pondělí 7. října 2019


A WebQuest is an effective tool for USING English. In the following weeks, you will find out how it works, and we will discuss the design of your first WebQuest.

REMEMBER: A good WebQuest
- uses Internet resources (written in good authentic English)
- requires independent thinking, not mechanic copying from references
- is based on information processing: the students search for facts, evaluate, and come to their your own conclusions

Task 1:
Which of these topics can be developed into a good webquest? Why? What key features might be missing?

1. product: a tourist guide through Bohemian and Saxon Switzerland
2. product: an itinerary for a group travel to Prague
3. product: an essay on the political causes of the Great War
4. product: a list of reasons why UFO does not exist

Task 2:
Define the topic and product of your webquest.

WebQuest Home Page

1. Identify an example of good practice - a WebQuest which you consider to be of a high quality - and enter its URL to tne comments of this blog.

Example: Greece or China?

A tool for making and publishing presentations online

WebQuest characteristic:
• information search
• information processing (THINKING, evaluating, comparing, choosing, combining, analysis, synthesis…)
• creativity
• autonomy
• fun

What is necessary:
• clear instructions
• clear description of the final product
• adequate choice of internet sources, with comments

WebQuest from the T’s point of view:
• choosing topic and task
• TIME – web search, detailing the process, clear and logical instructions
• focus on information processing – prevent plagiarism
• focus on authentic English resources

WebQuest from the Ss point of view:
• instructions
• tips + web URLs
• final product
• autonomy + freedom of choice
• creativity

Work in the set groups. Start designing your project Webquest.
First, think about the outcomes of your WebQuest - describe the final product.
Paralelly search for suitable online resources, Remember to set a task wich does not enable copy-paste solution.

Look at the WebQuest template to learn more about its structure.

WebQuest 1 - Buliding the Stonehenge
WebQuest 2 - Animals
WebQuest 3 - A Trip to Egypt
WebQuest 4 - A Diary of the Survivor
WebQuest 5 - Pirates!

24 komentářů:

  1. the first three topics are good for a web quest because the kids or the target group can use their imagination and will have to think about it, the 4th topic is not good because there are no such evidence of UFO and if it is real or not so that would probably just confuse the target group

  2. First two options seem as a good topics for webquest, you have to research the places and plan a bit, third and fourth would be just presenting given facts.

  3. The first two topics seem as an okay choice, for the students will have to do research and then put together the ideas they came up with while doing so.
    The third and fourth topic just seem like a copy and paste kind of task.

  4. Kateřina Plívová

    1. I think the topic is acceptable, creative, but it might have a little bit of trouble with copy-pasting certain information.

    2. I think that this is a very good topic, the students have to google information and then plan the trip themselves.

    3. That could work as a topic, but there is not much creativity going on in the final product.

    4. That's a copy/paste activity at its finest.

  5. 1) no, because it should stay on one place only. i dont think that a tourist guide fits the webquest criteria.

    2) surely, it could be turned into the 'webquest'. it seems interesting enough for people to engage.

    3) i do not think so, but that could also be the fact i know nothing about this topic. also, i dont believe that a single essay is enough for a webquest.

    4) yes, it is an interesting topic. a lot of theories and speculation and arguments to work.

    _ D.H.N.

  6. 1. product: a tourist guide through Bohemian and Saxon Switzerland

    Good, you can add always something more. Many possibilities where to go and what to do.Learning something about geography.

    2. product: an itinerary for a group travel to Prague

    Also good, easy to find something. Students can learn about Prague while searching for informations.

    3. product: an essay on the political causes of the Great War

    Many possibilities how to respond. Many possible sources. Kids can learn facts funny way.

    4. product: a list of reasons why UFO does not exist

    Not good option, probably interesting but they will not learn much threw this.

    Lehocká N.

