středa 28. března 2018

Excel and Statistical Functions for Teachers

Problem 1 : How should a teacher use excel for class evaluation and statistics?

Download two files (excel_start and excel_1) from, Folder PCSkills.
The "start" file shows erratic notes on Ss results, saved in WORD.

Task 1 - Editing
Follow the instructions in the word file - your task is to create a highly practical list of students ond their results in Excel format.

  1. Consider which headings are missing, and add them.
  2. Order the students alphabetically.
  3. Find out how to transfer the sheet from word to excel without too much work :)
Task 2 - Statistics
  1. Prepare some statistics – AVERAGE results of each test, of each student, the best and the worst mark of each test (MAX, MIN) and of each student.
  2. Find out what MODE and MEDIAN mean. Use them.
  3. Use the form COUNTIF for finding how many Ss got 1 during the whole term.
  4. Assign different weight to the marks and apply the weighted average to get the final mark for each student. 
  5. Express some of your statistical data in graphical forms. Which types of graphs should you use?
Analysing research data

Task 1 - Finalising the Survey
1. Insert the raw data of your survey into a spreadsheet. Remember - on cell, one piece of information, ideally a number! give each repondent an unique number, and use one line in the spreadsheet for each respondent.

You can download an example spreadsheet from capsa - go to folder PCSkills, file ExampleResearchMatrix.xls.

2. Use the sum, average, mode and median formulas to get the first results. THINK about the type of data you are using and consider you want to learn - use the predefined questions and hypotheses.

3. In some surveys it is very important to mutually relate various findings -  to prove or disprove a correlation between two facts/answers. Identify the possibilities and explore the correlation within your data.

4. Prepare a graphical presentation showing the results of your survey. Decide which types of graphs are the most suitable.

5. Choose the most revealing and interesting results and comment on them. What factors influenced the results?

6. Prepare a presentation of your results in PREZI and share the link in the comments below.
Compulsory items:

  • Topic, questions and hypotheses
  • Survey methods
  • Methods of dissemination
  • Target group, the final number of respondents
  • Summative results (in %)  (illustrated through graphs)
  • Correlations
  • Conclusions

7. Insert the link to your online survey questionnaire and the link to the final Prezi presentation into your webpage!


Task 2 - Supporting activities

1. Downolad the excel file KorelacePriklad.xls form capsa. Use the formula explained in this link: Korelace v excelu - příklad to find out the correlations among the given sets of data.

2. Downolad the excel file Verejny... .xls form capsa and explore the formula used for counting individual teaching loads: =DSUMA(I7:J116;"Úvazek";L1:L2). How does it work, what does it summarise?

3. Study the following articles. You should understand, and be able to explain and apply at least the descriptive statistics. Ask the tutor for help if necessary.

Pie graphs are used only when describing the split of a limited sum of recipients or other data.
Example: Identifying the use of potatoes in the kitchen:  50% get boiled, 25% are mashed, the rest is used to make soups.

Focus on the examples - try to understand the information in the data before dealing with the methods.
Consider real-life examples,  or use the real data to experiment with descriptive statistics.

Descriptive statistics - Distribution, Central Tendency (Average, Mode, Median), Dispersion, Standard Deviation
Correlation example

Úvod do popisné statistky
Popisná statistika
Co je korelace?
Čtyřpolní a kontingenční tabulka
Měření závislosti, korelace a regrese

úterý 27. března 2018

Research Questions and Hypotheses

1. set your hypotheses or survey question(s)
2. publish the approved questionnaire online
3. publish both the hypos and the link inthe comments to this blog entry

úterý 20. března 2018

Facts, Fakes, Fiction, Falsifications

Bojím se hexavakcíny, poradíte?
Lidicky, je tady někdo z rodičů, kteří nenaočkovali dítě hexavakcínou, ale nechali si očkování nějak rozdělit? Mám hrozný strach z vedlejších účinků, autismu a podobně, připadá mi to šílené narvat do takového tělíčka tolik jedu…děkuji za každou reakci.
Když jsem se ptala dětské lékařky, co si myslí o hexavakcíně, řekla mi, že je o ní přesvědčena jako o šetrné. Po krátké diskuzi a výměně argumentů mi řekla, že – farmaceutické firmy říkají, že šetrná je – ale reakce na ni často bývají. Na to mi řekla, že by se ani tolik nebála hexavakcíny, ale spíš vakcíny MMR. Na které jsou reakce šílené. A dokonce se začíná – už dost nahlas proslýchat – že právě tahle vakcína je za vzestupem epidemie autismu, který se v USA nabírá dost razantně na obrátkách.

Task: You have 15 minutes to browse the internet and find some reliable info on the dangers and benefits of vaccination. Then start the online discussion in the blog comments: try to help the stressed mother, and react to other comments. Try to be as much calm, logical and facts-based as possible.
You can use Czech or English in the discussion, as you prefer.

pondělí 19. března 2018

Online questionnaires

Create our own questionnaire online in two minutes! It is easy, it is free... well... sometimes...

