středa 21. října 2015

Interactive Board Project

Let's focus on the progress of your Interactive Board projects today.

By the end of the lesson you should have created:

1. Introductory page, including
- topic
- target group description (age, proficiency)
- objectives (by the end of the lessons the pupils will be able to....)
- appropriate graphical design

2. structure of the material
3. at least one task/activity in full, including feedback
4. find a source of a suitable video OR audio (both shall be included, search for one of them today).

Technological Tips - Activ:
1. use the left vertical panel with all tools and commands available
2.Switch to creative mode (red flower) to make changes more easily. Do not forket to witch back to presentation mode (blue flower) when you want to try some actions.

How to insert an action:
1. Create or choose an object - say, an arrow.
2. Click on the object.
3. Switch the left panel to Actions (prohlížeč akcí)
4. Choose the appropriate action, e.g. Other page...  (Jiná stránka) or Open web link... (Otevřít webovou stránku). Set the parametres.

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