čtvrtek 15. února 2018

Your Brand New Website


1. Save, save, backup, save...
2. All files in one folder.
3. No spaces, no diacritics in filenames.


You should be able to:
  • create and format a html file in NVU
  • choose the appropriate structure of the page, and suitable graphics
  • insert links and images into your webpage
  • start a website at webzdarma.cz
Hot tips:
Draw the visual structure of the webpage before editing.
Insert the texts and images before formatting.

Choose a topic and a target level for your HotPot exercises.
Insert this information into the comment to this blog entry.

Your Name
Topic (in detail)
Level + age

Winter clothes
6th grade - elementary

Task 1:
Create a folder named PCSkills on your pen drive.
Create the index.html file in NVU. Save it into the PCSkills folder.

Check the credit requirements and prepare the structure of your web site (use pen and paper first). Start writing the texts, creating more html file you will need, consider the graphics... Be creative!
Insert your pre-prepared texts into the file index.html.

Experiment with formatting, colours, consider the role of images and graphics. Check the links below for ideas:


Insert a link into your page (you may use the link to this blog, or any other page - just make sure you know how to do it).
Save a picture (max.size 1 MB)  into your Web folder. Then open the index.html file, insert the picture into a chosen place.
Save, and view the file index.html in the web browser..

Task 2:
Upload your index.html and the image into your webzdarma.cz
Bask in glory, admiring your first hand-made web page!

Create your pesonal speaking avatar at http://www.voki.com/. Experiment with the variations, insert a speaking text. Then save (no paid account needed!) and copy the full link to your index page.
Upload and refresh  (Ctrl+F5) to check!

Task 3
Download the file Hotkeys_Task.doc from http://prekladani.capsa.cz/, folder PCSkills.
(Log: student, psw: ujep)
Do the task.

1 komentář:

  1. - was/were
    - do/does
    - Present Simple
    - Present Continuous - action/non-action verbs
    - Modal verbs of ability
    - 0, 1 conditionals
    - Plural Irregular Nouns
