pondělí 26. září 2011

WebQuest Registration

Project 3 WebQuest to be created in groups of max. 3 – deadline December 12

Please register in the comments.
Include (in this order)

1. Topic
2. Task
2. Target group
4. Your name(s)

Interactive Board Registration

Project 2 Material for interactive board – deadline November 14

Please register in the comments.
Include (in this order)

1. Topic
2. Target group
3. The textbook and lesson you use
4. Your name

Credit requirements

Welcome into the new semester!

Task 1
Go to http://www.veskole.cz/
Choose two materials for teaching English - a great one and a ... hmmm... not the best one. Carefully copy the link into the comment to this blog. Sign your entry (when working in pairs, write both names.)

Task 2
Browse the links in the comments, explore the files your friends suggested.
What makes a bad IWB material?
What makes a good one?

Make notes, discuss in groups of 4. At 11:00 each group will present their suggestions in the comment to this blog.

You already found something very interesting - explore

2nd year Solo – Computer Skills 2 KAJ/6119

Credit requirements

1. A presentation and evaluation of a site focused on interactive practice of English at any level (presented in your webpage)
deadline December 20
2. Material for interactive board – deadline November 14
3. WebQuest to be created in groups of max. 3 – deadline December 12

Finalised projects shall be submitted before given deadlines; please publish your project in your personal web site and send me an email (jana.pavlikova@ujep.cz) with the URL.

EXAM – KAJ/6119
written, the task will be to publish 2 interlinked HotPot exercises and IWB material on a given topic, and with the requested details.

1. Install SMART and ACTIV Inspire into your PC or laptop
2. Visit the Resource Room. Browse the textbooks for basic schools, and choose TWO topics/lessons/content items and target group, for which you will create your Ineractive Board material. Borrow the book or make a copy of the chosem lessons, and bring it to the seminar on October 3, 2011.

For installing Activ Inspire:
Register at Promethean Planet