Checklist for yoru SURVEY project:
1. Formulate one or more hypotheses or research questions. What do you want to find out? Define your target group and choose the language accordingly (CZ or E).
2. Prepare the draft of the questionnaire and discuss it with the tutor.
3. Implement the suggested changes, print the questionnaire out and pilot it with one or two persons, to be sure it is understandable and brings the required data.
4. Discuss the pilot results and your hypotheses with the tutor.
5. After you get the green light from the tutor, publish the questionnaire.
6. At best, combine paper and electronic versions to get the highest possible amount of answers.
7. You will need the INDIVIDUAL answers, to be able to work on correlations. Check the possibilities with the provider you choose. Examples:
Stažení jednotlivých odpovědí pro vyhodnocení ve statistických programech
Exporty surových dat do formátů XLS, XLSX, CSV, XHTML a PDF+QR jsou
k dispozici i u bezplatné licence FREE — neomezený počet odpovědí zdarma!

úterý 13. března 2018

Fake News

Research - original pdf to download


Hlavní poznatky shrnují autoři takto: „Nepravda se šířila významně rychleji, hlouběji a měla větší dosah než pravda.“ Platilo to pro všechny kategorie zpráv, nejvýraznější byl ale tento rozdíl u zpráv politických, zpráv o terorismu, katastrofách nebo o vědě.

Ve velkém se nepravdivé informace začaly na Twitteru rozšiřovat během americké prezidentské kampaně v roce 2012. V roce 2014 zase vědci zaznamenali rekordní nárůst „smíšených zpráv“ (zpráv kombinující pravdivá a nepravdivá tvrzení) v souvislosti s anexí ukrajinského Krymu Ruskou federací. Během předvolební kampaně 2016 je pak na Twitteru vidět velký nárůst jak pravdivých, tak i nepravdivých zpráv. Ty nepravdivé se ovšem šířily snáze a dostaly se k více lidem.

„Zjistili jsme, že nepravdivé zprávy častěji vyvolaly emoci překvapení, což podporuje hypotézu o originalitě,“ píší vědci. Dále nepravdivé zprávy vyvolaly častěji znechucení. „To je velmi typická, velice lidská reakce, to znechucení,“ myslí si Aral. Producent nebo šiřitel nepravdivé, smyšlené zprávy, počítá s touto emocionální reakcí, která zprávě pomáhá v dalším šíření.

Nepravdivé zprávy mají totiž podle Arala opravdu hrozivý potenciál: „Důsledky mohou být dramatické a katastrofální. Pořád ale nevíme dost o tom, co se děje a co můžeme udělat pro to, abychom lidem pomohli poznat nepravdu od pravdy.“

Je docela možné, že žádné jednoduché řešení neexistuje. Filtrování zpráv bude vždy podezřelé a platforma, která je bude filtrovat, bude velmi těžko obhajovat, proč mají zrovna její správci „patent na pravdu“. A zatímco někteří doufají, že označování podezřelých a pochybných zpráv by mohlo posílit kritické myšlení příjemců, ve skutečnosti má tento přístup několik zásadních nedostatků.

Obecně je zřejmě jediným dlouhodobým řešením kultivace mediální gramotnosti a pěstovat tak schopnost lidí ověřovat si informace. To ale není jednoduché, zvláště v prostředí on-line sítí, kde je zdánlivě tak málo času na rozhodování. Podle Arala ale stojí za to nerezignovat a povzbuzovat kritické myšlení: „Bude to vždycky nekonečná bitva pravdy s nepravdou. Myslím si, že pokud dovolíme, aby byla společnost pohlcena nepravdivými informacemi, může nás to úplně paralyzovat, a to způsobem, který si zatím třeba ještě nedokážeme představit.“

pondělí 12. března 2018


Audio material is regularly used when teaching speaking and listening in foreign languages. Therefore the teachers and the students should be able to edit and modify audio as well as texts.
Probably the best freeware available for editing sound is called AUDACITY.

Audacity Basics - you should be able to
- install Audacity and the lame library which enables export to mp3
- open a file in Audacity
- edit the file: cut and paste, fade in/out, change speed, delete, add silence
- create a new file
- combine two files (e.g. speech + background music)
- inserting silence (e.g. as a space for an answer)
- changing the speed or pitch (carefully!)

Upgrade your questionnaire according to the tutor's instructions. Print out two copies and do the PILOTING - try the questionnire out with two people of your target group. Bring the filled-up questionnaires for the next lesson.

Browse Youtube for videos suitable for the topic you chose for HotPot tasks.
View, listen and choose; consider the target level and age!
Convert the video to mp3 using an online convertor.
Cut out a part of the recording, and publish in your HotPotaoes index webpage (see the related blog entry for details).

You can use Free YouTube to MP3 Converter to get audio from youtube easily, or find online converters, eg. Convert2mp3.

You have just become a radio reporter!
Work in pairs. Choose an actual event from your real life, and prepare a 2minute talk on it.
Present main facts and your opinions.
Options: either pre-preapre the text, and record, or present the event in the form of live-talk, or an interview between you two.
Edit the recording in Audacity. Record and add appropriate sounde effects if necessary.
Finalise the file, export it and save as mp3, and add to your personal webpage.

