pondělí 14. dubna 2014


A quick intro to the process of learning and remebering

- we remember through associating (connecting the new information to those items already stored)
- our brain constantly creates new connections (links), compares the info, drops unused or not reliable items
- the usual capacity of working memory  is about 10 items; connecting and associating the items always supports memorisation

understanding => remembering (passive knowledge) => independent use

VISUALS always help! (images, charts, graphs...)

In the class:

1. Presentation

present the meaning of new items clearly, PREVENT any mistakes or misunderstanding

What makes a good presentation or explanation?   -  It is

*      clear
*      simple or simplified
*      brief
*      true
*      uses examples
*      applies various approaches
*      asks for feedback

How can you present vocabulary?

*      definition
*      description
*      examples - hyponyms
*      illustration
*      demonstration
*      context
*      synonyms
*      antonyms (opposites)
*      translation
*      collocations

2. Practice

~        controlled activities  - focus on form (matching)
~        guided activities (multiple choice)
~        free activities - creative, high level of tolerance, autonomy, S centered (gap fill)

Task 1:

What specific useful information do you remeber?

20 komentářů:

  1. Always present the correct answer first.
    Present with practical examples - images.
    Everything should be idiotproof.

  2. Don´t ask children what it might be? first explain than ask
    Hotpotatoes are very usefull during teaching.
    First teach them, show them than test them.

  3. 1)We should present new information to avoid the mistakes our pupils might make

    2)Kids are able to remember 10 units of information

    3)Mice can genetically inherit an ability to chase and hunt down a piece of cheese in a labyrinth


  4. Asociation between words.
    Make it idiot/childrenproof.
    Repetition- 80-100 times.

  5. 1. Presentation- meaning- images, relia, context
    2. Practice- match
    - Mc
    - Gapfill
    3. Make it fun, avoid mistakes and explain information before giving exercises. Plus repeat information so the kids will remember the given vocabulary.
    Dont ask questions, just teach them, give them exercise and let them go home.

  6. Jo a ještě don´t make mistakes.

  7. Michaela Indrišeková
    1) It is not useful when you teach new vocabulary to mess up everything together, but to teach with pictures and simple explanations that would help students to memorize a new word
    2) It is always easier avoid a mistake at the beginning that trying to correct it later
    3) The capacity of memorizing is approximately 10 new pieces of information, although the older you are the bigger each "space" of the memorizing chain gets

  8. I learned that when you're teaching somebody, the first entry is the most important so it should be correct. I also memorised that learning by and with association is very effective. And the last thing was that you have to use a new word around a hundred times to properly memorise it - repeat and revise!

  9. Explain clearly and simply the right and correct answears first.
    Start practicing with easy, mistake-proof exercises and continue to more difficult and creative.
    Use everything in context. Use examples, pictures, etc.

    Martin Mališ

  10. 1) Memorizing things can be easier if we find connections between them.
    2) Always show kids the right answer first because what the see or hear firstly, that is what they match together.
    3) To use word actively, we need to hear it or use it 80 times

  11. 1. Simple, easy and clear presentation of new words.
    2. Repetition and revision of new words.
    3. No good of exercises in the learning of new words.

  12. Avoid mistakes in teaching new words.
    Repeating is not the same as revising.
    In order for the kids to learn a new word and for it to be included in a daily vocabulary, it has to be used at least 80-100 times.
    Use images or realias to present new words.
    Aways explain a new word before using it.

  13. When learning new vocabularies it is better to match them with theme.
    When you present new word. Do not let them guess. They remeber the first guess even it is not right.
    After 80-100 repetition new word is person able to use the new word actively.


  14. 1) small children are able to remember 10 words in one lesson and use them actively
    2) we shouldn't let students guess foreign words they don't know or in this case they will remember the first guess which can be incorrect
    3)we should try to remember words in certain context which can help up with remembering for the next time

    L. Anýžová

  15. 1. we shouldn't tell them new word and ask students to quess what does it means
    2. people are able to remember new word after revising it 80-100 times
    3. it is good to have a system in learning new vocabulary

  16. In order to memorize a new word we have to use it 80 - 100 times.

    We should avoid mistakes instead of correcting them.

    We shouldn't ask them to guess the answer first but tell them what it means with a picture and show them the new word first.


  17. - how children easily memorise vocabulary: by explaining, showing, putting into a sentence
    - it's better to teach children vocabulary directly and not use computer (hotpotato), because it is important to AVOID MISTAKES; if the children memorise a word wrong, it'll memorise it wrong for its whole life, it's very hard to rewrite smtg in our memory
    - for effective memorising vocabulary children should repeat/revise it at least 80 times and children can memorise only 10 items


  18. - 10 věcí si pamatuje i moje babička
    - mění se velikost těch polí, co si pamatujeme, ta velikost je na nás
    - Nejdřív naučit správně, pak to zkoušet.

    1. - my grandma can remember 10 thing too
      - fields of things we can remember change, but the size of those fields is individual
      - First teach them right answer, than test them

      Lukáš N.
