středa 7. prosince 2016

Ideas for storytelling

A fine website for those interested in teachnology for learning:

Story Idea List

  1. Something goes wrong with technology, creating a science fiction type scenario. For example, an electrical storm transmits a mysterious charge through the bodies and minds of anyone who happened to be touching the keyboard at that instant The charge alters their personalities in some way, such as making them seem robotic. There are endless possibilities here.
  2. An event occurs at work, but everyone perceives it differently. Show the event from several different viewpoints. This could work well for teaching soft skills and showing how each individual experiences the world in a unique way.
  3. The protagonist travels through time and historical figures explain the key concepts through the lens of their time period.
  4. A nonviolent crime occurs and a character (or the learner) must figure out how it occurred and who is guilty. Of course, the crime would somehow relate to the subject matter.
  5. The protagonist is not well liked because he or she is overly critical to work colleagues. Events/realizations help him or her transform into a kinder and more likable person. This is a theme of personal transformation.
  6. The protagonist is a travel adventurer that must face many challenges. Triumph over adversity is a well-used theme in films.
  7. The Learning and Development team figures out a way to upload training directly into the minds of their coworkers. What happens next?
  8. An important character buys an antique urn, amulet or old technology and brings it to work. Over time, the person  discovers the object has magical powers.
  9. The protagonist is a timid and fearful person. He or she misses out on wonderful opportunities, holding back out of fear. The story shows how he/she overcomes these fears. Perhaps an event occurs where the person must rise to the occasion, which sets up an inner transformation.
  10. The protagonist has an internal dilemma and the audience can hear his or her thoughts. The learner must make the best decisions for the character. Appropriate events/consequences follow all decisions.
  11. The protagonist starts a new job and the story follows the mistakes and confusion of the first day or week. Teachings are provided by his or her new coworkers. Perhaps this could work for an onboarding program.
  12. Two characters somehow switch bodies, allowing them to see the challenges of work from each other’s vantage point.
  13. The protagonist finds a stranger’s wallet and a mystery ensues as the character attempts to return the wallet.
  14. The protagonist is an expert in a certain field and grudgingly has to mentor an apprentice. The mentor ends up learning much more from the apprentice than he/she thought possible.
  15. The protagonist is frustrated because no one will listen to him/her. The character sets out to prove that he/she is right about something. You have to figure out what that something is.
  16. A quiet and unassuming coworker is actually a spy (or a superhero). He or she has an intriguing and adventurous hidden life.
  17. The protagonist is betrayed by someone at work. The betrayal plays out like a mystery as the character must figure out who is guilty and why he or she was betrayed.
  18. An internal computer system gets hacked at work and confidential information is leaked to the public or ends up in the hands of criminals.
  19. The protagonist is risk averse, but is placed in a situation where he or she must overcome an obstacle by taking a risk. This is somewhat similar to the person who must overcome fears, but risk-taking could be a different type of plot.
  20. The protagonist has psychic super powers: clairvoyance, telepathy or mega brain power. Take it away.
  21. The protagonist feels trapped in a particular situation at work, such as having to please an unreasonable boss (sensitive topic) or being in a work role that is not a good match. The story follows the character as he/she finds a way out of the trap.
  22. A companion animal (dog or cat, maybe a horse?) is highly intelligent and provides instruction to the main character.
  23. The story opens at a press conference, with a PR person or CEO explaining why an event occurred. The story then takes place as a flashback.
  24. Begin a story with this type of line: “Last year, I would have told you that …” and fill in the blank that works for your content. “I never wanted this type of success.” or “there is no such thing as UFOs.” or “I never thought safety training was that important.”
  25. Your training program takes place 50 years in the future. Paint a picture in words of how things at work are different and also how they are the same.
One last tip! Continually ask yourself, “What if?”

čtvrtek 1. prosince 2016

Testing in Moodle

Do not forget:
Most often, e-learning tests work as practice and self-evaluation, not only for evaluation or assessment. Therefore, sufficient feedback is vital!

Go to
Choose Moodle Sandbox
register as teacher/sandbox

Use My First Course
Turn editing on (a button on the upper right)

Choose Add an activity or resource
in any Topic
Choose Quiz and read all info available.
Add the quiz and explore the settings.

Click on the new test name. Choose Add a new question (on the right side!) and explore the available formats.

Add at least three questions of three different format. Explore the setting possibilities.

Good luck :)

středa 9. listopadu 2016

Moodle 1

E-learning is a popular and worldwide form of supporting students, especially in distance programs.
E-learning materials reflect the content and form of a textbook, and add the necessary feedback which in a real class would be provided by the teacher.
E-learning can offer resources in any format, from text and images up to online videos and interactive test. Neverthless, all these can always be found somewhere... what remains REALLY important is not the material, but the supportive STRUCTURE of the course.

