pondělí 8. dubna 2013

Presenting and Referencing

1. Presenting
Can you present with Powerpoint?
An can you present WITHOUT it?
Sum up your opinion to Powerpoint into the comments to dhis blog.

Some links to improve your presentation skills:



Tired of Powerpoint? Try Prezi!
Register and try to prepare a presentation on any (funny) topic. Publish the presentation at your website. 

2. References and bibliography - a hot tip
Do you know how to refer to the books you quote?

Register and explore!

3. How to make a gallery

1. prepare the photos in full resolution (save them separately as a backup!) and record the audiofiles.
Be careful about filnames and folders! Be systematic!
2. Create two sets of images: web version (1600 pt the longer side) and thumb (icon) version - cca 20-30Kb
3. Create a new html file, name it Gallery. Insert a table 3x4. Insert the icons into the cells.
Link each icon to the web versin of the same image.
Add audio to each image (e.g. "Click here to hear the comment" - link to the audio file.)


23 komentářů:

  1. Powerpoint is one of the loveliest programs, since it makes any school-issued presentations much easier.

    O. Postl

  2. Znám, umím, skvělý nástroj na pracovní nebo školní prezentace, nicménně je doslova všude, je velmi omezený co se kreativity týče a víc se mi líbí prezentace třeba ve flashi nebo v dalších alternativách.
    Powerpoint a jeho openofficová sestra Impress jsou jednoduše přeužívané

  3. It is useful. I like how it works. However I don¨t like people using it just for reading content.

  4. Powerpoint is useful tool if used properly. It depends on the user if he/she is or isn't capable of using powerpoint presentation.


  5. I don't care about powerpoint and powerpoint doesn't care about me :) Honza.

  6. Základy a trochu víc s powerpointem umím, ale že by mě ten program nějak fascinoval to v žádným případě, teď jak jsem koukal na Prezi, tak v tom pracovat musí být daleko záživnější a pro ostatní potom i lepší na koukání. jednoduše, powerpoint moc rád nemám ale s jiným programem na prezentace nemám zkušenosti :)

    1. Jistě si ho v blízké budoucnosti oblíbíš!!!

  7. I like powerpoint, it is useful for teachers and I like working with it. I think it makes lectures more interesting.
    B. Malcová

  8. Useful. Helpful. But I dont have any special feelings to it. M.Řápková

  9. Když používáno pro předčítání velkých textů, na pěst. Jinak dobrá věc. Velká pomoc při jakékoliv prezentaci, referátu atd. Není složité naučit se základy.


  10. In general, powerpoint may be a very good tool if used in the right way, i.e. when the presentations are not merely slides full of long text copied from the Wikipedia, which the speaker reads.
    In the classroom, presentations can be a great way of speaking practice if students are allowed to use an outline only.
    Plus other advantages - good motivation - using visuals, games, quizes, etc. (Petra Rihova)

  11. Everyone knows how to work with Powerpoint, they teach you that at elementary school, they teach you that at high school, and then twice at university. It's very simple and that's what makes it powerful. Any presentation made in PP should be good enough.


  12. Useful but I don´t like it.Tereza H.

  13. Jednoduchý, srozumitelný, užitečný. Raková

  14. Powerpoint is a lovely and technologicaly advanced way how to present some information, it can help you to separate your lecture into smaller sections and make it interesting thanks to the additional functions, but if you're a good speaker, you make do even with a piece of paper. P.J.

  15. Ppt is a great software because everybody, teacher is not an exception, is focusing on the board so students can comfortably sleep during presentation, that's nice. Aleš

  16. I like it. People use it a lot and it makes presentations easier. I can work with it but I'm no expert.

  17. It is really useful tool, especially for students or teachers. It is easy to understand and you can create amazing presentations if you play with it. However I don't like it that much.


  18. PP je rozhodně dobrý program na výrobu prezentací, může to přednášejícímu hodně usnadnit práci a udělat prezentaci daleko zajímavější díky používání obrázků atd. Může však také odvést pozornost studentů (např. příliš textu, který studenti čtou a neposlouchají dále přednášejícího). Celkově ho hodnotím kladně, ale nemám zkušenosti s jinými programy. Berková
