úterý 22. března 2022

CALLing for Practice


CALL = Computer Assisted Language Learning

e.g. Moodle, Duolingo... or any other way of studying with the support of ICT

even has its own journal!


Usual techniques for practice and testing

  • yes-no/true-false
  • matching
  • ordering
  • multiple choice
  • gap fill/cloze test
  • open questions
  • creative production


Study the pros and cons of various test types HERE. Any disagreements?

What is your favourite test technique - from the different point of view:

  1. as a  student
  2. as a teacher
Add your answer into the comments to this blog entry. Sign your comment.
Read the other comments and try to identify the  reasons why people prefer specific techniques - and what are the T's and Ss' reasons.

More techniques to consider: which can be used to practicing language skills, and which focus mainly on memorised factual knowledge? 


TASK 2 - see the Moodle Blog entry.

23 komentářů:

  1. Irma Bolkvadze
    My favorite test technique
    - as a student: multiple choice
    - as a teacher: summarizing

  2. Yermakova
    As a sudent: multiple choice
    As a teacher: oral presentation

  3. Vénos
    My favourite test technique, as a student, is yes/no variation. As a teacher, I would go for multiple choice technique.

  4. Tomková
    My favorite test technique
    As a student - multiple choice
    As a teacher - note taking/summarizing

  5. as a student: true/false, gap-filling
    as a teacher: multiple choice

  6. Daniel Vojtek
    As a student: multiple choice / gap-filling
    As a teacher: multiple choice

  7. Fischerová
    As a student: multiple choice
    As a teacher: open questions

  8. As a student, I prefer essays and oral examinations, because it allows me to get the idea across more easily. It is also a great way to practice language skills. The huge advantage for me is also the fact, that you don't need to know answers for just a few concrete questions, but you can talk about what you actually know.

    On the other hand, I understand that being a teacher is a very time consuming, especially when teaching a large amount of people, and so oral examinations are not always possible. For this purpose, saving time is essential and multiple choice or gap-filling tests are the way to go.

    Bludský Tomáš

  9. Matoušková
    as a student: multiple choice, true/false
    as a teacher: summarizing, multiple choice

  10. I would say that the one of the essay's cons is purely subjective, and that is the con of "requiring more time to grade". It really matters only on the teacher. Sometimes, one teacher takes days or even weeks to grade a matching/ yes or no test, while another one takes just a day or two to properly grade essays from his students.

    Otherwise, I agree with most of the insights provided.

    From teacher's perspective, I would prefer essays from these three methods, as it gives students the biggest opportunity to express themselves and to utilise their language skills/knowledge.

    As a student, I wouldn't mind any of the techniques mentioned. I would, however, enjoy essays the most. Probably. It strongly depends on the teacher, the task itself and the amount of freedom provided.

    -Ondřej Vencko

  11. Anna Kušnírová

    Favorite test technique as a teacher would be multiple choice, easier to grade, can still put in trick questions for those who didn't study.

    As a student it'd be true/false questions, I need to learn for it to be confident in my answers, but if unsure, I still have a 50% chance of answering correctly.

  12. Kuriljaková
    One of my most favourite test techniques:
    As a student: Matching and Multiple choice option
    As a teacher: Summarizing, matching and paraphrasing - Students have ability to explain certain topics in their own words and still answer the question correctly, even if they don´t use the learned definition, this allows us to see how deep student understands the topic or not.

  13. Radek Hlíza
    As a student: multiple choice / essay
    As a teacher: summarizing / essay

  14. Zuzana Bečková
    In general, I think it mostly depends on the topic or the area which is being tested, so it is difficult to assess which one I prefer like a student or a teacher.
    As a student as well as a teacher, the quickest and easiest way is a multiple choice or yes/no questions, gap filling or matching.
    However, if you need to know student´s opinion or attitude towards a certain topic, I would use more open format, such as an essay, role-play, free interview or open-ended questions.

  15. As a student it would be a multiple-choice test because my handwriting is terrible and it's always been easier for me.
    As a teacher I'd choose essay. I am interested in opinions of other people, even though it's harder to assess and takes more time.

  16. From a student's standpoint, I feel like that the multiple choice questions are suitable for a lower level class or topic. However, the more advanced a student and the exam they are undertaking is, the more I believe they should be provided with the room for dynamicaly expressing their answer in a much more suitable testing method, such as open-ended questioning.

    From a teacher's perspective, I would only say that having the insight of the students and taking it into account is only beneficial for structuring the correct testing methods for a given class. But it's also important to consider a method that truly tests the class, not only what makes them feel the most comfortable. Therefore, I do not see any of the methods described as great or terrible, but rather as conduits for individual approaches to be selected as deemed the most suitable for the given situation/class.

    My favorite testing methods would be translating, summarizing and paraphrasing.

    To conclude, I am all for every testing method, so long as it serves well for those undertaking it.

    Denis Lochman

  17. Dohnal
    As a student: Oral presentation, open-ended questions. Anything that forces engaging of a person and thinking. Summary for the closure is important as well.

  18. Pham
    As a student I prefer Multiple Choice Tests, because they are easier and it takes less time to finish them.
    As a teacher I prefer Multiple Choice Test too, because I can test a broader subject and the test are easily scored.

  19. As a student: Multiple choice or essay
    As a teacher: Oral presentation or essay

  20. Hissenová (i cant see my comment so im trying it again)As a student i like multiple choice tests because it is a lot easier As a teacher i think i will like oral presentation to hear the student speaking and/or yes/no test because they can be easier for me to grade

  21. Havliš

    My favorite test technique as a student is probably essay writing, because I feel like I can express myself in a range as wide as possible.

    As a teacher, I would prefer multiple choice, because I think that if you ask the right questions, you test the knowledge quite well and it doesn't take loads of time to read all the entries.

  22. Kateřina Kobzáňová
    I have no disagreements.
    My favourite techniques as a student are true/false or yes/no questions because it's pretty easy to get the right answer.
    As a teacher it would probably be multiple choices, because it's still easy to grade but a bigger chance for the students to get a wrong answer than with for example yes/no questions.

  23. Kořen
    Both as a student or as a teacher, I prefer essay because I´m more interested in training/testing comprehension, insight and operation with ideas/meaning, rather than examination of memorized material. However, tests such as the multiple-choice possess great efficiency and under certain circumstances would prove to be more adequate.