When creating an e-learning course, we usually use one of the free platforms available; during the years, Moodle became probably the best known and most used platform. The platform enables the user to create a course in the same way we create textbooks or worksheets: adding information, resources, references, tasks, tests...

A quotation from the discussion forum:

The difference between online learning and classroom based computer generated material
francis charters
Neděle, 25. říjen 2015, 02.37

I am a newcomer to Moodle and I am confused.

I have been teaching, and using computer generated materials in the classroom for many years.  Since looking at the Moodle sites of various colleges I have seen a lot of tutors putting exactly the same online as they used in the classroom.  Is this common practice?

Surely a powerpoint, for example, that has me in front of it talking about it, eliciting discussion about it, verbally picking out specific parts of it, should be a largely different design to a powerpoint that is meant to be accessed by a student with no tutor input?

How much can the tutors be asked to produce/edit material so that the students are progressing online efficiently?

Any thoughts?

When creating the material, we consider (apart form the learner, aims, teaching situation and other features of the real life) the FORM and CONTENT.

The FORM includes the logical organisation, navigation, graphics, icons, images...
The CONTENT includes the topic, the information we present, and the ways they are processed.

1. Go to
Create your personal moodle account.

2. While the accout is being processed, find out more about Moodle at  Explore the site. You might try this page first:

3. Log in at  Explore the site again; read the discussion at
Then go to - Mount Orange School - and explore how Moodle works; view the courses from several different roles!

Example of a simple course

4. Use the Mount Orange site as sandbox.
Experiment with the courses, tests and various settings. READ the available comments!

5. What did you learn about Moodle?
What features surprise you?
What new aspects apear in e-learning, comapred to your experience and expectation?
Write your answers into the comments to this blog entry.

More links:
Moodle home 
General features

čtvrtek 3. listopadu 2016

Good news :)

Confirmation bias in media (in Czech)

Social networks for learning languages


1. Browse the etwinning site to find more about this principle.
2. Open Moodle course KAJ/4126, Section 4 - two-way communication channels. Explore the sites bookmarked in World Wide Language Learning Possibilities.
3. Write your opinion on social networks in language learning into the comment to this blog. Are you already using a similar site? Why? How often? With what results? What can a person learn/acquire through a social network? Do yo uconsider trying it? With what language?
What is your general approach to this form of language studies, and why?

středa 26. října 2016

Interactive Board Advanced

A  What should the teacher do?

- present text, images, sound, animations, video, links
- give the class a chance to think
- support creativity
- use the time wisely
- motivate the students

B What should we include?
- a functional combination of text, visual support and audio
- variability of all sorts
- empty space
- motivating activities (games)
- feedback

C Technical skills to be mastered:
- inserting text
- inserting images
- inserting audio
- inserting links

- locking
- grouping
- using layers - covering one object with another
- containing
- magical window

Promethean Planet: Examples of IWB tasks
Youtube tutorials
How to use Containers
Multiple Containers
How to make a magic box
Creating Action Objects
Magic revealer window


Hidden content
How it works: if you click on object1, object2 (dis)appears
Go to Actions - find command Hidden/Skryté
Identify the target
Save the changes

Detailed instructions here:

1. Text to be moved:
Identification: Name = Panda
Contain: Return if not contained = True

2. Image or a space where to put the text/answer:
Can Contain = Specific object
Contain Object = (Select Object) Panda
Contain Rule = Completely contained

Česká verze:
1. Text (objekt), s nímž se bude pohybovat:
Identifikace: Název = Panda
Kontejner: Vrátit, pokud není obsaženo = Pravda

2. Objekt (obrázek), kam se text/odpověď přesouvá:
Může obsahovat = Konkrétní objekt
Obsažený objekt = (Vybrat objekt) Panda
Pravidlo pro obsah = Úplně obsaženo

Hiding objects in SMART: online help

To animate object in SMART:

  • Select the object.
  • If the Properties tab isn’t visible, press Properties .
  • Press Object Animation.
  • Select options in the Type, Direction, Speed, Occurs and Repeats drop-down lists.

Hiding objects using magic ink in Activ: youtube tutorial

Magic revealer window (Activ)

1.    Insert two images
2.    Put one of them to the Top layer
3.    Create a rectangle. Settings:
           a.    Margin (ohraničení) – cca 20
           b.    Výplň – Nic
4.    Activate the magic ink. Fill in the rectangle.
5.    Set the order of the resulting two objects (rectangle will be above the magic ink to make the margins smooth)
6.    Group them together.

7. Check the order of the layers: Object (the rectangle),  Pen (the magic ink) nad the upper image are in the upper layer in the mentioned order, the remaining image is in the middle layer.

středa 12. října 2016

Interactive Board - Intro

No matter what IWB software you use, some basics remain identical - both from the points of view of technology and methodology.

Explore Activ Inspire and Smart Notebook, try the basic functions, get the feeling of both softwares.

Explore the site, try to identify high-quality materials, and recognise the faulty ones.

