pondělí 8. února 2016


1. Prepare texts for your webpage (in notepad - txt. format) 
2. Create your personal voki and save it as a txt format.
3. Watch  THIS and enjoy :)

Lesson summary1.    watch carefully what you send online
2.    web search – keep focused, open-minded and critical; confront and compare information and resources
3.    be creative
Always bring: a pendrive + headphones
Rule No. 1: Save, save, save  (HDD + pendrive + cloud)

Internet Survival

Task 1
What does it mean TEOTWAWKI?
Find at least two artificial works which use this acronym in their title.

Task 2
What approaches did you apply when searching the web for answers?

Task 3
List 3 skills which are vital for a good web user.
Enter your suggestions into the comment to this blog. Do not forget to sign your entry!


active participation, working on classroom tasks
80% attendance
Projects: (submission deadline May 8, 2016)
1. A personal website (includes: personal profile, photogallery of photos taken on your own, a page on your hobbies/interests including active links to references, HotPot index and exercises, links to all school projects and tasks)
2. Hot Potatoes project
3. Photogallery - choose an original and creative topic, take 10 images and present them; topic example: my town as I see it (not really tourist postcards, right?)
4. Your choice: either audiocomments to the images in the gallery, or a video of cca 5 minutes, English sound, with your subtitles and inserted instructions for the use in a lesson.

Task 4
Work in groups of 4. List three most important rules of a safe Internet use.

Online tips:
Columbia University, NY
Irish Examiner

Task 5
List 3 tips how to use communication technologies in teaching English. USE PEN AND PAPER to note your suggestions!

Task 6
Role-play: Make random pairs. One of you strongly defends using ICT in teaching, the other one strongly resents it. Choose your roles, take 5 minutes to prepare arguments and then confront your simulated approaches. List two most interesting pro- and against-ICT arguments, and publish them in the comments to this blog.


První semestr – základy práce s textem, grafikou, zvukem, tvorba webu

  1. Web safety. Avatar. ICT in ELT.                                                                            
  2. Creating a simple web page. Colours, images, links, page structure and user-friendly graphics. Naming, saving, publishing, creating backup.
  3. Hot Potatoes Software. Seznámení, možnosti, principy.
  4. Práce s obrázky – stahování, editace. Průhlednost, ořez, zmenšování. Typy obrazových souborů a jejich vlastnosti.
  5. Práce s fotografií – zásady kompozice, úpravy ve vrstvách. Photoshop
  6. Práce se zvukem – Audacity. Nahrávání, zpracování souborů (střih). Typy souborů a jejich vlastnosti.
  7. Word pro studenty - editace, vnější a grafická úprava textu. Odkazování, plagiarismus. Rejstřík a seznamy.
  8. Excel pro studenty. Práce s tabulkami a vzorci, vytváření grafů.
  9. WebSearch. Možnosti vyhledávání, usnadnění a urychlení, strategie. On-line slovníky. Zálohy online – Úschovna, Capsa, Dropbox, Google cloud.

19 komentářů:

  1. 1) Proficient brain usage
    2) Sense of humor (+grain of salt)
    3) Meme knowledge


  2. 1. trpělivost
    2. štěstí
    3. smysl pro humor

    Pavel Bruckner

  3. Task 3. - The skills

    1) The ability to type fast on keyboard
    2) Knowing where to find desired information (other than wiki)
    3) The ability to speak more than just one language.

    Marek Johanis

  4. 1. knowing how to search
    2. speak more than one language can help
    3. creative mind
    Adéla Koutná

  5. 1. be smart and creative
    2. know how to work with pc
    3. speak more than one language
    Adéla Holavová

  6. Patience, adaptability, diligence. Nikola Matulová.

  7. Ability to search what he/she seeks; anonymity(for security); adaptibility.

    František Korejs.

  8. Vital skills for a web user :
    1.Knowing what i want to find/use and why
    2.Knowing where to look
    3.Be realistic

    Lukáš Kubíček

  9. 1) Using the correct keywords
    2) Knowing all of the options for the search, i. e. Image search, etc...
    3) Having a knowledge of few already major websites in all topics we're interested in
    Marek Baraňák

  10. 3 vital skills that a good web user should have
    1) Patience with everything you do
    2) Knowledge of where to look for reliable and good sources
    3) Knowledge of what you can afford and allow on websites

    Turusová Ivana

  11. 1)to be able to adapt to changes
    2)to understand IT words
    3)to know how to search for information

  12. - know some basics of English, you always get more results in English than in Czech
    - get an ad-block sw
    - dont trust everything you find

    Sůva Michal

  13. Curiosity, perseverance and resourcefulness.
    Petr Homola

  14. 1) common sense and inteligence - when we search the web we find plenty of things, we need to reasonably sort the information, because not everything must be true or verified
    2) we need to be cautious - there ale lots of dangerous or shady things
    3) perspective - don't get addicted

    Katka Senešiová

  15. 1)Ability to use search engines efficiently
    2)Know exactly what they are looking for
    3)Be able to distinguish between trustworthy and untrustworthy web pages
    Vít Dupák

  16. 1/ Alespoň základní znalost anglického jazyka
    2/ Nutnost rozpoznat minimálně phishingové/jinak podvodné stránky
    3/ Selský rozum při vyhledávání informací

  17. 1. Je důležité přijímat informace z internetu s určitou rezervou a ověřovat si své zdroje.
    2. Dobrý uživatel by měl znát co nejvíce možností vyhledávání a práce s webem.
    3. "Vše co internet pohltí, už nikdy plně nevrátí." nebo-li, vše co jednou na webu publikujeme, zde navždy zůstane - např. na Facebooku se vše ukládá a každá fotka, každý status může být do budoucna použit kýmkoliv k čemukoliv - dobrý uživatel si dává pozor co, kdy a kde publikuje.

    David T.
