neděle 28. dubna 2013

Social network, information reliability and internet discussion

Social networks are becoming a great advatntage, and also a great risk. Are we able to recognise and eliminate the risks? Or do we follow the pattern and believe everything we read, without a hint of criticism?

Why people love to (consciously) share hoaxes?
What can we learn about our society and ourselves form the discussions below various articles?

1. Read the following articles. Can you identify the mistakes that almost caused stock disaster?
White House explosion? 

2. Read the following article and consider.
A    Which pieces of information are confirmed, reliable facts? Which are hearsay and which are just guesses?   Make three columns on a piece of paper and put down notes.
B     Read the discussion below the article. Write your own reaction and insert it into the comment TO THIS BLOG (not to!! Follow the rules of netiquette and above all, do not use flames. Do not behave like an internet troll!

In reference to your reactions, here is a link to a similar case. The full-story-covering articles are available below this one.

The pen is mightier than the sword. 
Never forget about it.

22 komentářů:

  1. This article is written with the purpose of inflaming the hearts of the whites, it has pretty much the same feeling as any other roma violence article ever. From the reaction we can clearly see, that it works. However, there is very little evidence for any of this, there are not any links or citations and to be honest, I could probably write a text like this in 10 minutes.

    O. Postl

  2. I don't know what to say. If there was a czech parent instead of the roma father, the police would react differently as well as the article would be written differently. Even though the teacher was attacked, nobody will do much about it and that's it.

    1. Do you really believe the reaction of the police and the authorities would be different?
      Or do you mean a different reaction of the media?

    2. First of all the reaction of the police would be totally different and much more strict towards the czech person. Then, the reaction of the media would be also different since we can not find this news anywhere, except of this page. In case a czech person attacked a roma person then the media would be full of this news.

  3. I don't think we should automatically generalize when it comes to this case. Agression is, unfortunately, ever-present in our society nowadays, and it is the matter of upbringing and prevention that we should discuss here. Ethics and morals is what should be dedicated more space in school curriculum. P. R.

  4. Good thing in this article is that the behavior of the gipsies is called racist, uncommon thing in czech news. It would be surprise if the man who attacked this teacher get some punishment and yes i think it is because his color.


    1. According to the law, what punishment, you think could he get? What punishment would be appropriate?

    2. It would be enough if this was considered as a real crime not offense only.

  5. Such situation sounds familiar to me. There were and still are such conflicts in Russia, but they are based not only on the national ground, but on the thought, that teachers are tactless and can`t treat children correctly. In my opiniion, schools are obliged to educate not to bring up children. And if there appear such problems, it`s only parent`s fault.

    1. I agree that parents are responsible; nevertheless, you cannot separate education from upbringing. We influence the kids with everything we do at school, no matter if we are aware of it or not.

  6. What to add, we can only see which direction our society goes. If I imagine this happened to me in future, I can't really express how angry it would get me, it's highly inapropriate to offend a teacher like this. The attacking person probably does not realise, that the teacher gives their kid more experience than his parents and they appreciate it like this? Slowly but still I am being affected by news from schools, how kids behave to teachers and also how parents behave to teachers. I just can not wait till I start teaching, really...

  7. What to do with them? Question that will never be answered. There is hate between these two groups and such incidents only makes more and more tension. Solution? I don´t have one, niether does state. I am on the white side of the baricade and always will be, because of their living style I guess. I just don´t like them and I try to avoid them on the street. Racist? I don´t bother anyone with my poinion.

    1. Is it a black vs. white fight?
      Or poor vs. rich?
      Or intelligent vs. stupid?

  8. I think that media sometimes use a topic that Romany hurt someone because it is something that people like to hear. It may be true sometimes but it seems as the reporters support (intentionally or unintentionally) the general irritation by this problem. It is clear that there are problems with certain group of citizens but it would be unwise to unchain and support the hatred towards this group of people through the media just to make profit.

    Pejchal V.

    1. Ofcourse this kind of action cannot be tolerated and shoud be hardly punished as an assault on a public agent.


  9. In second article we can see good reaction of police, but still, the punishment should be harder. Nobody should treat teachers like this. the punishment in the first case is definitelly weak, punishments are here to teach people not to do the same thing again, right? well then the punishments should be harder so people really remember it and do not repeat the same incidents, with higher respect to the teacher hopefully.

    1. Do we know the punishment from the article? What could it be?

    2. well we dont know the punishment in the first article, but it is being judged as an infraction, which i think is not the right judgement, when he attacked him this way. My judgement would be bodily hurt with some lessons of how to behave socially acceptably.

  10. We can see that teachers are not respected. I´d like to know the reaction of police if the attacked person was someone from the gipsy comunity. The reaction bellow the article? I agree with them. I remember many problems like this one that happend when I was at primary school. I do not remember violent CZECH parents. We have a big problem with gipsies and we need to solve it to protect our citizens.


  11. After reading this artictle and the comments in the discussion bellow, it seems to me as some kind of a ‘‘ routine ‘‘. Because, as it was mentioned above, you can find hundreds of articles with exactly the same feeling like this one on almost every news server. And the comments in the discussions are always the same, they’re all filled with hate to Roma people, you can rarely find a person who would defend this minority. No matter how it may sound, it’s all about parents and their approach to the raising of their children.


  12. This article is written to prove that there is racism by Roma people against “white”. It shows the attitude in a Czech society, which is very tense. This situation is caused by the government and their lack of interest to solve problems of inadaptable citizens and their integration into society. There should be some programmes which would work with Roma children, so far these programmes are run only by non-profit organizations. Anyway, the article does not provide us any specific information; it is hard to say what happened, the whole article is written from the perspective of a teacher.
    Berková S.

  13. I couldn’t miss that the situation is only described from the point of view of the teacher. Victims almost every time put some spice into the story so they look more innocent and the attacker more violent. I’m not saying that this was the case but still there’s a chance it might be. Plus if the kid only “bumped into” the teacher in the hall while running from behind a corner, would it be necessary to take the kid to a doctor? When I was at an elementary school this happened to me quite a few times but I never needed any kind of a medical check. It might be true that the kid lied and said that what is written in the article that’s one theory. It is also possible that the kid bumped into the teacher and this teacher might be short-tempered and slapped the kid. It could hardly be considered as “beating up” the kid but still it’s something that even “whites” don’t mostly tolerate…