What can we use the Interactive Board Material for?

1. To identify the purpose of the material:
Intro – topic, aim, target group
Source – textbook

2. To identify the resources:
References – texts, audio, images resources (last page)
create your own images!

3. To suggest how to use the material:
– create a Teacher’s book (could be in side notes, or in the last page, or hidden within each page)
– instructions to tasks (focus on organization, variability)

4. To enable easy navigation: Insert links
In Activ Inspire - use commands "Another page" and "Open a website"
In Smart - right click at the object, use "Odkaz"

5. To use visual and auditory input: insert images, audio and video
In Active Inspire: go to Resource Browser (the symbol of 2 music notes)
In Smart: go to Gallery (the symbol of a picture)
In both: download an image, and drag it to the chosen page

6. To integrate games and animations into a lesson:
Explore the resourcepacks
Modify Flash animations (Smart)

Interactive Board Project compulsory items:
- teacher book with target group, objectives and instructions on the use of your material
- enough functional and effective visual support (images, graphics, illustrations)
- a listening task (+ audio with tapescript)
- a reading task
- a speaking task
feedback to all tasks
- links to T's Book from all pages (and links back!)
- active URLs (with tasks)
- a link to a youtube video - focused on the topic, with tasks!
- enough space for the students'work
- a page with all references

You can find examples and instructional files online, and also at

čtvrtek 6. října 2016

Working on Scenario


1. Specifying target groups: 
for each project, you should describe the target group in terms of age and proficiency.
Suggested limits:
scenario - 11+, with enough reading skills
IWB - almost any age + proficiency, though with young learners it would be a pretty hard work to prepare enough material on practicing e.g. basic colours
WebQuest - 15+, to apply enough analytical and evaluational skills


While writing the scenario, define the following:
1. Target group - age, proficiency
2. Task - what the class should do, identifying the final outcome and product
3. Aims and objectives: what the class will learn in these fields:
factual knowledge
language (vocabulary, reading skills...)
communicative skills
social skills

Make a list of keywords to help the class read and understand.

Computers skills and specifics:
create a correct, logical text
write the whole scenario into a single text file first
add illustrations and graphics to support reading with undestanding

For brainstorming, you may want to use this software:

Evaluation criteria:
The applied reading skills
Ethical and informational dimensions

See this link for basic info about scenarios, and Cathy Moore's blog to find out about the practical use of scenarios.

Examples of scenarios:

TWINE engine to download:

easy start with twine

More at

Examples of scenarios:

čtvrtek 29. září 2016

Welcome back!

Credit requirements
  •  E-learning material: a scenario - deadline November 30
  •  Material for interactive board – deadline December 13
  •  WebQuest to be created individually or in groups of  max. 3 people – deadline December 13
Finalised projects shall be submitted before given deadlines; please publish your project in your personal web site and send me an email ( with the URL.


1. Choose and register topic for your scenario (enter the topic + your name into the comments to this blog entry). Start writing a mindmap.

2. Check the relevant textbooks for topics.Choose and register the topic for your interactive board materials (ITBM), and list the keywords you want to teach. Into the comments to this blog entry, please include:
1. topic
2. target group - age, grade
3. the textbook you are using
4. the list of 10-12 keywords.

3. Install the  ActivInspire (registration needed) and Smart Notebook software, and explore the qualitites and opportuninties of IWB material.

4. Register your WebQuest topic  - enter the topic + your names into the comments to this blog entry.


written, 120min in a computer lab (CS226); the task will be to publish several interlinked HotPot exercises and IWB material on a given  topic, and with the requested format and content details.


See this link for basic info about scenarios, and Cathy Moore's blog to find out about the practical use of scenarios.

Examples of scenarios:

TWINE engine to download:

More at

While writing the scenario, define the following:
1. Target group - age, proficiency
2. Task - what the class should do, identifying the final outcome and product
3. Aims and objectives: what the class will learn in these fields:
factual knowledge
language (vocabulary, reading skills...)
communicative skills
social skills

Make a list of keywords to help the class read and understand.

Computers skills and specifics:
create a correct, logical text
write the whole scenario into a single text file first
add illustrations and graphics to support reading with undestanding

For brainstorming, you may want to use this software:

Examples of scenarios:


Interactive Board Project  
Choose a textbook and a topic as a basis (primary or lower secondary levels – basic school)
1. the aim: teaching vocabulary; choose 10-12 vocabulary items
2. choose and design various activities
3. inspiration:

At first, you should choose the topic for your interactive board materials (ITBM), and list the keywords you want to teach. Into the comments to this blog entry, please include:
1. topic
2. target group - age, grade
3. the textbook you are using
4. the list of 10-12 keywords.

