sobota 10. února 2018

ICT in ELT ... ??? !!!!!

1.  Prepare texts you will publish in your website, e.g. personal profile, hobbies etc. (see the Credit Requirements for details). Save the texts in .txt file (poznamkovy blok).
2. Think of a catchy name for your new website - e.g.

- a pen drive
- headphones

The key question: How can you use ICT in teaching English? 

Task 1
USE PEN AND PAPER to list your suggestions. Time: max 10'
Task 2
Make groups of three. Compare your notes, create a concise finalised list, ordered according to the importance of various activities. Enter your suggestions into the comments to this blog, and sign by all group-members-names. Time: max 15'
Task 3
Read the comments as they appear, and compare your suggestions with the ideas of other groups. Did you miss anything completely?

Internet Survival Guide

active participation, working on classroom tasks
80% attendance

Projects: (submission deadline May 12, 2018)
1. A personal website (includes: a personal profile, a page on your hobbies/interests including active links to references, HotPot index with basic info (topic, age, level) and links to all HP exercises, links to all school projects and tasks)
2. Hot Potatoes project (matching, multiple choice, gapfill, min. 10 questions each)
3. Survey project (see below)
4. Class-based projects - to be included into your website: your hoax image, two audios (audio for your HotPot topic; a radio report)

Survey - project details
  • Consider a topic which you could use for your bachelor thesis; discuss the choice of topic with yout tutor
  • Set a hypothesis or a research question
  • You will need at least 60 respondents of the chosen target group to get reliable data
  • Prepare the questionnaire and pilot it – do the respondents understand the questions properly? Discuss the questionnaire witht he tutor before using it
  • Consider the way of processing the data in advance and modify the questionnaire design accordingly
  • Consider possible correlations among various questions
  • Disseminate the questionnaire, collect data and analyse them, answer the pre-set questions
  • Write the final report, illustrate the findings with charts and graphs

13.02.2018 CR, basic Internet skills, web safety, ICT in ELT
20.02.2018 Creating a website - elementary; Avatar
27.02.2018 HotPot software
06.03.2018 Images + hoaxes
13.03.2018 Audio + Podcast
20.03.2018 IT reliability, trolling, fake news + školení elektronických zdrojů
27.03.2018 Survey Project online - pilot, progress, data collection, hypotheses and questions
03.04.2018 Word for university students
10.04.2018 Excel + basic statistics - processing survey data
17.04.2018 Developing the webpage, finalising projects
24.04.2018 HotPot advanced - feedback
01.05.2018 HOLIDAY
08.05.2018 HOLIDAY
15.05.2018 credit week

10 komentářů:

  1. - Make presenting and learning easier
    - Make content more entertaining
    - Create and manage your website, host files, information and communicate with students.
    - Create interactive excercises using Hot Potatos etc

    - Jakub Šebek
    - Libor Klasna
    - Jiří Kříž

  2. Jan Veselý, Alona Stecjuková, Jana Lukešová
    1. Interactive textbooks
    2. Listening
    3. Games, quizzes
    4. Presentations
    5. Videos

  3. 1.powerpoint presentation learning materials (pdf textbooks, websites, online lessons)
    3.quizes videos
    Gärtner, Scharf, Váchalová

  4. Saidlová,Horáková,Takáčová

    Creation of educational material
    easy access and distribution of material
    online dictionaries
    videos and audio records
    communication with students

  5. Kateřina Ihnatolová, Jiří Vácha, Lída Fichtnerová.

    1. We can use some sort of educational software to make the lesson more
    interesting and perhaps entertaining/interesting.

    2. We can create an online course that the students can use and learn from it.
    (It's faster than writing notes and filling out answers on paper.)

    3. With the use of internet we can share alot of good educative material like
    videos, documentaries, presentations...

  6. - Create more interactive lessons and get the students to participate more with the help of a program or website.
    - Create a database with ideas (vocabulary and previous tasks) = better organization
    - To visualize things so students can better understand them (presentations, programs, games)
    - Better and faster way to communicate with students even if they aren't in the class

    David Štěpán, Tadeáš Bartek, Kateřina Vávrová

  7. Možné téma - konzumace médií

  8. Téma - 1) Being a teacher abroad vs here in Czech Republic (směrované především na budoucí učitele).

    2) Nebo druhá možnost: Would you like to teach once you finish school? (Obecně pro studenty)

    Stále se nemůžu rozhodnout. Ale přikláním se asi spíš k druhé možnosti.

  9. téma: Why is it important to speak foreign language?

  10. What media have helped you the most while learning English?
