čtvrtek 8. dubna 2021

Multiple Choice


MC is a frequently used and favoured type of task/test. Why?

Suggested format:

  • 10 questions
  • 4 distractors for each (no mistakes allowed as distractors!)
  • For questions and answers, preferably use sentences, not isolated words. Do not translate.
  • Keep in mind WHAT you want to teach. Language, facts, or both?

Feedback should include

  • correct language input
  • additional information/facts
  • hints or directions toward the correct answer

MC tasks, above all task types, must offer a high quality feedback: motivating, positive, informative.

How do I make a good feedback in multiple choice?

Just follow these simple tips:

  • DO NOT use capitals, exclamation marks, "NO!" "Unfortunately..." etc.
  • Be positive :) - do not start the feedback with "Sorry, no..."
  • Add extra information in good English, eg.:

Where do lions live? Chosen answer: "Malaysia" 

Feedback: "Tigers live in India, but lions live in Africa."



  • Choose a simple vocabulary-focused topic, e.g. furniture, winter clothes... remember the fields you covered at high school.
  • Create a list of 10 vocabulary items you want to teach and practice.
  • Formulate 5 MC questions, and 4 distractors to each.
  • Add suitable feedback to each distractor.
Having all the items described above ready, go to moodle and create a MC test in your personal space.

Postup - pro české nastavení:
  • Zapnout režim úprav
  • Založit test. to byste měli mít hotové :)
  • Otevřít test
  • Zvolit příkaz Upravit test
  • Zvolit příkaz Přidat +novou úlohu
  • Zvolit typ Výběr z možných odpovědí
Vyplněním formuláře vytvoříte první otázku.


Another independent freeware to create interactive exercises:

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