 The finalised ITB Projectwill be published online in one of the available formats (Activ or Smart)

The project must include:
• Introductory page – Topic, Target group, Objectives, Author’s name, date
• All references
• Active URLs
• Listening task + tapescript
• Lots of interactivity
• Inner links among pages whenever necessary
• Feedback and keys to ALL tasks
• Teacher’s Book  - instructions

 Most frequent mistakes:
• Vague tasks, not defined objectives
• Too many visual effects without purpose
• Missing keys and feedback, or missing multiple correct answers
• The pages are too long – cannot be seen in one screen
• strange combinations of colours
• misspelled words, slips, grammatical mistakes

Examples of materials -, Promethean planet home site, youtube...


For the final design and publishing, you may:
EITHER use questgarden or zunal.
read the registration and free use conditions first.
download and install phpwebquest generator.

OR download a template and use it

The final product shall be uploaded to your personal web; if it is published elsewhere, you will include active link.

WebQuest characteristic:

information search
information processing (THINKING, evaluating, comparing, choosing, combining, analysis, synthesis…)

What is necessary:
clear instructions
clear description of the final product
adequate choice of internet sources, with comments

WebQuest from the T’s point of view:
choosing topic and task
TIME – web search, detailing the process, clear and logical instructions
focus on information processing – prevent plagiarism
focus on authentic English resources

WebQuest from the Ss point of view:
tips + web URLs
final product
autonomy + freedom of choice


pondělí 9. května 2016

Final project checklist

Credit requirements

1. A personal website

personal profile
a page on your hobbies/interests including active links to references
Voki - with voice
edited audio (gorilla or other story)
edited image - collage
excel - T's notes and marks
statistics - topic, link to the questionnaire, a summary of results

2. Hot Potatoes project - matching, multiple choice, gap fill, all interconnected

3. Photogallery - choose an original and creative topic, take 10 images and present them; topic example: my town as I see it (not really tourist postcards, right?)

4. Your choice: either audiocomments to all the images in the gallery, or a video of cca 5 minutes, English sound, with your subtitles and inserted instructions for the use in a lesson.

Statistics - Part 2

Dnes raději česky :)

Základní statistické zpracování dat pracuje obvykle s průměrem, modem, mediánem (viz minulý seminář) a s dalšími dvěma hodnotami, které vyjadřují variabilitu zkoumané skupiny dat - nazývají se rozptyl a směrodatná odchylka.

ppt to see

Dejme tomu, že máme k dispozici velmi jednoduchý soubor dat, například výšku a váhu všech žáků ve třídě. Průměr sám o sobě ovšem není objektivním obrazem dané skupiny. Například průměrná váha nevypovídá nic o tom, zda jsou ve zkoumané skupině někteří žáci obézní nebo podvyživení, potřebujeme tedy také udaje o variabilitě.

1. vypočítáme průměr
2. vypočítáme rozdíl mezi každou naměřenou hodnotou a
3. druhé mocniny všech těchto čísel sečteme a
4. výsledek vydělíme počtem měření sníženým o 1

Hodnoty výšky – 163, 168, 171, 173, 175 cm
● Aritmetický průměr = 850 : 5= 170 cm
● Rozptyl
163-170=-7, 168-170=-2, 171-170=1, 173-170=3, 175-170=5
součet druhých mocnin 49+4+1+9+25 = 88
88/4 (5 případů měření -1) = 22 cm

= druhá odmocnina rozptylu
√22 = 4,7 cm

čtvrtek 21. dubna 2016

Excel and statistics for teachers - Part 1

Problem 1 : How should a teacher use excel for class evaluation and statistics?

Download two files (excel_start and excel_1) from, Folder PCSkills.
The "start" file shows erratic notes on Ss results, saved in WORD.

Task 1 - Editing
Follow the instructions in the word file - your task is to create a highly practical list of students ond their results in Excel format.

  1. Consider which headings are missing, and add them.
  2. Order the students alphabetically.
  3. Find out how to transfer the sheet from word to excel without too much work :)
Task 2 - Statistics
  1. Prepare some statistics – AVERAGE results of each test, of each student, the best and the worst mark of each test (MAX, MIN) and of each student.
  2. Find out what MODE and MEDIAN mean. Use them.
  3. Use the form COUNTIF for finding how many Ss got 1 during the whole term.
  4. Express some of your statistical data in graphical forms. Which types of graphs should you use?


Problem 2 - Getting research data from online questionnaires

Choose a topic you are interested in; your research field is learning and teaching languages.
Formulate a Research Question or Hypothesis: e.g. "The commuting students have better study results."

Prepare several  survey questions to get data which will help answering your Research Question or confirm your Hypothesis. Include also questions mapping the profile of your respondents (age, field of study...). Write the questions into a text editor, reconsider and reedit.

Go to, login.
Put the questions online using
Publish the link in your website - and in the comment to this blog.

Choose a real, interesting topic, be considerate! This task is not meant to become a mock-research. Try to imagine a topic you could develop into a bachelor thesis.

