pondělí 20. září 2021

New Term, New Hopes, New View

 The focus is shifting - from now on, you are TEACHERS trying to use ICT to teach English. 

Credit requirements:

submitting  two projects - deadline 1.12.

  • Scenario (individually or in pairs)
  • WebQuest (in pairs)
Submitting Interactive Board material, which will be evaluated according to the preset criteria 



See Cathy Moore's blog to find out about the practical use of scenarios. More at

TWINE engine can be installed, or works online at https://twinery.org/
A guide for using Twine

While writing the scenario, define the following:
1. Target group - age, proficiency
2. Task - what the class should do, identifying the final outcome and product
3. Aims and objectives: what the class will learn in these fields:
factual knowledge
language (vocabulary, reading skills...)
communicative skills
social skills

Make a list of keywords to help the class read and understand.

Computers skills and specifics:
create a correct, logical text
write the whole scenario into a single text file first
add illustrations and graphics to support reading with undestanding

For brainstorming, you may want to use this software: http://www.mindmeister.com/

Examples of scenarios:

For the final design and publishing, you may:
EITHER use questgarden or zunal.
Read the registration and free use conditions first.

Or use any free Webquest generator you like, e.g.

The final product shall be uploaded to your personal web; if it is published elsewhere, you will include active link.

WebQuest characteristic:

information search
information processing (THINKING, evaluating, comparing, choosing, combining, analysis, synthesis…)

What is necessary:
clear instructions
clear description of the final product
adequate choice of internet sources, with comments

WebQuest from the T’s point of view:
choosing topic and task
TIME – web search, detailing the process, clear and logical instructions
focus on information processing – prevent plagiarism
focus on authentic English resources

WebQuest from the Ss point of view:
tips + web URLs
final product
autonomy + freedom of choice



EXAM - Interactive Board Project  
Choose a textbook and a topic as a basis (primary or lower secondary levels – basic school)
1. the aim: teaching vocabulary; choose 10-12 vocabulary items to practice intensively
2. choose and design various activities

At first, you should choose the topic for your interactive board materials (ITBM), and list the keywords you want to teach. Into the comments to this blog entry, please include:
1. topic
2. target group - age, grade
3. the textbook you are using
4. the list of 10-12 keywords.

 The finalised ITB Project will be published online in one of the available formats (Activ or Smart)

The project must include:
• Introductory page – Topic, Target group, Objectives, Author’s name, date
• All references
• Active URLs
• Listening task + tapescript
• Lots of interactivity
• Inner links among pages 
• Feedback and keys to ALL tasks
• Teacher’s Book  - instructions

 Most frequent mistakes:
• Vague tasks, not defined objectives
• Too many visual effects without purpose
• Missing keys and feedback, or missing multiple correct answers
• The pages are too long – cannot be seen in one screen
• strange combinations of colours
• misspelled words, slips, grammatical mistakes

Examples of materials - http://www.veskole.cz/, Promethean planet resources, youtube...


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