pondělí 1. října 2012


Scenarios are like stories we can enjoy in the class. They may also be called simulations, or role plays...

Four main characteristics of scenarios in ELT:
  1. Tell them a story. Stories are motivating and interesting. A wisely-chosen length and topic helps as well.
  2. Let them work. Independence, autonomy and creativity - this is the way to make students like school!
  3. Teach them the language. When using the language as a means of communication, we learn it intensively, without the boring duty to memorise isolated words.
  4. Show them the real world. In scenarios, one can immediately see the consequences of our decisions, which means we are learning form experience... And experience is seldom forgotten.
1. Be realistic.  Check the facts, do not present doubtful information.
2. Focus on creating a high-quality text: well-structured, reasonably rich in vocabulary, without any grammatical nor spelling mistakes.
3. Use graphics and illustrations wisely, to support the thinking process of the students.
Some inspirative resources:

Graphics et al.

Memorable scenarios

A scenario for US Army training: Hadji Kamal

Videopresentation of ideas

7 tips for better scenarios 

Safety training game

Examples of scenarios
try to play the survival scenario! :)

TWINE software

Other software? 

ET encounter
How to become a monk
Space colonisation
Solving a crime

3 komentáře:

  1. Možný program pro tvorbu scénárií - FGBE - http://gamebooky.syslik.net/?sekce=download

  2. Zdrojový kód scénária vytvořené v Twine zde:


    Návod na vytváření hry v Twine, vysvětlující použití if a zapisování do proměnných zde:


    Marek Czernek

  3. Tento komentář byl odstraněn autorem.