What does the word "podcast" mean? Go to Podomatic, create an account and browse the site. How can we use it in teaching English?

Good examples - Teacher Luke at PodomaticSplendid Speaking for advances learners
Podcast on podcasting in ELT

More online podcasts and streams
Ted Talks on Education - free online lectures!
Oxford University Podcasts

Free text to audio:

Sound files extensions:
wav -  Standard audio file container format used mainly in Windows PCs. Commonly used for storing uncompressed (PCM), CD-quality sound files, which means that they can be large in size—around 10 MB per minute. Wave files can also contain data encoded with a variety of (lossy) codecs to reduce the file size (for example the GSM or MP3 formats). Wav files use a RIFF structure

mp3 - compressed, MPEG Layer III Audio. Is the most common sound file format used today

flac - Free Lossless Audio Codec
ape - Monkey's Audio lossless audio compression format
ogg - A free, open source container format supporting a variety of formats, the most popular of which is the audio format Vorbis; compression similar to MP3

webm - Royalty-free format created for HTML5 video
aiff - Standard audio file format used by Apple. It could be considered the Apple equivalent of wav


Sluchové pole (nebo oblast slyšitelnosti) je rozsah všech zvuků, které dokáže lidské ucho vnímat. Vnímání zvuku je u člověka omezeno slyšitelnými frekvencemi (přibližně 16–20 000 Hz). U každé frekvence je odlišný rozdíl intenzit, jež slyšíme. Lidský sluchový orgán je nejcitlivější v oblasti frekvencí 1–5 kHz.

pondělí 5. března 2018

Editing Images

Visual support is vital in any teaching situation. As English teachers, we use pictures of objects to teach vocabulary, photos of situations to stimulate communication, authentic visual materials to teach realia and culture...

What characteristics of an image influence its effect on remembering the vocabulary?
  • context or the absence of context
  • vivid colours
  • contrast
  • golden ratio
  • the size of the target object

!!!!!!!!!! HOMEWORK !!!!!!!!!
For the next lesson, bring a PRINTED version of your finalised Survey Questionnaire.


My suggestion:
1. Basic knowledge of the electronic image formats and their specifics.
2. Basic editing abilities: crop, contrast, colour adjustment
3. Basic photo-making skills and knowledge (to be able to prepare original materials, and to document school events, projects, students'activities and products).

4. Advanced editing abilities - collage (to create more original materials, and to be resistant to hoax), inserting text to the image...

Typical Viral :D

Any other suggestions?



1. Finish the collage and put it into your web.

2. Make several product photos, choose the best one, edit if necessary. Insert the photo into your Homepage (index.html) and publish online.

3. Prepare 10 images which you will use in your vocabulary teaching HotPot project. Keep them in the original size + make the same set in web version (max size 40kb per image).


The basic skills you should master:

1. Compressing, saving in various formats (with different extensions) and size
2. Crop (ořez)
3. Changing brightness, sharpness, hue and other basic features, and applying Nick filters.
4. Making a part of the image transparent
5. Creating a collage
6. Inserting text into a picture
7. Mastering basic hotkeys in Photoshop

1. Open your image in Photoshop. Work with Crop first (C). Remember - the main part of the image should be taken by the main object (or idea, or situation)
2.  Use LEVELS to set the Lightning (Photoshop: Ctrl+L, or Obraz - přizpůsobení; Menu in Gimp: Enhance - Adjust Lightning - Levels)
3. Adjust sharpness. play with blur :)

4. Working with layers and masks in Photoshop:
Open the image
Duplicate the layer (Ctrl+J)
Choose the type of layers combination (Měkké světlo, závoj...)
Cover the new layer with a black mask (Alt+mask icon)
Use the white brush to "make a hole into the mask" - to uncover the needed part of the image.

CZ: Přidejte masku vrstvy (možnosti - odkrýt vše nebo skrýt vše)
Malujeme do masky!

5. Use GIMP: Find two images and combine them into one, applying transparency (e.g. Donald Duck walking through Usti nad Labem :) )
6. Advanced: Try to do the same in Photoshop: make a collage of two photos!
tutorial in Czech

7. List of  Photoshop Hotkeys - EN
List of  Photoshop Hotkeys - CZ

Ctrl+ magnify picture
Ctrl+J  Duplicate the layer
B - Brush
C - Crop
H - Hand
J - Healing brush
L - Lasso
S - Stamp
W - Wand


How to make images transparent in GIMP:
Layers – Transparency – Add alpha channel
Choose the background using the magic wand.
The simplest method is to use Edit → Clear

You can also test transparency in Word - add the image into text and choose Formát obrázku - pozice - před textem.

How to make images transparent in Photoshop:
New Image - Background transparent
Import the image into a new layer
Magic wand - choose parts which should be transparent
Layer - Mask - Hide the choice (Vrstvy - maska - skrýt výběr)

Want a top quality image legally?
Visit Getty.


More information on image formats (in Czech) - HERE
How to make a good photography?

Roman Pihan - a whole web on photography, including tutorials, tips and galleries
Ondřej Neff - practiacal tips for all

Jednoduše na kompozici

GIMP online help (in English)