pondělí 8. března 2010

Creating a web site

Today you should start your brand new personal web site. Your own web space serves as a presentation of your individual achievements, as well as the place to upload and publish your projects.
First, read all the tasks, listed below; you can fulfill them in random order.

If in doubt, do not hesitate to ask!

1. Draw the structure of your future web on a sheet of paper. Check the credit requirements on the English Dept. web page to get an idea what the compulsory parts are.

2. Open Notepad (Poznamkovy blok) and write the text you would like to publish in your site. Start with the content of the index page - the first page the user will see. Keep the Internet Safety Rules in mind – do not publish your personal data (the date of birth, phone number, credit card numbers …)

3. Open the WYSIWYG web editor New View (nvu.exe) and explore the possibilities of the software.

4. Choose a provider for uploading your future site online (for free). Compare the offers, chaose the one that fits your needs best! Before registration, read the conditions and requirements carefully. You will need a space that also enables uploading html and zip files.

http://www.estranky.cz/ (the free version does not enable file upload)
http://www.webnode.cz/ (new and unexplored - seems very interesting; nevertheless, does not enable uploading html files)
http://www.webzdarma.cz/ (the usual choice)

5. Publish the URL of your new web as a comment to this blog. :)

Ideas and instructions on web page creation: http://www.jakpsatweb.cz/
Musing about your web colours? Read this for inspiration.

Image source

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