středa 24. února 2021

Your Brand New Website




1. Save, save, backup, save...
2. All files in one folder.
3. No spaces, no diacritics in filenames.

First think, then click!

You should be able to:
  • create and format a html file 
  • choose the appropriate structure of the page and suitable colours/graphics
  • insert links and files into your webpage
BONUS: Create an Avatar HERE and add the link into your Homepage (=index.html).

Create a free account on
Read the conditions and other information available.

Beginners: download and install nvu
Advanced: Feel free to use any html editor you prefer. 
fast tags help - jakpsatweb

Create a folder named PCSkills on your hard drive.
Create the index.html file in NVU. Save it into the PCSkills folder. (CASE-SENSITIVE!)
Add some images into the same folder.

Otevřete Průzkumník souborů - ve složce zvolte menu Zobrazení a zaškrtněte políčko Přípony názvů souborů.
Klikněte na lupu -> Možnosti Průzkumníka souborů -> Zobrazení -> Odškrtnout "Skrýt příponu souborů známých typů"

Insert some texts into the file index.html.  
Insert a link to the KAJ Dept. page.
Insert a picture you dowloaded or took (avoid copyright problems!) and saved into the folder.

Advanced users: 
Experiment with formatting, colours, consider the role of images and graphics. 
Organise and design the space of your homepage (you can use tables, or css styles, or any other formatting).
Study some of these articles:
Upload your index.html and the image into webzdarma administration (SPRAVCE SOUBORU).
Add your web URL to the group Google sheet.

Bask in glory, admiring your first hand-made web page!

Focus on the credit projects. Make a plan, including timing. Make pairs, start discussing ideas, topics, design. Register topics in the google spreadsheet.


Lesson objectives:
  • To understand how linking works. We will need it later, e.g. working with Interactive board software or moodle.
  • To accept the need to read instructions carefully, to go step-by-step, to work meticulously, to know what we do  >>>>  in order to PREVENT errors. 
  • To revise web safety. Which items should NEVER appear in your website?

čtvrtek 18. února 2021

Computer versus Human Brain


1. Questions to consider:

What are the capacities, advantages and disadvantages when comparing human brain a and computers?

2. Draw a scheme of a standard computer architecture. Can you see some similarities to the architecture of a human body? Which? Why is it so?

3. Fast poll - who are you? A computer-

  • addict
  • geek
  • user
  • survivor
  • hater

4. The future - brainstorming activity

In groups of 4, discuss the possible development of computer technology within 30 years. List the major expected changes. Share your list in the comments to the blog entry. Time: 15 min.

5. Websearch

Find some reliable information about the science and current progress in developing AI. Share the links in the blog comments. Deadline - before the next lesson.


pátek 12. února 2021

2021 Credit Requirements


Credit requirements
active participation, working on weekly tasks
80% attendance
Projects as defined below: (submission deadline May 1, 2021)

1. Create a personal site with links to all your projects; prefereably a website with full administrative access (webzdarma).

2. In pairs: create a hoax webpage. 
Format: Include text, photoshopped images, fake links and comments.
Objectives: to recognize how easy it is to claim any nonsense online; to browse and analyse other hoaxes and their spreading - what types of people believe and share hoaxes? Why?

3. In groups of 4: Audio project
Product: high quality audiorecording 5-10'. 
Content: audio dramatisation of a literary scene according to your own choice; may include special sound effects.
Objectives: to practise pronunciation, including peer correction; to revise British and American literature and support learning for lit. exams; to master basic sound editing skills in Audacity; to design a system for recording within online communication; to develop cooperation and organisation skills; to list a set of  criteria and evaluate the schoolmates' projects objectively.

4. Individually: Teaching presentation
Product: multimedia presentation of any topic in any course covered or to be covered within your first year of studies at KAJ. 
Target group: Your schoolmates. 
Content: structured, correct, understandable, presentation and explanation of any chosen topic, including examples and FAQs. 
Format: multimedia - should include text, images/graphs/illustrations, audio or video. 
Objectives: to understand the topic; to be able to present and explain clearly; to apply student's experience with online covid teaching; to experience the role of the teacher; to list a set of criteria and evaluate the schoolmates' projects objectively.

5. Individually: Giving and getting feedback. In the google shared chart, evaluate your classmates' projects Audio + Presentation.

Please register the topics in the google chart - one topic can have only one coverage.