Go to each other's sites and answer the questions. Ask friends (best by email) to fill in your online questionnire. Each of you should have at least 25 respondents.

Prepare an attempt of statistical survey for the next lesson.

Example of a link:
Example of exported results in capsa - ResearchResults.docx.
Example of survey in capsa - ResearchReport_2013_10_06.docx

Tips for making a valid questionnaire:
- think first; imagine what your respondents could answer
- be clear
- ask about one issue only in a single question

- avoid open-ended (txt) questions - prefer multiple choice
- be consistent - focus on a single topic or problem
- avoid spelling mistakes
- avoid ambiguous questions

čtvrtek 7. dubna 2016

Test and questionnaires online

Do you really trust everything you find online?

Supposedly the anwer will be NO - as the question itself is suggestive.

Not only obviously naive people make easy prey for intentionally misleading sites. In may cases, the internet-based information  may be even dangerous, if you apply it without common sense and without a wider knowledge of the problem - e.g. information about health problems connected to hardselling sites.

Nevertheless, we can also find theories and questionnaires are more or less trustworthy, at least for the purpose of orientation. The analysis of personal learning styles is one of them.

Felder - Learning Styles and Strategies Inventory

Online questionnaire:

Everybody is active sometimes and reflective sometimes. Your preference for one category or the other may be strong, moderate, or mild. A balance of the two is desirable. If you always act before reflecting you can jump into things prematurely and get into trouble, while if you spend too much time reflecting you may never get anything done.

If you overemphasize intuition, you may miss important details or make careless mistakes in calculations or hands-on work; if you overemphasize sensing, you may rely too much on memorization and familiar methods and not concentrate enough on understanding and innovative thinking.

In most college classes very little visual information is presented: students mainly listen to lectures and read material written on chalkboards and in textbooks and handouts. Unfortunately, most people are visual learners, which means that most students do not get nearly as much as they would if more visual presentation were used in class.

Sequential learners may not fully understand the material but they can nevertheless do something with it (like solve the homework problems or pass the test) since the pieces they have absorbed are logically connected. Strongly global learners who lack good sequential thinking abilities, on the other hand, may have serious difficulties until they have the big picture.

What do the result tell about you?How do you feel about it? Insert your ideas into the comments to this blog entry.

Eager to find more about yourself?
Try to find a reliable, free, online test of IQ and a test of Multiple Intelligences. Insert the link into the comment to this blog.

čtvrtek 17. března 2016

Image Editing Advanced

Download several images from - or use your own.

Think first!
What features af a chosen image should be improved? Why and how?
Then open Photoshop and try several methods described below. The teacher will help you individually to solve specific problems.

Which skill is most useful for (English) teachers?
Right, the combination of image + text. Try this out:
Photoshop help - add text

Enjoy filter plugins in Photoshop or Zoner - Google Nik Coleection (Freeware)

 More tips and tricks

1. Adapting RAW - changing the exposure, brightness, contrast, saturation, temperature...
explore and find out how these settings work!

2. Entering text and shapes
 how to create a custom text box

3. Combining two or more images
 two images + text

4. Improving a portrait - loose hair, removing reflections on the skin, freckles...
how to remove glare

5. Making images black and white (use the zebra image)
BW for dummies


středa 9. března 2016

Working with audio

Audio material is regularly used when teachng speaking and listening in foreign languages. Therefore the teachers and the students should be able to edit and modify audio as well as texts.
Probably the best freeware available for editing sound is called AUDACITY.

Audacity Basics - you should be able to
- install Audacity and the lame library which enables export to mp3
- open a file in Audacity
- edit the file: cut and paste, fade in/out, change speed, delete, add silence
- create a new file
- combine two files (e.g. speech + background music)
- inserting silence (e.g. as a space for an answer)
- changing the speed or pitch (carefully!)

1. Listen to the story of a toddler falling into a gorilla cage at Youtube.
Download two files from CapsaWTF_ Toddler Falls in Gorilla Cage.mp3 and Gorilla sounds.mp3. Combine them, in order to make a thrilling report on the event, max 70 seconds long.
If you feel like it, find more sounds (e.g. crowd cheering, Zoo animals sounds etc.).
Upload the story with an appropriate illustration to your web.

OR choose, download and edit your own story!

You can use Free YouTube to MP3 Converter to get audio from youtube easily.

2. What does the word "podcast" mean? Go to Podomatic, create an account and browse the site. How can we use it in teaching English?

Good examples - Teacher Luke at PodomaticSplendid Speaking for advances learners

Podcast on podcasting in ELT

1. Record comments to the 12 images in your gallery (1 minute max., save in wav file)
2. Edit the recording in Audacity, add background music, cut out noises etc.
3. Export the wav to mp3
4. Upload the mp3 to your website

REMEMBER - before editing, create a backup copy of the original!

