their own fairytale
    Product: Two fairytales based on the same folktale.

    Richard Záhrobský
    Klára Pospíšilová

  7. Bláhová, Krausová
    Topic: 6 wives of Henry IV
    Product: in pairs write 3 letters each about the current events in the life of one of the wives. Performe a little play.
    Evaluation: grammatical correctnes of the letters. Historical accuracy. Creativity.

  8. Kurz, Juhasová
    Topic: Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    Task: Create a FB page of Little Prince. Either make real FB page, make "face" screenshot or just write it in word processor. Don't just use events in story, focus in Little Prince's feelings. (i.e. analyze symbols in book and such)
    Product: FB page, picture or plain text

  9. Gunárová Veronika
    Topic : A psychopatic Alice
    Task : Come up with ideas how she can save Wonderland and her self from insanity.Please keep in mind that she is still in a hospital and therefore in Wonderland.You can/should also involded the hospital stuff.
    Produkt : Write an essay about at least 500 words and one ppt slide with a song,which you find most suitable for your essay.
    Time : One month

  10. Topic: Morphology – bound morpheme and negation
    Task: Try to form at least five words containing a root, prefix, suffix (possible complement) and a compound, then make a morphological tree and support your decisions in a few points. After making a tree structure try to add various types of negation markers into the structure.
    Time: 1 week
    First week: Read through the study material, observe the given examples, make a pre-concept
    Product: A4 list of 5 words containg short analysis and a tree structure
    Evaluation: creativity, links to sources, correct use of affixations and compounds

  11. Sůva Michal
    Topic: The Chrysanthemums, reflection essay
    Task: write a 2 page reflection essay about how the main protagonist could solve her problems with her life.
    Product: 2 page long reflection essay

    simple, clear instructions, no visible mistakes, fun to do

  12. Morphology - lingistics WebQuest finished:
