pondělí 26. dubna 2010


A WebQuest is an effective tool for USING English. In the following two weeks, you will find out how it works, and you will try to desing your first WebQuest.

WebQuest Home Page

1. Make pairs.
2. Explore the web to find out what a WebQuest is. List the main features and add them to the comments of this blog entry.
3. Your project task will be to design a webquest for a class of eager 16-year old students at a grammars school. First, choose a TOPIC - at best, use some creoss-curricular content: do not focus on English, but on another subject matter.

Look at the WebQuest template to learn more about its structure.

WebQuest 1 - Canterbury Tales
WebQuest 2 - Animals
WebQuest 3 - Select Your President
WebQuest 4 - A Trip to Egypt
WebQuest 5 - A Diary of the Survivor

For the final design and publishing of your WebQuest, you may:

use questgarden or zunal:
Read the registration and free use conditions first.

download and install phpwebquest generator

download a template and use it

22 komentářů:

  1. It is an activity on the internet prepared for students by their teachers.
    Students should have to use analytical and critical-thinking skills to solve a problem or question.
    They will learn to recognise good and bad sources on the internet.
    Students will learn to cooperate.

    Rostík a Jíťa

  2. -cooperation with other people-amusement plus acquisition of new informations
    -using of your own creativity
    -makes students think, analyse and evaluate
    -web searching-getting to know the internet
    -students are supposed to USE informations instead of SEARCHing them
    -critical thinking, cooperative learning

  3. Web Quest features - Co-Operation with other students.
    - Connection between particular fields related to the topic.
    - Gaining of new information in entertaining form. (It could be used as a game, real "quest", journey..)

    TOPIC - Adrenaline sports. (Types, Biology-function of adrenaline etc. , First help, Geography- places where to go, Risks. But ALSO a task to read about these sports (At least 5 of them) and write a pluses and minuses of each of them and then make a guide for kids of their age about it.

    Group - Šírová,Šulc

  4. It is interactive lesson. Students search for information and then creatively accomplish the task by creating some product(s). They have to learn and think about the topic to answer the questions. Students should learn that all the sources are not trustworthy and that they should check the information.

    Kamča a Míša

    Plan ten day's holiday around one of the English-speaking country. Find basic informations about accomodation and alimentation. Plan a small trips-find some historical background about places where you will go, add some pictures.

    Plan ten day's holiday around one of the English-speaking country. Find basic information about accomodation and alimentation. Plan a small trips-find some historical background about places where you will go, add some pictures.

  7. Svozilek, Bednářová:
    Features of WebQuest
    -it should make lessons more interesting for students
    -students discover knowledge trough the internet themselves, nobody's telling them
    -students work in their own pace or in groups
    -the objective should be obtainable by students of different levels of knowledge or skills
    -a good webquest should catch student's eye using pictures, photos and nice design
    -a useful webquest should be selfevaluating
    -should contain tasks which push students forth

    Our Topic:
    William Shakespeare - life and literary work

  8. Hello everybody, This is Maruška and Deniska.
    Our topic is going to be about Romeo and Juliet. And the task will be to find out the alternative end of this story.
    xoxo M&D

  9. Svozilek, Bednářová:
    Features of WebQuest
    -it should make lessons more interesting for students
    -students discover knowledge trough the internet themselves, nobody's telling them
    -students work in their own pace or in groups
    -the objective should be obtainable by students of different levels of knowledge or skills
    -a good webquest should catch student's eye using pictures, photos and nice design
    -a useful webquest should be selfevaluating
    -should contain tasks which push students forth

    Our Topic:
    William Shakespeare - life and literary work

  10. WebQuest helps students to cooperate and work with the internet.
    xoxo Maruška a Deniska

  11. Tento komentář byl odstraněn autorem.

  12. Little Astronomer:

    - 4 school mates chosen to explore 4 planets of
    our solar system,
    - are expected to provide their "guide book",
    - for us to know, what planet is the most
    interesting to visit.

  13. Peter Pan
    -Writing of alternative ending

    Klara and Ondřej.

  14. our topic is to prepare schedule for yours and your friend's trip to Manchester

    Kamča a Míša

  15. It is a project which makes students (pupils) more creative, it helps them to work on their own, and train them how to search needed information. It is necessary to consider if the information is true or not.

    Péťa D., Andrea K.

  16. Kálecký Roman:

    The WebQuest was developed by Bernie Dodge at San Diego State University. It is a framework for research and exploration on specific topics utilizing Websites as resources. The building blocks for a WebQuest include the introduction, task, process, resources, evaluation, and conclusion.

    * Introduction - to orient the learner as to what is coming and raise some interest in the learner through a variety of means.
    * Task - what the learner will have done at the end of the exercise
    * Process - steps that learners should go through in completing the task
    * Resources - a list of Web pages which the instructor has located that will help the learner accomplish the task
    * Evaluation - an evaluation rubric
    * Conclusion - an opportunity to summarize the experience, to encourage reflection about the process, to extend and generalize what was learned

    source: http://www.cyberbee.com/quest_sites.htm

  17. Brožová, Procházka

    Webquest topic: Looking for treasure - a journey throughout the United Kingdom

    Webques is:
    - searching and evaluating information
    - it makes a lesson more interesting
    - it is not only about English as a language, but also about other subject´s matter
    - developing student´s (and also teacher´s) creativity

  18. - interactive exercise for students made by teachers
    - students should learn how to use the information found on the Internet
    - they will be able to recognize good web pages and bad ones
    - it may be an interesting way how to learn something

    topic: mission - save the penguins

    Olga Hulinková and Miroslav Franc

  19. Our topic

    Make your own factory for sweets

    Péťa a Andrea

  20. Kálecký + Arandjelovičová
    topic: GRAPHOLOGY

  21. Traditional food of Scotland

    Stránský - Hurdálek

  22. Šulc, Bednářová

    WebQuest - Royal Titles
