úterý 10. února 2015


1. prepare texts for your webpage (in notepad - txt. format) 
2. Create a voki and save it as a txt format.

Internet Survival

Task 1
What does it mean TEOTWAWKI?
Find at least two artificial works which use this acronym in their title.

Task 2
What approaches did you apply when searching the web for answers?

Task 3
List 3 skills which are vital for a good web user.
Enter your suggestions into the comment to this blog. Do not forget to sign your entry!


active participation, working on classroom tasks
80% attendance
Projects: (submission deadline May 5, 2015)
1. A personal website (includes: personal profile, photogallery of photos taken on your own, a page on your hobbies/interests including active links to references, HotPot index and exercises, links to all school projects and tasks)
2. Hot Potatoes project
3. Photogallery - choose an original and creative topic, take 10 images and present them; topic example: my town as I see it (not really tourist postcards, right?)
4. Your choice: either audiocomments to the images in the gallery, or a video of cca 5 minutes, English sound, with your subtitles and inserted instructions for the use in a lesson.

Task 4
Work in groups of 4. List three most important rules of a safe Internet use.

Online tips:
Columbia University, NY
Irish Examiner


První semestr – základy práce s textem, grafikou, zvukem, tvorba webu

  1. Web safety. Avatar.                                                                             
  2. Creating a simple web page. Colours, images, links, page structure and user-friendly graphics. Naming, saving, publishing, creating backup.
  3. Hot Potatoes Software. Seznámení, možnosti, principy.
  4. Práce s obrázky – stahování, editace. Průhlednost, ořez, zmenšování. Typy obrazových souborů a jejich vlastnosti.
  5. Práce s fotografií – zásady kompozice, úpravy ve vrstvách. Photoshop
  6. Práce se zvukem – Audacity. Nahrávání, zpracování souborů (střih). Typy souborů a jejich vlastnosti.
  7. Word pro studenty - editace, vnější a grafická úprava textu. Odkazování, plagiarismus. Rejstřík a seznamy.
  8. Excel pro studenty. Práce s tabulkami a vzorci, vytváření grafů.
  9. WebSearch. Možnosti vyhledávání, usnadnění a urychlení, strategie. On-line slovníky. Zálohy online – Úschovna, Capsa, Dropbox, Google cloud.

17 komentářů:

  1. 1. Know the best way to find information you need.
    2. Do not trust every ad, content or site you see. Do not download suspicious programs and do not provide your personal data.
    3. Know at least a little English because most of webs are in English.

    Zuzana Krausová

  2. 1: Know how to google.
    2: Know what links may have the information you’re looking for.
    3: Get an ad-blocking software, it makes browsing much more pleasant and less confusing.

    Ondřej Kurz

  3. Good web user needs to know what he wants to find and think about the most efficient ways to find it as quickly and good as possible.
    He also needs to cancel out all the unnecesary stuff which he doesn´t need and use only the things that are meaningful.
    Karolína Birnerová

  4. A smart researcher and web user should be vigilant and patient. I like to always make sure that the acquired information is valid and reliable. Seeking for transparency should be a priority here. All the gained information we find should be easily traced. In general then a good web user should also have the will to educate him/herself in order to keep up with certain changes.

  5. 1. Caring about your privacy and security.
    2. Using Google search engine. Seznam won't find any useful data.
    3. Not believing you are the 999,999 visitor of any site. (Just don't click on every ad)

  6. Have a list of search engines which you prefer .
    Learn how to judge credibility of the web pages.
    Everything you post on the internet consider public. You can´t completely erase it.
    Klára Pospíšilová

  7. 1. Have some experience with Google
    2. Read carefully the titles of web pages and their short description
    3. Maybe learn some english terminology that will help you make it more effective
    Lucie Salačová

  8. 1. Google magic
    2. Speak multiple languages
    3. Distrust Comic Sans

  9. 1. To clearly know what information you want to find
    2. Chose wisely the sources. Not all of them are trustworthy. Use more sources.
    3. Don't provide your personal details.

    Bláhová Zuzana

  10. 1. Knowing where and how to look for information
    2. Always doubt the information you're given, internet is for everyone, which means that not everything is necessarily correct.
    3. Adapting to new technologies and standards

    Richard Záhrobský

  11. Task 3 : 1) Know where to find information that you need
    2) Do not answer to add (f.e. you won a new Ipod etc.) and post your private information
    3)Do not asnwer to strangers

    Veronika Gunárová

    Veronika Gunárová

  12. 1. knowledge of english for optimal use of google -> you will get the most results in your search
    2. do not trust websides which are not commonly known and asks for our personal info
    3. get ad blocking sw as soon as possible

    Sůva Michal

  13. 1. Use proper browser
    2. Have fast speed internet
    3. Do not trust anyone

  14. Petra Jiřišťová15. února 2016 v 12:46

    1. Be able to search well.
    2. Be able to use useful informations from more than one source.
    3. Be able to be creative.

  15. 1. Know exactly what you are looking for.
    2. Instantly filter the results you see simply by looking
    3. Always remind yourself that the mark you leave on internet may be permanent and for the whole world to see.

    Petr Škvarček

  16. 1. know, what to search for and how to search it
    2. know the difference between good and bad links
    3. be careful with your private informations

    Jaroslav Outrata

  17. 1. speaking more than one language
    2. no personal details
    3. patience

    Barbora Fuxová