  7. 1.guide- a guide would be good webquest, because people can "travel" without actually going somewhere. Or it can be helpful for them if they want to go there.
    2.itinerary- It might be good idea, because it is a plan, that you need to come up with in order to include the whole group
    3. essay- it does not seem like good idea,you just have to gather information and write about it that is the end of the task
    4.list is just copy and paste action, it does not make a good webquest

    1. re 1 - what about info processing?
      re 3 - gather info and write-come to conclusion is actually lots of work. what do you miss to see it as a WQ?
      4. could you develop the task to avoid C+V?

  8. Homolková

    1. It is a perfect example of WebQuest. Students must search for information and think about the best way to guide a tourist.
    2. This one is also acceptable but not as good as the first one. Students can learn about Prague, but I think there is a possibilty of copy and paste solving.
    3. An essay is not a webquest. It's an essay.
    4. It's a copy and paste task.

  9. 1. Good, students can learn something new while searching for the places through Bohemian and Saxon Switzerland
    2. Good, they will learn how to plan, search for best possibilities, prices, important and interesting places etc.
    3. Good, they will learn new facts about the Great War, interesting for the students
    4. Not good. It's interesting and fun, but there is no evidence if it's real or not. Debatable.


    1. correct. you see what the Ss can do and learn; in an ideal situation. any more complex tasks to be added? could you think of some development for some of the topics?

  10. 1) This topic seem very interesting and helpful.
    2) No I don't thing this topic is suited for Web quest structure.
    3) An essey is not suited at all for Web Quest.
    4) Yes I think this topic could be very interesting and well suited for Web Quest.


    1. spelling!
      an essay as a final product is well possible. just the task should be more specific - personalised. do you know the project https://www.pametnaroda.cz/cs/o-projektu

  11. Šimon Radil
    1-no, it would not be a good webQ, because you can just copy it from some travel agency
    2-no, it would not be a good webQ, because you can just copy it from some travel agency
    3-no, it would not be a good webQ, because you can just copy it from some website with essays
    4-no, it would not be a good webQ, because you can just copy it from some website

    1. a correct answer. think of some modifications to avoid C+V.

  12. 1. There isn't really much room for using your imagination outside of choosing the locations. It doesn't seem good for WebQuest.
    2. There are more decisions in this one, the group has to decide what they want to do and experience, find where they will be staying if it will be for multiple days. I think it can work as a WebQuest
    3. This one doesn't seem suitable solely because this essay would be hard to complete without copypasting information from the web. It would not work as a WebQuest.
    4. This is the ideal task. It lets people express their ideas, it certainly requires research if you want it to be valid and there are many internet sources about UFO's. It would work as a WebQuest.


    example of a good WQ

    Ondřej Vilacký

  13. I can imagine creating first two tasks because kids would have to find more informations than in the 3rd and 4th task. I can imagine that children would find many interesting ways how to accomplish these two tasks. 3rd topic is so-so but UFO topic can be really dangerous because there are no facts about UFO, just assumptions and children can create some crazy things that are not appropriate to share in class.
    Kučerová (I tried my best)

    1. A good answer. Re 1+2 - will they search for info in CZ or E? Re UFO - information processing would be the main focus!

  14. 1. This could probably be a good WebQuest topic, but I don't see the way, how students could use their imagination..
    2. Same as the topic 1.
    3.It depends on the target group
    4.Just a list of reasons is in my opinion not enough for the WebQuest, it should be educative in some way... solution-changing the topic (Instead of UFO, analysing some historical event+authenticity)

    1. what about documented events featured as UFO encounters by some people, and as natural phenomena by others? :)
      1+2 - your instinct is correct. seems creative,but usually comes up rather uniform and boring.

  15. The firt one would be a good WebQuest because it can be funny experience. It´s very agreeable, broad-minded and compassionate.

    The second idea is a dynamic idea, that could work on many levels. It´s friendly and inventive topic. It can provide a good information for tourists.
    The third idea is very ambitious. You need to have a good structure. If someone is determined to do this type of topic than he/she should go for it.
    The fourth one could be inventive if we do it right but it´s very subjective. Not that good.

    Markéta Bartová
