úterý 25. listopadu 2014

Your Web

Please enter yourwebsite URL into the comments to this blog.

 28.11.2014    POZVÁNKA na Seminář o bezpečnosti počítačových sítí.
Pro všechny studenty i zaměstnance UJEP.
Seminář se koná v pátek 28.listopadu 2014 od 9 hodin v purpurovém sále budovy MFC kampusu.

Přednášet budou specialisté bezpečnostního týmu sítě Cesnet (autorské právo, kyberkriminalita, já anonym, svoboda na síti, co je přípustné a co už není).

úterý 18. listopadu 2014

Learning Vocabulary

How can a PC help us learn or acquire new vocabulary?

The usual principle is based on Ebbinghaus' theories of recollection.
Professional software includes for example the ReWise module (used by Langmaster). Some of their courses are also offered online for free!

Simple online references and test are available in Vocabosaurus - you can study various languages, add your own vocabulary lists, search for gammatical forms...

Offline vocabulary practice is organised in jpVocabulary software. Installation is not required, the program works form any medium, preferably a memory stick.

Download jpvocaulary, choose and insert a set of new words you need for an exam (English or any other language), set a plan and try to invest your time and effort into brief daily vocabulary revision and learning. You can revise 100 words and learn max. 10 new items per day. Keep going at least untill the end of the year; we will compare your experiences in the first week of January. Good luck!

úterý 11. listopadu 2014


E-learning is a popular and worldwide form of supporting students, especially in distance programs.
E-learning materials reflect the content and form of a textbook, and add the necessary feedback which in a real class would be provided by the teacher.

When creating an e-learning course, we usually use one of the free platforms available; Moodle became probably the best known and most used platform.
The platform enables the user to create a course in the same way we create textbooks or worksheets: adding information, resources, references, tasks, tests...

When creating the material, we consider (apart form the learner, aims, teaching situation and other features of the real life) the FORM and CONTENT.

The FORM includes the logical organisation, navigation, graphics, icons, images...
The CONTENT includes the topic, the information we present, and the ways they are processed.

TASK: Browse the liks submitted below, find out more about Moodle, use the sandbox and consider:what new aspects apear in e-learning, comapred to your experience and expectation? What features surprise you?
Write your answers into the comments to this blog entry.

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General features