středa 19. dubna 2017


TASK 1:  Explore the following sites, identifying markers of reliability and manipulation in them:

Good news :) Students took the issue into their own hands:

Confirmation bias in media (in Czech)

Third Wave Experiment, 1967
Stanford Prison Experiment, 1971

Kyberšikana učitelů
...a pokračování

Make pairs. Design a web-based activity for an English lessson, which would develop the kids' reading abilities AND their skills in analysing and evaluating information.
Target group: 8th grade, level A2
Describe the activity in a comment to this blog entry (do not forget to sign).

středa 12. dubna 2017

True or false, troll or elf

Bojím se hexavakcíny, poradíte?
Lidicky, je tady někdo z rodičů, kteří nenaočkovali dítě hexavakcínou, ale nechali si očkování nějak rozdělit? Mám hrozný strach z vedlejších účinků, autismu a podobně, připadá mi to šílené narvat do takového tělíčka tolik jedu…děkuji za každou reakci.
Když jsem se ptala dětské lékařky, co si myslí o hexavakcíně, řekla mi, že je o ní přesvědčena jako o šetrné. Po krátké diskuzi a výměně argumentů mi řekla, že – farmaceutické firmy říkají, že šetrná je – ale reakce na ni často bývají. Na to mi řekla, že by se ani tolik nebála hexavakcíny, ale spíš vakcíny MMR. Na které jsou reakce šílené. A dokonce se začíná – už dost nahlas proslýchat – že právě tahle vakcína je za vzestupem epidemie autismu, který se v USA nabírá dost razantně na obrátkách.

Task: You have 15 minutes to browse the internet and find some reliable info on the dangers and benefits of vaccination. Then start the online discussion in the blog comments: try to help the stressed mother, and react to other comments. Try to be as much calm, logical and facts-based as possible.
You can use Czech or English in the discussion, as you prefer.

úterý 11. dubna 2017

Excel and statistics for teachers

Problem 1 : How should a teacher use excel for class evaluation and statistics?

Download two files (excel_start and excel_1) from, Folder PCSkills.
The "start" file shows erratic notes on Ss results, saved in WORD.

Task 1 - Editing
Follow the instructions in the word file - your task is to create a highly practical list of students ond their results in Excel format.

  1. Consider which headings are missing, and add them.
  2. Order the students alphabetically.
  3. Find out how to transfer the sheet from word to excel without too much work :)
Task 2 - Statistics
  1. Prepare some statistics – AVERAGE results of each test, of each student, the best and the worst mark of each test (MAX, MIN) and of each student.
  2. Find out what MODE and MEDIAN mean. Use them.
  3. Use the form COUNTIF for finding how many Ss got 1 during the whole term.
  4. Assign different weight to the marks and apply the weighted average to get the final mark for each student. 
  5. Express some of your statistical data in graphical forms. Which types of graphs should you use?
Analysing research data

Task 1
Download the data you gained through your questionnaires. Prepare a graphical presentation showing the results of your survey. Decide which types of graphs are the most suitable.
Choose the most revealing and interesting results and comment on them. What factors influenced the results? How would you modify the questionnaire to get more exact data?

Prepare a short presentation of your results in PREZI and share the link in the comments below. Insert the link to your survey and the link to the final presentation into your webpage!

Pie graphs are used only when describing the split of a limited sum of recipients or other data.
Example: Identifying the use of potatoes in the kitchen:  50% get boiled, 25% are mashed, the rest is used to make soups.

Task 2
In some surveys it is very important to mutually relate various findings -  to prove or disprove a correlation between two facts, e.g. the amount of physical acitivity and the weight of a person.

1. Downolad the excel file KorelacePriklad.xls form capsa. Use the formula explained in this link: Korelace v excelu - příklad to find out the correlations among the given sets of data.

2. Downolad the excel file Verejny... .xls form capsa and explore the formula used for counting individual teaching loads: =DSUMA(I7:J116;"Úvazek";L1:L2). How does it work, what does it summarise?

3. Study the following articles. You should understand, and be able to explain and apply at least the descriptive statistics. Ask the tutor for help if necessary.

Focus on the examples - try to understand the information in the data before dealing with the methods.
Consider real-life examples,  or use the real data to experiment with descriptive statistics.

Descriptive statistics - Distribution, Central Tendency (Average, Mode, Median), Dispersion, Standard Deviation
Correlation example

Úvod do popisné statistky
Popisná statistika
Co je korelace?
Čtyřpolní a kontingenční tabulka
Měření závislosti, korelace a regrese