úterý 31. března 2015

The Internet and The truth

To believe or not to believe, that is the question!

In each task, write your ideas and opinions into the comments to this blog entry.

1. Which of these articles you consider to be true? WHY?

In Czech:

Svědectví ruského trolla
Mediálni fikce

In English: (Erasmus students: focus on these two problems, find EQUAL number of other articles supporting both views/opinions. Which of them is easier to find? Why?)

Putin and Crimea

How do vaccines cause autism?


2. Who of the users discussing in this forum seem to be credible?
Why? (In Czech only)
Ukázka diskuse


3. Internet Knowledge and Rules
Propaganda Techniques

Which of the propaganda techniques usually influence you?
How can you defend yourself?
How can you help your friends, parents... against propaganda?
How are the propaganda techniques related to the profession of a teacher?

13 komentářů:

  1. http://osel.cz/index.php?clanek=8145
    Seemed reliable

    Fear and doubt are techniques which really have a huge impact on my decision making.

    I defend myself by searching information with reliable and traceable sources, If I can't be sure where a certain information comes from, I cannot believe it fully. I don't have a TV, meaning I don't use it for watching news. I simlz use it for gaming and movies. My parents and friends find it very hard to talk with me about recent event simly because I doubt too much and I distance myself every time my mum is trying to watch mainstream news programes. I am trying to tell her not to trus and she says she does not, but again...I doubt that :)

    As teachers we have to make sure what kind of information can influence future generations.

  2. For me the only source of news is Radiožurnál and pub talk, and I do not want to believe either, but it's hard to stay out of the fuss, especially when living close to hippies that actually DO believe that vaccination causes autism. I believe myself into it also, but because I have no idea how either of these things work and have never given enough energy and time into educating myself, I might as well believe PCs are run by leprechauns.

    I have no idea.

    And that's the same feeling I have with ISIS, Mr. Adolf Putin, Barracker Bama and Mr. Grandmamish - I lack the historical knowledge. I'm not educated enough, which is further complicated by the non-exsitence of any universal truth.

    So I guess the biggest source of info is my experience, as much as it blurrs and mixes with my dreams over time.

  3. In my opinion, reliable articles are Svědectví ruského trolla, EU and maybe those iDNES articles. On the other hand I would not belive articles such as Weby and RussiaToday.
    The propaganda techniques by which I am influenced the most are probably Vagueness, Plain Folks and Red Herring.
    I think that you can defend yourself against propaganda by taking all your possibilities into account and carefully weigh all your options, instead of being influenced by advertisement or propaganda.
    Karolína Birnerová

  4. Laziness is pretty much the sole reason why I choose to believe certain content. I just have no desire to spend much time checking the truthfulness of it.
    Therefore, it's much easier to just go along with what the majority thinks is a reliable source. It is usually right.

  5. Robert Sluka

    The russian troll article was pretty disturbing and belivable, but still, I doubt it a little.

    For me, I consider myself as a person who is hard to be influenced by propaganda, especially when in group of people that I know, sometimes I just ignore their conversations about what is better, simply because I can´t afford that better thing, or I wouldn´t be able to use it at all.
    Also I don´t watch TV nor do I listen to radio, but I spend a lot of time on the internet though, and that may influence me, but then again, I doubt that

    And of course, as a techers, we should use 100% truth as our materials, even if that would mean to spend hours and hours in search for the right informations.

  6. http://zpravy.idnes.cz/rusko-britanie-diskuse-internet-guardian-propaganda-pc6-/zahranicni.aspx?c=A140505_131751_zahranicni_vez
    I trust these articles, bacuse thez seem right. Mostly I try to use more source, to verify the credibility. To be honest I don't watch news or read news, so I have very limited knowledge of what's going on in the world. I am not a specialist in anything,so I have to trust others some more edusvated peoiple, thought zou never know if they were taught the true.
    Bláhová Zuzana

  7. Till this day I have never encountered teacher that tried to educate us about reliability of sources on the internet. Sure "Wikipedia does not know all" says everyone but teacher never cared about this stuff.

    How do I protect myself from propaganda? I don't watch TV for like 9 years. I use my PC to watch things I want. And at some point I also stopped reading news (and in the past I just read the headlines). I am not doing that to "protect myself from propaganda". I just don't give a damn anymore. Only way the current informations about world and what's on TV could be useful to me it to discuss it with other people. But I have no interest in discussing this kind of stuff. Of couse I hear about the most discussed stuff, my mother watches TV all the time. Sometimes when she gets mad while watching news and I am around, I tend to change the station to Animal Planet. :))

    Pro-tip fro trolls: Young mothers and orthodox animal lovers are the best target. You wouldn't believe how are these people INCREDIBLY violent.

  8. Sůva Michal

    Putin and Crimea -> in Time magazine, it has been around for quite a while, if it werent credible, it most likely wouldnt be here today.
    Denial -> probably the same reason as with Time, also provides sources for the arguments

    marra -> good and polite language, provides information which we can verify
    a) Bandwagon, but not in the same way as in the example
    in my case it would be that I am thinking about getting some product (be it real or virtual) an if several ppl I know are satisfied with it then there is high chance that I will get it as well.
    b) simply dont trust it
    c) tell them to first find someone they know if he/she own it or experienced it (whatever they are thinking of getting) and based on that make their own decision.

  9. I think that I am mostly influenced by extraordinary colors used in advertisements. I tried to watch TV mute, and suddenly noticed how many companies use color to caught our attention.
    I rather stopped watching the news on Nova when it became too dramatic, and the only newspaper I read (sometimes) is Mladá Fronta.
    The last question was already answered in the class.
    Lucie Salačová

  10. http://archiv.ihned.cz/c1-63690490-evropska-unie-bude-blokovat-dzihadisty-na-internetu-zridi-specialni-jednotku
    The article has many sources like Gilles de Kerchov, thee main anti-terrorist expert. There are researched which can be traced back (http://www.brookings.edu/search?start=1&q=isis+twitter )
    - user: menuet , he asks instead of arguing
    - fear and appeal to the authority
    -not to pay attention to the ads, learn how to ignore them
    -take them outside or warn them, especially old people
    You can influence the children in a bad or a good way. It can also influence the way you teach
    Zuzana Krausová

  11. The propaganda techniques that influence me would be the one with fear factor. Although I am not easy to be scared some topics can definately scare me!
    I would say one can defend himself by the easiest way of avoiding the internet. But sadly that is very diffucult to manage.
    My friends and parents can think for themselves, it is their decision when believing in it.

    Barbora Cerna

  12. I'm much more influenced by product placement in shops rather than what people see as propaganda. Over the years, as a student of IT and Commercial communication, I've learned to question the credibility and reliability of the information I find on the internet and also in real life. And when in doubt I know where to look for information I can trust.

    Teacher should be able to advise and guide his students on where to look for relaible information from which they can learn.

    Richard Záhrobský
