pondělí 19. března 2018

Online questionnaires

Create our own questionnaire online in two minutes! It is easy, it is free... well... sometimes...

Checklist for yoru SURVEY project:
1. Formulate one or more hypotheses or research questions. What do you want to find out? Define your target group and choose the language accordingly (CZ or E).
2. Prepare the draft of the questionnaire and discuss it with the tutor.
3. Implement the suggested changes, print the questionnaire out and pilot it with one or two persons, to be sure it is understandable and brings the required data.
4. Discuss the pilot results and your hypotheses with the tutor.
5. After you get the green light from the tutor, publish the questionnaire.
6. At best, combine paper and electronic versions to get the highest possible amount of answers.
7. You will need the INDIVIDUAL answers, to be able to work on correlations. Check the possibilities with the provider you choose. Examples:

Stažení jednotlivých odpovědí pro vyhodnocení ve statistických programech
Exporty surových dat do formátů XLS, XLSX, CSV, XHTML a PDF+QR jsou
k dispozici i u bezplatné licence FREE — neomezený počet odpovědí zdarma!


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