úterý 11. listopadu 2014


E-learning is a popular and worldwide form of supporting students, especially in distance programs.
E-learning materials reflect the content and form of a textbook, and add the necessary feedback which in a real class would be provided by the teacher.

When creating an e-learning course, we usually use one of the free platforms available; Moodle became probably the best known and most used platform.
The platform enables the user to create a course in the same way we create textbooks or worksheets: adding information, resources, references, tasks, tests...

When creating the material, we consider (apart form the learner, aims, teaching situation and other features of the real life) the FORM and CONTENT.

The FORM includes the logical organisation, navigation, graphics, icons, images...
The CONTENT includes the topic, the information we present, and the ways they are processed.

TASK: Browse the liks submitted below, find out more about Moodle, use the sandbox and consider:what new aspects apear in e-learning, comapred to your experience and expectation? What features surprise you?
Write your answers into the comments to this blog entry.

Moodle home 
General features

16 komentářů:

  1. Kristyna Hrncirikova:

    Moodle is a very intersting e-learning site. I haven't visited any other e-learning site, so this is a very new experience for me. The thing that suprised me was how meany options there are. Its a new thing for me and I like it.

  2. Considering my zero experience with e-learning, everything seemed to be new and surprising. I was really surprised by all the possibilities Moodle has to offer.
    For example making a test available for a few hours and then making the test invisible so no one could do it. Also, the "random questions" feature is really good.


  3. Lukáš Nejedlý

    Moodle is very complex and it seems confusing for the first time. Customization of activites is perfect. And I also like that it is all-in-one, from tests to communication.

  4. Indrišeková:
    I like how moodle is user-friendly as it always take me some time to get to know some new platform (HP was a nightmare first two lectures!) I would appreciate if it was more visual but everything else seems to be easily accesible. I can imagine creating projects for my students but who knows if they would like it. What seems as the biggest advantage are many possibilities how tests can be created.

  5. e-learning makes work for the teachers easier and I found out that it offers many different options, e.g. grader report; chat - provides asynchronous discussions; the teacher can also upload sources to prevent the students using unverified websites

    Zuzana Nguyenová

  6. Since I have used moodle for 4 years in highschool I am familiar with different functions of e-learning. At least from the student's perspective. One thing that I find quite useful is the ability to import hot potato excercises into moodle to create a test.


  7. Martin Mališ

    Moodle - A great platform or whatever is it called for learning and sharing materials between teacher and students, but super complicated and mysterious. I am totally and completely lost.

  8. I believe that e-learning has a great potential and can offer a large number of opportunities for both teachers and students, yet it seems a bit confusing for user, who is not experinced in operating it.

    Petr Štěpnička

  9. Moodle seems to be simple and efficient way on how to manage and assign work to students. May take a while to learn to control it, but it will definitely payback.


  10. Lucie Anýžová

    I have experienced Moodle on high school but as a student. It was interesting to try it as a teacher and find out new things I can do ( make tests and see how my students handle them).

  11. Can't say it would be exactly easy to use the software and its features for me, but once having it mastered, Moodle could be useful for me as a potential teacher in future.
    Also nice for students as a part of their study, for it is fast and kinda easily accessible and stuff.

    Michal B

  12. It is a good software for teachers, but a teacher should be well familiarized with it. It is online and all in one which is really great.

  13. When I compare it with my earlier experience with e-learning the Moodle is better. The e-learning was too full of information and there was everything explained but there was no way how to communicate with others. I like the communication channels.

  14. Moodle is very helpful for teachers, but it requires time to prepare materials for students. Students are controlled by teachers what they are doing. Teacher can check their attendance, student´s work, blogs, etc. It is the best way how to test students during lessons, or give them homeworks, project works... Ivana Harvanová

  15. I found moodle well-arranged which is important not scare me for the first time. Even though I dont really know how to exactly work with it yet, it seems not to be so hard to learn it after some time. From the new features I like the random questions and that you can make test accessible for anyone you want with using a password for the test.