Examples of galleries with audio comments created by your colleagues:

Sound files extensions:
wav - Standard audio file container format used mainly in Windows PCs. Commonly used for storing uncompressed (PCM), CD-quality sound files, which means that they can be large in size—around 10 MB per minute. Wave files can also contain data encoded with a variety of (lossy) codecs to reduce the file size (for example the GSM or MP3 formats). Wav files use a RIFF structure

mp3 - compressed, MPEG Layer III Audio. Is the most common sound file format used today

flac - Free Lossless Audio Codec
ape - Monkey's Audio lossless audio compression format
ogg - A free, open source container format supporting a variety of formats, the most popular of which is the audio format Vorbis; compression similar to MP3

webm - Royalty-free format created for HTML5 video
aiff - Standard audio file format used by Apple. It could be considered the Apple equivalent of wav


Sluchové pole (nebo oblast slyšitelnosti) je rozsah všech zvuků, které dokáže lidské ucho vnímat. Vnímání zvuku je u člověka omezeno slyšitelnými frekvencemi (přibližně 16–20 000 Hz). U každé frekvence je odlišný rozdíl intenzit, jež slyšíme. Lidský sluchový orgán je nejcitlivější v oblasti frekvencí 1–5 kHz.

pondělí 7. března 2016

Editing images

The basic skills you should master:

1. Compressing, saving in various formats (with different extensions) and size
2. Crop (ořez)
3. Changing brightness, sharpness, hue and other basic features
4. Making a part of the image transparent
5. Creating a collage

1. Open your image in Photoshop. Work with Crop first (C). Remember - the main part of the image should be taken by the main object (or idea, or situation)
2.  Use LEVELS to set the Lightning (Photoshop: Ctrl+L, or Obraz - přizpůsobení; Menu in Gimp: Enhance - Adjust Lightning - Levels)
3. Adjust sharpness. play with blur :)
4. Working with layers and masks in Photoshop:

Open the image
Duplicate the layer (Ctrl+J)
Choose the type of layers combination (Měkké světlo, závoj...)
CZ: Přidejte masku vrstvy (možnosti - odkrýt vše nebo skrýt vše)
Malujeme do masky!

5. Use GIMP: Find two images and combine them into one, applying transparency (e.g. Donald Duck walking through Usti nad Labem :) )
6. Advanced: Try to do the same in Photoshop: make a collage of two photos!
tutorial in Czech

How to make things transparent in GIMP:
Layers – Transparency – Add alpha channel
Choose the background using the magic wand.
The simplest method is to use Edit → Clear

You can also test transparency in Word - add the image into text and choose Formát obrázku - pozice - před textem.

How to make things transparent in Photoshop:
New Image - Background transparent
Import the image into a new layer
Magic wand - choose parts which should be transparent
Layer - Mask - Hide the choice (Vrstvy - maska - skrýt výběr)

Want a top quality image legally?
Visit Getty.

Prepare 10 images which you will use in your vocabulary teaching HotPot project. Keep them in the original size + make the same set in web version (max size 40kb per image).

More information on image formats (in Czech) - HERE
How to make a good photography?

Roman Pihan - a whole web on photography, including tutorials, tips and galleries
Ondřej Neff - practiacal tips for all

Jednoduše na kompozici

GIMP online help (in English)

čtvrtek 3. března 2016

Images and Photography

It is easier and more satisfactory to use one's own images and photos instead of steling them from the web and risking troubles.

A teacher should be able to:
- draw a picture, scan, save and publish
- make a good photo which he/she can use in teaching, edit and save

The difference between good and bad photos is obvious to anyone! And it is not so difficult to follow several basic rules to make your photos better.

"Kreativní fotografie si neklade za cíl zobrazit realitu (takové to tam Mařenko bylo) ale zobrazit 
něco víc. Zobrazit emoce (pocity, nálady ...), které autor na místě cítil a chce vám předat.
Když se díváte na fotografie z vaší dovolené obvykle si vybavíte pocity, jaké to tam bylo (jé podívej - tady jsme byli ...). Díváte-li se ale na fotografie z cizí dovolené, vidíte jenom obyčejné pláže, hrady, zámky atp. Prostě emoce spojené s místem a zážitkem vám chybí a proto vám často tyto fotografie připadají obyčejné. Dobrá fotografie vám dokáže předat pocity a zážitky i z míst, kde jste nebyli. A o tom to je...
Když stojíte v lese, vidíte široko okolo sebe, vnímáte vítr, šumění lesa, vůni jehličí a do zad vás pálí slunce. Toto vše na fotografii však chybí. Je tam jen obrazový výsek a to ještě ve 2 rozměrech (3 rozměr prostoru / perspektivy chybí). A proto je to tak těžké. A proto je pokoušet se o to taky tak krásné!"

Look at the following photos. Do you like them? Why?

