čtvrtek 11. března 2021

Moodle training and exploration

Moodle will be a continuous project; the tasks will appear in this blog entry one by one.

Gradually, you should build the knowledge about available possibilities, and the skills necessary to use them for effective teaching and learning.

Let's start with the basics:


  1. Go to moodle ujep - https://moodle.pf.ujep.cz/course/view.php?id=1177
  2. Open menu Sprava kurzu; check the settings
  3. Go to the the main screen (https://moodle.pf.ujep.cz/course/view.php?id=1177&notifyeditingon=1)
  4. Click on Zapnout rezim uprav - upper right
  5. Scroll down, choose Pridat temata, add one; 
  6. Edit its heading - use your own name instead of Tema XX.
Now you have created your personal training field :)

Suggestion: As a group, agree on common areas of interest - possibly an exam you are all taking in this term (BritLit, Phonology)- and use Moodle to present learning and practice materials.


1. Add a test to your study material. The first dialogue is just a frame - after doing the settings, it is time to...

2. ... Add questions to the test. Open the test by clicking, choose - Upravit test - Přidat - Novou úlohu. Explore the test formats! Focus on True-false, Matching and Multiple choice.

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