pondělí 18. března 2019

HotPot revisited

Some features of Hot Potatoes will appear in all CALL - Computer Assisted Language Leanrning materials. Let's explore them in more detail. Focus on the menu Options - Configure output.

1. Titles + prompts enable the user to improve instructions and add more info.
2. Buttons - a space for creating html links.
3. Appearance - avoid dull grey AND sharp and intensive colours. The colour combination influences the mood and concentration of the learner.
4. Timer :) use it wisely!
5. OTHER - this menu changes for each format, feel free to explore! You can use e.g.
  • limiting
  • shuffling
  • showing lists of possible answers

6. in JQuiz only: File - Add reading text. 


Task 1
Check the links among your exercises.

Task 2
Focus on feedback in your quiz. A good feedback should
  • present appropriate input - high amount of correct language
  • be positive! do not criticise, rather include hints and ideas (not solutions)
  • bring new information outside language
  • be true
  • prompt and motivate


Examples of inacceptable feedback:

Sorry, try again
Are you serios?
you should have studied mnore
No way.
You should think before you click.
This is not the right answer.

Examples of suitable feedback:

Q: What do you use for reading?
A a book
B a toy FDB: We use toys for playing. (IMAGE)
C a table FDB: We eat on a table. (IMAGE)
D a dog FDB: Dog is a friendly animal. (IMAGE)

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