pátek 21. října 2011

WebQuest - The Brainstorming

Task 1
Become a team - work with your chosen partner(s) - max 3 people.
Share your ideas, brainstorm, discuss; use coloured pens and a big sheet of paper, draw, make notes, argue.
Respect the suggested structure (see Task 2) and the compulsory components of a webquest (Task 3).
At the end of the lesson http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifinsert into the comment to this blog this info about your WebQuest:
1. Topic
2. Task
3. Product
4. authors - the members of your team

Task 2
Look at WebQuest templates to learn more about its structure.
Find some high quality WebQuests online. Evaluate for example this one.

For the final design and publishing of your WebQuest, you may:

use questgarden or zunal:
Read the registration and free use conditions first.

Or download a template and use it:

Download a WORD format template from Capsa.

Or you can create the whole structure yourself - you know very well how to link web pages!

Task 3
Compulsory components of a WebQuest:

1. Target group (age, proficiency)
2. Objectives - what will the students learn? (in the fields of the language, realia, co-operation, creativity...)
3. Final product - what will be the result of their work? (a web page/site, a poster, a presentation, an essay, a dramatisation...)
4. Motivation (the background story, creativity, autonomy...)

5. Timing - how much time for the whole project, how much for each sub-task?
6. Organisation - suggest the ways of co-operation if necessary
7. Links - present valid, reliable, relavant sites, written in good, understandable English.
8. Feedback - at certain phases the work should be checked by the teacher, or sub-tasks presented, to make sure that the group is on the right track.
9. Evaluation - inform your students at the beginning about the evaluation criteria;
10. Teachers Book with comments and instructions for the teacher.
11. References - in APA format, preferably a separate page.

Imagine a specific person (a kid, a student) for whom you prepare the webquest.
Follow the objectives of the webquest. Make the students THINK, not copy and paste.
Check your LANGUAGE carefully. The instructions should be correct, very clear and quite brief.
Include all the sources you used into the REFERENCES part.
Do not forget that your finalised WebQuest must be available online permanently - uschovna is therefore not a suitable server.

8 komentářů:

  1. Jana Leová, Kateřina Vycpálková, Lucka Šindelářová

    "How to establish a new shop"
    -a task is to establish a new shop
    - a product is an imaginary shop and business plan

  2. Topic: Knights and Samurais

    Task: Find information about these two types of warrior castes in 14-15 cent. (armor, weapons, behaviour, code of honor, etc). Create a story "What would have possibly happened if these ever met?" based on the information found and also your own imagination

    Product: Text document (min 300 words)

    Signatures: Michal Záprt, Petr Vnučko, Radek Puršl

  3. Topic: Romanticism - Romantic novel

    Task: find main features of Romanticism, compare Czech and English Romanticism

    Product: Write your own short novel with romantic features

    Novotná, Burešová, Mironenko

  4. Task : Studying High school in USA

    Topic : Find a concrete high school in USA, try to a get scholarship, find requirements for applying, make all neccessary assingments for studying abroad including plane tickets, housing, visa and others with a certain amount of cash given (in groups of 3)

    Product : An essay about possible studies in USA, what is important when you want to study abroad, what budget do you need...

    Viki Vášová, Klára Černá

  5. Topic: Mainstream music evolution
    Task: Research and compare mainstream musical genres in past 40 years in Great Britain.
    Product: Audioblog with examples of music and commentary

    Bartoň, Dvořáček, Rus

  6. TOPIC: Ireland - The Green island
    TASK: To plan a package tour of a new founded travel agency for students, make a brochure and a short picture presentation
    PRODUCT: a brochure and a picture presentation of Ireland
    TEAM: Blanka Palounková, Monika Rajtmajerová, Pavla Růžičková

  7. Topic: Comic Serial

    Task : create and scenario of an comic serial, with the characters, specific time and place.

    Product : Comic serial with text version/images

    Hassanová Aya, Hodanová Michaela

  8. Topi: The World Tour
    Task: choose an international singer and pretend to be his/her private manager, organize his/her 2 days in different countries during his/her world tour
    Product:story about his/her 2 days of the world tour with 300 words
