středa 6. února 2019


active participation, working on classroom tasks
80% attendance

Projects: (submission deadline May 12, 2019)
1. A personal website (includes: a personal profile, HotPot index with basic info (topic, age, level) and links to all HP exercises, links to all school projects and tasks)
2. Hot Potatoes project (matching, multiple choice, gapfill, min. 10 questions each)
3. Survey project (see below) - links to the questionnaire and the final presentation (Prezi or another interactive format)
4. All class-based projects - your hoax image, audio etc.

- a pen drive
- headphones

1.  Prepare texts you will publish in your website, e.g. personal profile, hobbies etc. (see the Credit Requirements for details). Save the texts in .txt file (poznamkovy blok).
2. Define the question(s) to be answered by your survey. Prepare the questionnaire draft and bring it next week as a  HARDCOPY.


The key question: How can you use ICT in teaching English? 

Task 1
Read the following article:
Note down any terms you have never encountered, and tools you have never used. Make a personal plan - choose which of the unknown tools you will try out during the lesson.
TIP: Always note your plans down - writing supports logical thinking, reasoning, timing, and enables final check.

Task 2
Reflect your personal experience and preferences. Make a list of three activities using ICT which you regularly use to support your studies. use PEN AND PAPER! You need not sign the sheet.
When finished, pass the paper on. Read the lists written by the other students and compare.

Task 3
Watch the video HERE.
Who made it? How? For what purpose?
What do you think of the video? Summarise your opinions in the comment to this blog entry.


Task 4 - optional
What is Kahoot?
Register, and try out! work in groups, test your tests.

Task 5
For publishing and sharing anything, you need a space you can edit freely. Let's create a private website!

Create a folder named PCSkills on your pen drive.
Create the index.html file in NVU. Save it into the PCSkills folder.
Write a short introductory text into the file index.html. You will improve it later.

[WYSIWYG editors for Mac]

Experiment with formatting, colours, consider the role of images and graphics...

  • Insert a link to the KAJ Dept. page.
  • Insert a picture you took (avoid copyright problems!).
  • Create an Avatar HERE and add the link into your index.html.

Create a free account at Design a catchy name for your domain.
Upload your index.html and the image to your site in webzdarma.

Bask in glory, admiring your first hand-made web page!

Experiment with formatting, colours, consider the role of images and graphics. Check the links below for ideas:



Internet Survival Guide

Survey - project details
  • Consider a topic which you could use for your bachelor thesis; discuss the choice of topic with yout tutor
  • Set a hypothesis or a research question
  • You will need at least 60 respondents of the chosen target group to get reliable data
  • Prepare the questionnaire and pilot it – do the respondents understand the questions properly? Discuss the questionnaire witht he tutor before using it
  • Consider the way of processing the data in advance and modify the questionnaire design accordingly
  • Consider possible correlations among various questions
  • Disseminate the questionnaire, collect data and analyse them, answer the pre-set questions
  • Write the final report, illustrate the findings with charts and graphs


13.02.2019 CR, basic Internet skills, web safety, ICT in ELT, Survey design; Creating a website
20.02.2019 Creating a website - continued; Avatar; online ELT resources
27.02.2019 HotPot
06.03.2019 Images + hoaxes
13.03.2019 Audio + Podcast
20.03.2019 IT reliability, trolling, fake news
27.03.2019 Survey Project online - pilot, progress, data collection, hypotheses and questions
03.04.2019 Word for university students
10.04.2019 Excel + basic statistics - processing survey data
17.04.2019 Developing the webpage, finalising projects
24.04.2019 HotPot advanced - feedback
01.05.2019 HOLIDAY
08.05.2019 HOLIDAY
15.05.2019 credit week

21 komentářů:

  1. Bubbly, motivational feeling, funny hand gestures. -S.Máchová

  2. Probably a teacher, she made it in some video creator and she made it for educational purposes. The video was awesome, good choice! :-)

  3. Rania Essa- English learning Youtube channel. It would be better with sound on. :) nice colours tho. Zuzana Bónová & Kateřina Kučerová

  4. The video was made by Rania Essa to make us interested in our lessons about using ICT in English learning. It was created in "PowToon".
    Dominik Šebor and Ondřej Vilacký

  5. I think the video was made by a university teacher who wanted to present the plan for her course in an original, friendly way that would catch the attention of the students. The video was cute but the design could have been better. I appreciate that everything that was being said was also provided as written text, making it more accessible for everyone. I think using videos in lectures is a good way to spice the lectures up a little.

  6. She's got some nice moves, really entertining
    - Petr S.

  7. She has unrealistic goals with me. But Appreciate her enthusiasm.
    Martin Špet <3

  8. 1. some girl 2. in some kind of applicationg for presentations 3. to improve learning and studying
    I think it was nicely made, it is interactive, eye-catching because of the vibrant colours

  9. Who made it? I would say an English Teacher Rania Essa.

    What was purpose? Introduction to the subject and learning plan for semester.

    I think that it's interesting way to start subject and make learning more enjoyable.

    Vojtěch Novák

  10. The teacher character was distracting me from reading since there was no sound included. The slides were too fast and I had to stop the video several times. Overall there was too much movement in the video. Probably made my Rania Essa, since that's the youtube channel and it was mentioned in the video.
    - Marek Dyrynk

  11. Rania English Essa
    To give us a confidence with English learning!!!
    Very colourful, nice!!!

  12. 1) Teacher
    2) Moviemaker
    3) For students
    4) Interesting, fast and simple way how to attract attention... Markéta Sluková

  13. Rania Essa made the video. She made maybe it using Stelar semester. She made it for us to uderstand what is the course about. The video was quick and with prety animations, I think she spend a lot of time on this video to make it look this good.

    -Kateřina Uhlířová

  14. A teacher made it using some software for animation. The video is for future teachers so they know how to use ICT in their class. It was nice but I don't think it would help me.

    - Kami Tahadlová

  15. Who? Rania English
    How? Pow Toon
    Purpose? Introduction to the course
    Thoughts? Eh... fine.
    Kuba L.

  16. -Rania Essa
    -dunno - prop' some editor programme?
    -for introducing ICT ELT in attractive way
    -nicely made, catches attention and greatly understandable thanks to the text (even without the sound)

  17. Rania Essa
    perhaps by Pow Toon
    to introduce us technologies we can use in learning English, and teach us how to use them

  18. Consider:
    how much do you actually remeber of the CONTENT?
    what is the role of animation in a presentation?
    what is the effect of "funny" unrelated images in any text?

  19. how? _ animation (PowToon)
    made by? _ Rania, I suppose
    purpose? _ introduction
    thoughts _ seems boring. the character is distracting. music is generic. as is the whole animation

    - Doan Hai Nguyen
