pondělí 18. listopadu 2013

Tests and questionnaires online

Do you really trust everything you find online?

Supposedly the anwer will be NO - as the question itself is suggestive.

Not only obviously naive people make easy prey for intentionally misleading sites. In may cases, the internet-based information  may be even dangerous, if you apply it without common sense and without a wider knowledge of the problem - e.g. information about health problems connected to hardselling sites.

Nevertheless, we can also find theories and questionnaires are more or less trustworthy, at least for the purpose of orientation. The analysis of personal learning styles is one of them.

Felder - Learning Styles and Strategies Inventory
theory: http://www4.ncsu.edu/unity/lockers/users/f/felder/public/ILSpage.html

Online questionnaire: http://www.engr.ncsu.edu/learningstyles/ilsweb.html

Everybody is active sometimes and reflective sometimes. Your preference for one category or the other may be strong, moderate, or mild. A balance of the two is desirable. If you always act before reflecting you can jump into things prematurely and get into trouble, while if you spend too much time reflecting you may never get anything done.

If you overemphasize intuition, you may miss important details or make careless mistakes in calculations or hands-on work; if you overemphasize sensing, you may rely too much on memorization and familiar methods and not concentrate enough on understanding and innovative thinking.

In most college classes very little visual information is presented: students mainly listen to lectures and read material written on chalkboards and in textbooks and handouts. Unfortunately, most people are visual learners, which means that most students do not get nearly as much as they would if more visual presentation were used in class.

Sequential learners may not fully understand the material but they can nevertheless do something with it (like solve the homework problems or pass the test) since the pieces they have absorbed are logically connected. Strongly global learners who lack good sequential thinking abilities, on the other hand, may have serious difficulties until they have the big picture.

What do the result tell about you?How do you feel about it? Isert your ideas into the comments to this blog entry.

13 komentářů:

  1. The test was a nice way to spend 5 minutes of the lesson, most of the results aren't exactly news to me, but it's nice to get some tips and tricks for your learning profile as to how to improve yourself and get better results.

  2. I think the test is very representative of one's learning styles, and I did get somewhat correct results that represent how I classify my learning styles. However, I think that some of the questions I could have answered both ways (i.e. my answer was somewhere in the middle) and that could have affected the actual results, so you have to take the results with a pinch of salt.


  3. The output of the quite test resembles with what I expected. I did not find the test so interesting, it did not bring anything new to me.

  4. My results were in balance apart from sensing/intuitive where I found myself strongly on the sensing side. I can agree with the results as I see myself like that. I like to try things myself. I am satisfied with what I found. I am annoyed every time I have to learn something that does not have any use in real situations. Kupka

  5. This test is short enough not to get bored or tired, and is fairly interesting. It is always curious to know something more about yourself.
    Results are not astonishing, because I have already made clear my way or style of learning something, but I enjoyed the process. Thanks.

  6. I found this test interesting, but it didn't reveal anything new about my '' learning style ''. However, some of the tips how to study might be useful indeed.


  7. Jančárová
    In my view, such tests should be applied in every school for every student before teaching them. So that we would be able to understand their individual styles and adapt the lesson to them. My results agree with my assumptions so I think such a test is credible.

  8. Although I have gained results that were close to extremes on one scale, I don't think that they respond to my personality entirely, mainly because I have wanted to sometimes use entirely different answers, or both of the available answers at the same time.


  9. I find the results of the test to be quite accurate. I think it might be useful for people who have problems with learning...

  10. I consider myself as "Let's try it out and see how it works" type of person (and even another test I did proved me right), but my result was (3 of REF). The other results seem to be quite right. I think it would be a bit better to have more choices (for example 4) because on some questions I for example didn't want to choose any option just because neither of the choices suited me.


  11. Pejchal
    The result of the test corresponds with my learning style. It is interresting to know about these styles and very usefull for the teacher. Teachers should know these styles to adapt and to explain the matter in the best way for every learning style.

  12. I pretty much knew what kind of learning style I am, because I had to find my ways how to learn new information for tests effectively. Anyway, it is helpful for teacher to know that everybody is a different learning style so they should make their learning materials balanced for all types of students (use texts, pictures, videos etc.) and try not to tend to focus only on their own learning style.

  13. Nothing new to me... sometimes I felt for both answers, that may be a small affection for the results. Černý