What shall we know?
1. How to compose a photography
Practical composition (in Czech) 

Do not forget:
concentrate on a single idea, object, feeling
get closer, fill almost the whole field with the target object/situation

TASK 2 (20 minutes)
Look around, go to the corridor if you want. Try to compose a photo which will show the atmosphere at school.
Continue thinking about this task, and make more pictures in the following weeks. Choose the best one to e presented in your webpage.


What shall we know?
2. How to save an image
raw - full data
jpg - compressed (lossy)
tiff - for print, usually lossless; can handle CMYK
bmp - full data (bitmap)
gif - small (and animated); saves only used colours; 8bit
png - lossless, successor of gif, 8-24-48 bit
psd - photoshop format

For web, an image with the longer side of 1600px is big enough, Let's say the size limit is cca 50KB - to save space.
When reducing the size, always keep the original untouched! Save the small version as a new file, say, IMG2345_Small.jpg. 
JPEGS reduce the size exponetially, so if you reduce the original at 80%, the amount of data may be reduced form 12MB to 1,5 MB. 
Repeatedly saving of jpeg means repeating the compressing process and losing data!

More in Wiki (in Czech)
and Wiki (in English)


Choose an object within the class and make a picture which shows only the object - as if you needed an illustration of the word. (A key, a pen, an apple, a watch...)
Try to make your own photos of the objects you need for the HotPot project.

What shall we know?
3. How to make a photo of an isolated object
check the background
fill amost the whole image with the object
search for light
use simple aids, such as lamps, scarfs, sheets of paper
Product Photography at digineff


... want to know more? (In Czech) 

1. Choose the best photo expressing the school atmosphere you made, and insert it into your Homepage (index.html) and publish online.

čtvrtek 25. února 2016

Hot Potatoes

HOMEWORK: Bring a camera for the next lesson!

Hot Potatoes is probably one of the oldest freewares focused on teaching. See!

At the hot pot page go to tutorial. Choose Standard Tutorial for Windows, Start and go to The Potatoes, one by one - JMatch (matching exercises).
Open the HotPot program in your PC, go to the green potatoe - matching exercises.
Explore the possibilities of setting, start creating the exercise, call for help if necessary.


HP HotLine:

1. Keep all files in the same folder. Do not change the names after you link them.
2. HP create two types of files:
*.j?? (jcl, jmt...) "Teacher's book" can be edited; save it carefully!
*.html  - "Students'book",  the exported file interactive, but cannot be edited
3. Save, export, check.


HotPot Index or Teacher's book:
a place/page which basic information:
1. Target group (proficiency, age)
2. Topic (preferably a list of new vocabulary items you are teaching)

You can create a whole  HotPot site, combining and connecting various task formats. This is the suggested order of exercises (Can you guess why?):

1. Matching
- 10 items (target vocabulary)
- if using pictures, set the same height for all of them  (e.g. 100 pixels)
- find out how to set the timer, shuffle questions, show a limited number of questions

2. Multiple choice
- 10 questions
- 4 distractors (no mistakes!)
- use sentences, not isolated words
- feedback - additional information, input

Good feedback: motivating, positive, informative

3. Gap fill
- 10 gaps
- context (e.g. a story)
- choose the gaps wisely  :)

+ Create feedback which is interesting and informative; do not hesistate to include facts from our real life.
+ Do not skip determiners, e.g. articles:)
+ do not hesitate to include images, links, or audio!

HP exercises can be interonnected using the menu Configure - Buttons.
Suggested course of actions:

1. Create HP matching exercise Ex1. Connect it to the index.html. Make sure you have all the files, including images, in the same folder as the exercise. Save, export.
2. Create a HP multiple choice exercise Ex2.Connect it to the index.html. Carefully fill in the feedback! Save, export.
3. Create a HP gap fill exercise Ex3. Connect it to the index.html and Ex1.html. Save, export.
4. Connect Ex1 to Ex2, and Ex2 to Ex3. Save, export.
5. Open your index.html in NVU. Add links to all three HotPot exercises. Save.
6. Upload all files (index.html, Ex1.html, Ex2.html, Ex3.html, all images) to the web.

Do not forget:
+ No diacritics, no spaces in filenames.
+ Save everything you want to put online into a single folder. No subfolders.
+ Regularly save your changes.


1. Do I have to use an authentic text in jcloze (gapfill) exercise?
Try to find an authentic text which will focus on the topic; some of the target vocabulary items should be included, but not necessarily all of them.
Such a text activates the passive vocabulary of the student, helps them understand the new words in context, and is much more informative than isolated sentences.

Tip: explore primary level sites for native speakers, e.g.
BBC for kids
British Council
Encyclopedia for kids

2. How do I make a good feedback in multiple choice?
Just follow these simple tips:
- DO NOT use capitals, exclamation marks, "NO!" "Unfortunately..." etc.
- be positive :) - do not start the feedback with "Sorry, no..."
- add extra information, eg.
Where do lions live? Chosen answer: "India"
Feedback: "Tigers live in India, but lions live in Africa."

