středa 11. listopadu 2015

E-learning and Moodle

E-learning is a popular and worldwide form of supporting students, especially in distance programs.
E-learning materials reflect the content and form of a textbook, and add the necessary feedback which in a real class would be provided by the teacher.
E-learning can offer resources in any format, from text and images up to online videos and interactive test. Neverthless, all these can always be found somewhere... what remains REALLY important is not the material, but the supportive STRUCTURE of the course.

When creating an e-learning course, we usually use one of the free platforms available; during the years, Moodle became probably the best known and most used platform. The platform enables the user to create a course in the same way we create textbooks or worksheets: adding information, resources, references, tasks, tests...

When creating the material, we consider (apart form the learner, aims, teaching situation and other features of the real life) the FORM and CONTENT.

The FORM includes the logical organisation, navigation, graphics, icons, images...
The CONTENT includes the topic, the information we present, and the ways they are processed.

1. Go to
Create your personal moodle account.

2. While the accout is being processed, find out more about Moodle at  Explore the site. You might try this page first:

3. Log in at  Explore the site again; read the discussion at
Then go to - Mount Orange School - and explore how Moodle works; view the courses from several different roles!

4. Use the Mount Orange site as sandbox.
Experiment with the courses, tests and various settings. READ the available comments!

5. What did you learn about Moodle?
What features surprise you?
What new aspects apear in e-learning, comapred to your experience and expectation?
Write your answers into the comments to this blog entry.

More links:
Moodle home 
General features

14 komentářů:

  1. I was overwhelmed by the amount of features. It's a lot more expansive than I was expecting it to be. Can't really say much more at the moment, sorry.


  2. Robert Sluka

    First of all, I appreciate the wast broadness of Moodle and its use in nor only education but alson in personal matter as a cool way of document sharing. Also I love the idea of Moodle as storage for materials that may be of some use in the future, but are too good to be just thrown away. And I like the way tests are inserted, they are easy to understand, easy to fill and complete with feedback and immediate correction and evaluation.

    From me, thumbs up, Moodle for everyone.

  3. It really surprised me how complex Moodle is and how many functions it has. I like the wide range of options for communication between the students.I also like some lectures and their stuctures including a lot of different exercises.


  4. I was surprised by the poll questionnaire option in the courses, what was unfortunate however was that the only options were to agree/disagree with a certain statement – but no follow up question –WHY?
    I like the multilingual possibilities, however the content has to be then translated and duplicated and updated twice or three times (every time a change is made)
    Track of student progress was the most surprising for me, however this can be altered with externally and other variables in evaluation may also occur.
    Sometimes the sources can be contradictory or even misleading – wiki sources e.g. in linguistics tend to deliver uneven and not unified terminology – e.g.: discourse definitions, syntactic tree analysis etc. – the same applies to some historical events, countries, biographies etc. The data overall can be altered with.

  5. It is simply very confusing and I did not feel good about it. I wish it was more simple so that you can actually try do to something there. I was not able to find anything or do anything.

  6. Never knew the moodle before, I only used it for british literature studies to download materials. The ujep sites appeared to me really simple and boring looking, that could be replaced by usual blog. Now when I got to see some of its features I am overwhelmed by moodle and scared of what might our teacher asigns to our class to make something on moodle, because I doubt I would be capable of creating something :) I simply swallowed me and left me with confusion.
    Barbora Cerna

  7. Today I learned that you can no longer look into "correct answers" on Moodle before starting the test.

    Richard Záhrobský

  8. Veronika Gunárová

    Moodle is much more complicated than I thought it would be. To me it is one big chaos and I'm not so sure how to use it properly.

  9. Pospíšilová:

    Moodle je rozhodně velice komplexní, pozitivním překvapením byla znatelná snaha zpřístupnit Moodle po celém světě v co nejvíce jazycích, dále podpora cizích programů a serverů. Moodle zbytečně nevytváří programy nebo funkce lépe vytvořené jinde, spolupracuje s nimi a vhodně je začleňuje do svých programů (úložiště, fotogalerie, youtube videa, náhled cizích webů a blogů). Dalším plus je individuální přístup a funkce a ovládání uzpůsobené potřebám studenta, učitele, firem.... Podpora spolupráce uživatelů (diskuze, podíl na vytváření Moodelu...). Obsahově jsem již zmínila jak je Moodle komplexní. Cokoliv mě napadlo v souvislosti s výukou (z pohledu studenta či učitele), jsem našla v nabídce, časové rozvrhy, úložiště, testy, materiály, přehled aktivity pro profesory, nastavení osobvní stránky a profilu. Zápor opět vychází z oné komplexnosti, nápor funkcí a informací je obrovský a zprvu je Moodle dost nepřehledný. Rozhodně zabere nějaký čas se zorientovat a naučit se Moodle ovládat. Jsem si ovšem jistá, že výhody a možnosti využití po zžití se s Moodlem jsou nedocenitelné (a pro mě zatím, dokud se s ním nenaučím pracovat i nepředstavitelné)

  10. I knew Moodle from before and for me it seemed like easy and effective way for the teachers to create the homeworks (and get them in time), to make the students busy during a class and an easy way (again, for the teachers) to examine students' knowledge. The students were usually just glad they're not in regular classroom but they're using computer.
    This is really useful for a teacher.
    At British literature we have moodle course with just materials and questions we should focus on. It doesn't uses Moodle in the way it should be used, but for me as a student it is very useful, because when I'm absent I can look back and know, what did I miss.

    I was very superised how complicated and complex is Moodle from the teachers' side. I had no idea about some features - for example chat room.

  11. It really suprised me how structered it is, how many features it has, all the possibilities. I think it is great thing for students, teachers and parents as well. Though it has to be a lot of extra work for the teacher.
    Bláhová Zuzana

  12. Because my personal experience with moodle were only from the student's perspective I was quite surprised by the amount of possibilities a teacher have in terms of editing and creation of the course. Although I am convinced that the amount is overwhelming for every teacher who start with it and will have problems in finding what he is specifically looking for.

    Sůva Michal

  13. I was surprised by the range. I expected Moodle is used just for teacher to post instructions and docs and pdf files which students use and download for their studies. I didnt know about forum and chat and over all student can involve and actively participate in it. New information was that you cannot always enter as a host and that you are being closely watched (Big Brotheeer) :D

    Veronika Janotová

  14. Moodle is extremely extensive and I was surprised to see it included even twitter. The possibility to sign in as a parent is very useful, it is even much better than „elektronická žákovská“, because the parents can even post comments and talk with teachers. I knew moodle from Mr. Skovajsa but I never imagined it has so many features.

    Zuzana Krausová
