úterý 29. března 2022

Kahoot, Mindmeister, Prezi et al.

  Do you know kahoot?

It is a fast developing commercial platform which aims at techers, offering a space to create fast quizzes to be played online - on a PC or a phone. The scores are registered and compared, which makes the game highly competitive and motivating. Therefore the platform becomes still more popular among the teachers and students.


  1. Play this kahoot quiz (click the link, choose play as a guest, wait for generating the PIN. then go to www.kahoot.it and enter the pin).
  2. Summarise the advantages and disadvantages of such activity in English language teaching. Consider both the views of students AND teachers. Write your opinions in this blog entry comments.


  1. Make pairs. 
  2. Register into Kahoot and create a quiz of your own.
  3. List the types of questions which are offered (including the premium version). Compare with the types available in Moodle.
  4. In pairs, try out the quizzes you made. Share the links in the excel chart, so that more people can try them out. 

To consider:
Would you prefer Moodle or Kahoot for constant teaching/learning support? What are the criteria? Enter your considerations into the comment to this blog.

Go to https://prezi.com/. Explore the possibilities. 
What do you prefer, prezi or powerpoint? Why?

Go to https://www.mindmeister.com/. Explore the possibilities.
Is this an useful tool for you? How does it help?
Would you like to include a mindmap into your topic presentation?

12 komentářů:

  1. + Advantages: Aims students to answer and react quickly to given questions, Fun way to revise topics, not hard to make (if we don´t mention the need to pay for certain things)

    - Disadvantages:
    Not eveyrone reacts with the same speed, for some students it may be frustrating, that they don´t have enough time to read the questions, or can get dissapointed with their answers and bad results.

    Ivana K.

  2. Advantages: the student have fun and the teacher can sit down and relax for a moment, revision of the topic that they talk about that day

    Disadvantages: the students dont learn a lot and can fool around if they dont take the class that seriously

    1. And also i would prefer moodle because its free and has more stuff i can work with, like better tests and you can link youtube videos, etc.

  3. Advantages: A quick review of the topic, a fun and entertaining way how to recap the stuff learned or taught in the class.
    Disadvantages: It does not provide a valuable and precise information to the teacher if all students understood the topic well as it is based mainly on the speed of the answer, which may be guessed. Students usually choose random nicknames and become 'anonymous'. They usually do not take it so seriously so that they tend to guess the answers without actually even reading them all out.

  4. As an advantage we can point out the competition aspect Kahoot has. Students can 'wake up' and be really active, while practising their knowledge.
    But on the other hand, it really forces us, at least a bit, to just guess the right answer. And thus, the end results don't have to corelate with the actual knowledge.

    -Ondřej V.

  5. Havliš

    Advantages: A good way to find out if the students were paying attention during the lecture/the lesson. The teacher has some time to perhaps deal with some other problems.

    Disadvantages: Only works as a quick recap of topics already discussed. It doesn't guarantee that the students will gain knowledge.

    For quick assignments, I suppose kahoot is easier to work with and is more fun. For longer or more serious assignments, I’d pick Moodle because I think there are more options when it comes to modification of the assignment.

  6. Yermakova
    I'd prefer Moodle for teaching and testing. There are more opportunities and types of questions.
    Kahoot advantages: emotions, the form of play, relax, fun;
    teacher can repeat some important info in this way
    Disadvantages: you need premium, too bright, it's difficult to think about the question, impossible to check real students' knowledge

  7. Main advantages of Kahoot are that it is easy to create and it's also very easy for students to use. Because it's interactive, students usually pay more attention.

    Huge disadvantage for me are all those distractors, e.g. flashing bonuses, skill streaks and colours. It's also based on answering quickly, without much thinking, thus it's harder for people who read slowly or have a slower internet connection.


    1. Moodle has the advantage of being free to use for students, and offers basic text editing for writing assignments.

      Kahoot, for some reason, doesn't offer the possibility of adding feddback to student's answer, which is a huge drawback.


  8. + more exciting way to review important informations from the lecture

    - not really helpful tool if rules aren't set right (anonymous students, playing based on speed and not knowledge, too easy questions)


  9. I've dealt with Prezi in the past and although it is an interesting alternative to powerpoint, I prefer the later. Prezi is more aesthetical, but I find the transition between slides annoying - it is unnecesary and it drags the presentation, whereas powerpoint is seamless in this regard.

    Also, seeing the corporate graphic style makes me want to puke. Fuck that!

  10. Advantages:
    for students - some students really like Kahoot quizzes, because they are fun and students don't really have to pay attention
    for teachers - the quizzes are really easy to make

    for students - some students may hate is, because you have to be really quick to win + most people hate losing, especially when everyone can see your score
    for teachers - like I said before "students don't really have to pay attention" - so what's the point when students don't take it seriously (?), teachers are usually only wasting their time with Kahoot quizzes

    Irma Bolkvadze