3. How should I set the colour scheme?
- Remember that the text should be easy to read - the font and the background should be constrasting.
- The backgroud itself should not bee too bright, not to tire the eyes.
- study the Color Wheel site

4. What is the HotPot index?
It is a html file which includes links to all three hotpot exercises, and the basic info:
- the author
- the aim of the exercises, e.g. "Teaching the names of family members"

- the target group description, e.g. "Third grade, basic school, elementary level"

čtvrtek 18. února 2016

Your brand new website


1. Save, save, backup, save...
2. All files in one folder.
3. No spaces, no diacritics in filenames.


You should be able to:
  • create and format a html file in NVU
  • choose the appropriate structure of the page, and suitable graphics
  • insert links and images into your webpage
  • start a website at

Choose a topic and a target level for your HotPot exercises.
Insert this information into the comment to this blog entry.

Your Name
Topic (in detail)
Level + age

Winter clothes
6th grade - elementary

Task 1:
Create a folder named PCSkills on your pen drive.
Create the index.html file in NVU. Save it into the PCSkills folder.
Insert your pre-prepared texts into the file index.html.

Experiment with formatting, colours, consider the role of images and graphics...

Insert a link into your page (you may use the link to this blog, or any other page - just make sure you know how to do it).
Insert a picture you took (avoid copyright problems!).

Task 2:
Create an account on
Read the conditions and other information.
Upload your index.html and the image.

Bask in glory, admiring your first hand-made web page!

Task 3:
Create your pesonal speaking avatar at or use the one you already saved
and insert it into your index page.
Upload and refresh to check!

Task 4
Check the credit requirements nad prepare the future structure of your web site (use pen and paper first). Start writing the texts, creating more html file you will need, consider the graphics... Be creative!


Task 5
Download the file Hotkeys_Task.doc from, folder PCSkills.
(Log: student, psw: ujep)
Do the task.

pondělí 8. února 2016


1. Prepare texts for your webpage (in notepad - txt. format) 
2. Create your personal voki and save it as a txt format.
3. Watch  THIS and enjoy :)

Lesson summary1.    watch carefully what you send online
2.    web search – keep focused, open-minded and critical; confront and compare information and resources
3.    be creative
Always bring: a pendrive + headphones
Rule No. 1: Save, save, save  (HDD + pendrive + cloud)

Internet Survival

Task 1
What does it mean TEOTWAWKI?
Find at least two artificial works which use this acronym in their title.

Task 2
What approaches did you apply when searching the web for answers?

Task 3
List 3 skills which are vital for a good web user.
Enter your suggestions into the comment to this blog. Do not forget to sign your entry!


active participation, working on classroom tasks
80% attendance
Projects: (submission deadline May 8, 2016)
1. A personal website (includes: personal profile, photogallery of photos taken on your own, a page on your hobbies/interests including active links to references, HotPot index and exercises, links to all school projects and tasks)
2. Hot Potatoes project
3. Photogallery - choose an original and creative topic, take 10 images and present them; topic example: my town as I see it (not really tourist postcards, right?)
4. Your choice: either audiocomments to the images in the gallery, or a video of cca 5 minutes, English sound, with your subtitles and inserted instructions for the use in a lesson.

Task 4
Work in groups of 4. List three most important rules of a safe Internet use.

Online tips:
Columbia University, NY
Irish Examiner

Task 5
List 3 tips how to use communication technologies in teaching English. USE PEN AND PAPER to note your suggestions!

Task 6
Role-play: Make random pairs. One of you strongly defends using ICT in teaching, the other one strongly resents it. Choose your roles, take 5 minutes to prepare arguments and then confront your simulated approaches. List two most interesting pro- and against-ICT arguments, and publish them in the comments to this blog.


První semestr – základy práce s textem, grafikou, zvukem, tvorba webu

  1. Web safety. Avatar. ICT in ELT.                                                                            
  2. Creating a simple web page. Colours, images, links, page structure and user-friendly graphics. Naming, saving, publishing, creating backup.
  3. Hot Potatoes Software. Seznámení, možnosti, principy.
  4. Práce s obrázky – stahování, editace. Průhlednost, ořez, zmenšování. Typy obrazových souborů a jejich vlastnosti.
  5. Práce s fotografií – zásady kompozice, úpravy ve vrstvách. Photoshop
  6. Práce se zvukem – Audacity. Nahrávání, zpracování souborů (střih). Typy souborů a jejich vlastnosti.
  7. Word pro studenty - editace, vnější a grafická úprava textu. Odkazování, plagiarismus. Rejstřík a seznamy.
  8. Excel pro studenty. Práce s tabulkami a vzorci, vytváření grafů.
  9. WebSearch. Možnosti vyhledávání, usnadnění a urychlení, strategie. On-line slovníky. Zálohy online – Úschovna, Capsa, Dropbox, Google cloud.