úterý 26. října 2021

Moodle: grammar drill

Moodle from a teacher's point of view:  using tests for drilling grammatical items.

1. How to create a gapfill exercise?

  •     technology
  •     content
2. What is the role of feedback?
  • summative
  • formative


  1. Go to the the main screen (https://moodle.pf.ujep.cz/course/view.php?id=1177&notifyeditingon=1). Your registration is still valid.
  2. Click on Zapnout rezim uprav - upper right
  3. Go to your personal Topic and rename it using your name: Surname_Firstname
  4. Choose a grammatical topic (e.g. using articles; irregular past; perfect tenses; etc.) and create a gap fill exercise. Use a CONTEXT, not isolated sentences.  Minimum 20 gaps. Consider well how to place the gaps!
  5. With greatest care write the feedback - you should add 3 different fdbs according to the reached score. Include learning tips and links to sites which offer theory + practice in the chosen field.
  6. After finishing, publish your test.
  7. Try out your colleagues' tests.

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