úterý 21. listopadu 2017

Online resources: BBC + Dictionaries

TASK 1 - a professional ELT site

Go to https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/
Explore the site and try to find ansers to the following questions:

1. Who are the target audience of the site? Why?
2. How many full-load admins the site requires? (make your best shot)
3. What are teaching tools?
4. Where do you find interactive online games for young learners?
5. Find and download a teaching listening poster.
6. Watch the video called How to draw people and actions. Try to draw a figure in action.
7. What are Cuisenaire rods and how can they be used in ELT?
8. Who is a 21st century boy?

The site https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/ can satisfy almost all English teacher's needs, concerning methodology and teaching resources.

Bonus - Improve your vocabulary!

TASK 2 - Online Dictionaries

Which of them offer classroom activities?
List the specific features of one chosen dictionary in the comment to the blog. Focus on suprising, innovative, inventive features. Suggest how to use them in an English lesson.


33 komentářů:

  1. https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/

    This is the site where you can get activities for classroom.

    What teachers could use for classrooms would in my opinion be the section of grammar.Where a teacher could use explanations of grammar or spelling or writing advice and be sure that the information is correct

    1.You can use Thesaurus which is a site where you can find synonyms for different words

    2.Oxford Dictionary word of the year award.Not really important but an interesting feature to maybe learn new words.

    3.A feature called Words list is really innovative in my opinion.What it does is that you get small articles about words that otherwise would by hard to find on their own.

    4.Language questions.Interesting part of the site where you can learn about origins of words and so on

  2. http://www.dictionary.com/

    It's an online dictionary.
    A) It includes the ability to search for specific words
    B) It allows to search for synonyms of a specific word (similar to thesaurus.com)
    C) It lists each and every word/phrase in alphabetical order
    D) A "word of the day" function, which turns every daily visit into an enhancement of your own personal vocabulary
    F) It provides news and articles related to the topic

    The usage in classroom would probably be related to either daily visits of the "word of the day" page in each student's individual spare time OR to acces the webpage during lessons of critical/creative writing.

    - Zbyněk Ksandr

  3. https://www.merriam-webster.com/

    Popular words in past 24 hours

    Interesting word quizes and games, these can be used as teach new words and test the vocabulary via interactive way

    Easy switching between Dictionary nad Thesaurus, for ease of finding definitions and synomyms and antonyms.

    Many videos about words and their origin or just interesting words in general


  4. I think all of these web pages can be used in class. Not only when you have to find a meaning of certain word or the right pronunciation but also as something new and interesting. For example on this web site (https://www.merriam-webster.com/ ) are some videos that can be interesting for students and also beneficial. Students can also take some quiz that are in the web site to improve and explore their vocabulary and widen it by this activity. More over there is everyday new word “word of the day” which students can add to their vocabulary and so have it as wide as possible.


  5. https://www.merriam-webster.com/
    1. Interactive games and quizes, visualized nicely, so they keep the interest, also the content and the feedback is good.
    2. Word of the day feature - you can get a new word every day and expand your vocabulary with 365 words per year, this is a very good idea, because its not a hard thing to learn one word every day, but in the end, your vocabulary expands by 365 of them.
    3. Videos - Great explanation of certain words. Their history and linguistical context.
    4. Dictionary itself - Dictionary itself is very useful, because of a wide explanation from etymology to correct pronunciation or actual examples of use of the word in sentences.

    Other dicitonaries have similliar functions, but the crucial aspect of merriam webster, by my opinion, is its visual side. Its design feels friendly for example Macmillian Dictionary uses aggresive red color and the webpage itself feels more serious and not that friendly.

    Dominik Böhm

    1. 3. What are teaching tools?
      From the interactive phonemic chart to badge builders. Many of them. Flash cards, classroom posters, etc.

  6. TASK 2
    In my opinion the best dictionaries are https://www.urbandictionary.com/ and https://www.merriam-webster.com/ depending on what you want to do. Urban dictionary is good for common language and Merriam-Webster is full of interesting quizes with very well done feedback which can teach you a lot and really motivate you.

  7. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/

    Interesting and clear design, easy to navigate in.

    Ability to translate to so many languages with explanation of use given.

    Making our own word lists and quizzes.

    Also the list of newly created words. Which I found very interesting.

    Grammar also explain nicely.


  8. Task 2

    I think that best one is https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/
    because of its features like quizes, games, videos, etc. It is an effective tool for classroom use.
    But I also like https://www.urbandictionary.com.
    This one can be used as a entertaining way to learn vocabulary + it is funny.

    Josef Jindra

  9. https://www.merriam-webster.com/

    Offers several quizes, tests, and games that could be used also in classrooms.

    This page also has Thesaurus besides the normal dictionary, which is very usefull.

    The Word of the Day is interesting way how to learn new word every single day.

    We can find there a lot of videos and that could be used in classrooms as well.


  10. TASK ONE:

    1) Teachers
    3)Items, materials and methods used in the classroom.
    7)Colourful wooden rods used to represent different areas of language.
    8)A male student with "21 century" skills.

  11. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/

    - Easy and quick to use
    - Words have many examples of translation
    - If you dont know what word you are exactly looking for you can look at the closest ones in the bottom of the page
    - On the same page there is link to grammar
    - The best option for right pronunciation UK/US


    1. 3) lesson plan, traning courses, reading , listening, writing, pronunciation

  12. All of the dictionaries are useful. I would say that https://www.merriam-webster.com/ and https://dictionary.cambridge.org/ are the most effective websites. I like the quizzes on merriam-webster. You can learn from these quizzes a lot. There is spelling, grammar, pronunciation, meaning of the word and phrases. I would prefer merriam-webster for classroom activities because of the quizzes and the dictionary.cambridge is focused more about the grammar of the words.

  13. 1) Site is for teachers

    2) 15 admins

    3) As teaching tools there is used writing, listening, reading, storytelling, dictionaries, presentations, voki etc.

    7) Small wooden rods, used in classrooms to represent areas of language

    8) Someone with "21. Century Skills", for example understanding modern technology


  14. Classroom activities: Oxford, Merriam Wbster, Mcmillian

    OXROFD: Quizzes and games, Videos

    Innovative: Quizzes on MW. Very addictive!

  15. TASK 1

    The site can be probably used as a primary source for methodology and teaching because it has a vast amount of articles about all sort of things that teacher could need
    1. Teachers, people interested in methodology, to help them
    2. 20
    3. Writting, listening, reading, Storytelling, Presentations, Voki, Dictionaries, exercises
    7. What are Cuisenaire rods and how can they be used in ELT? Cuisenaire rods are small wooden rods of different lengths and colours. They are used as a classroom resource to visually represent various areas of language. Used for storytelling, classroom management
    8. Student with skill needed in 21st century (computer and internet usage etc.)

  16. https://www.merriam-webster.com/

    - many quizes to test your knowledge, can be useful
    - interesting videos
    - not boring page
    - can be used in school

  17. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/
    - can be used at school
    - you can also practice your grammar
    - many examples of translation, better understanding
    - UK and US pronunciation

  18. From all the dictionaries of the list, the one that I found the most novel and interesting is https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/

    It is not only a dictionary in which we can look up the meaning of words, but it also offers very useful and interesting information about the language:

    - Origin and history of words
    - Current information on topics related to language and literature
    - Trending words
    - Popular posts
    - Use of grammar
    - Some history of English language
    - etc

    This dictionary is a very interesting and entertaining resource for learning English. It is a great way to learn about the English language that can be worked both in class time, and at home.

    I think it would be a good tool to we used not only with students of high primary education and of secondary level, but also with adults: the teacher can also learn a lot using this tool, using it to improve his knowledge and level of English.
    It can be worked both in class time, and at home.

    Laura Carmona

  19. 3- Lesson plans, resources for lessons, suggestions on topics, posters, badges, motivating

  20. Everything teacher uses to teach. Interactive boards, black boards, computers….

  21. 3 - writing, listening, presentations, revision, topic and suggestions on those topics, dictionaries etc.

  22. Teaching Tools: Items, materials and methods used in the classroom.

  23. 3. What are teaching tools?

    Teaching tools are resources a teacher can use to enrich the classroom experience and provoke and facilitate learning processes.
    This web site is full of teaching tools and activities that teachers of primary and high school could put into practice in the class.
    https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/ is a useful resource for teachers who want to work on a specific topic, since there is a great variety of activities and possibilities.

    Laura Carmona

  24. 3. Teaching tools are any tools that the teacher uses to teach, from periodic table charts badge builders


  25. 3. digital storytelling, quizes, games, exercises

    Josef Jindra

  26. 1.Teachers
    2.Well at least 2 I would not say that just 1 person can know about everything.
    3.Writing, talking, games focus on learning the content of the lesson, listening, Badge builders,rules posters
    4.Well the dictionaries have some games and basically you can find many things on the internet
    7. They are wooden rods in different colours and sizes. Each of the rods can represent different kind of topics of the content in the lesson.
    8. Who is a 21st century boy?
    How the children can be educated, what they need to be well educated and which new approaches will be used.

  27. https://www.ldoceonline.com/

    I like this one, because it features the words of the day, hot topic, literature and the picture of the day. The students will like it too or I will make them. I will also use this dictionary if Mr. Longman would sponsor my lectures.
