neděle 10. února 2013

PC Skills for ELT

Computer Skills for Teachers

TASK 1  - How can we use ICT in English Language Teaching?
Enter your ideas into the comment to this blog. Write a few notes first, rephrase, think of more possibilities, then publish. You have approx. 15 minutes. Do NOT use MS Word, use Notepad (not-formatted text).

TASK 2 - Hotkeys
Go to
Download the file Hotkeys_Task.doc
Find out how to use the listed hotkeys :)

Which of them do you normally use?
Choose at least three more - those you consider most useful - and start using them regularly!

TASK 3 - Using Word
Download the file Word_Task.doc form capsa.
Find out whether you really know how to work with WORD!

Tasks 2 and 3 are your pesonal responsibility - they will not be "collected and checked". Ask in doubts, try yourself to learn something new, without the direct push from outside. Set your own goals; e.g. - "I will start using these new hotkeys, I will find out how to create automatic Content in word, because I need it for my BC thesis."

TASK 4 - Your (first?) website
Take a pen and a paper, and draw the layout of your website homepage. You can get some inspiration in the professional sites - any newspaper is a good choice, or BBC, or many others. Keep the content in mind, and be creative :)

HOMEWORK for advanced users - Your Home installations:
Audacity (+lame for mp3 export)
Nvu (or any other web editor, not necessarily WYSIWYG)
Gimp (or any other image editor - Zoner, Photoshop Elements,IrfanView)
Hot Potatoes
Activ Inspire (reg.key is available at the board in 226)
Smart Notebook (reg. key available from the teacher)


active participation, working on classroom tasks
80% attendance
Projects: (submission deadline May 10, 2013)
1. A personal website (includes: personal profile, photogallery of photos taken on your own, a page on your hobbies/interests including active links to references, HotPot index and exercises, links to all school projects and tasks)
2. Hot Potatoes project
3. Photogallery - choose an original and creative topic, take 12 images and present them; topic example: my town as I see it (not really tourist postcards, right?)
4. Your choice: either audiocomments to the images in the gallery, or a video of cca 5 minutes, English sound, with your subtitles and inserted instructions for the use in a lesson.

22 komentářů:

  1. It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.
    A. Einstein

  2. Well, any use of ICT in English Language (when properly supervised) is able to focus the students towards the learning material. Either by focusing the attention of the students away from other misbehaving students, or by allowing them to effortlessly look up sources, other material (f.e. forgotten grammar) etc. Also, since pretty much every student is used to the classic blackboard, ICT is somewhat special for them, it is a deviation from the standart way of learning and therefore other learning techniques can be used.
    O. Postl

  3. Audio, video, presentations, interactive content, you name it, it can be done with ICT, software or hardware wise. It builds on the traditional teaching methods and improves them and it makes learning more interesting and fun.

  4. Computers are useful for teaching since they provide a way to interact with students in live, non-stresful enviroment, if properly handled. Online self-teaching courses can be found freely almost anywhere, teachers all over the world record their own videos, teaching of matter and they are very popular.
    If he is an advanced user, a teacher can use his skills to create a video, an audio or an animation, that shows exactly what's up in the matter to help students imagine the situations.
    When it comes to language, it is important to hear the language, see it and use it. ICT provides all of these, real-time. Subtitles and audio recordings can be used as well as software that makes the student fill up the missing pieces, correct some mistakes. It is also very comforable, because the student can review whatever he missed before, not so like when it comes to recordings, that have to be played all over again.
    Computers also provide a better examining system - One, that (if not flawed) can provide the results almost immidiatelly with high precision and no mistakes.

  5. It is proved that people, especially young people, learn quickly when reading from their PC. Even when playing PC games in English, their language abilites enhance.
    Therefore we should follow this progress and we should concern also on creating teaching materials on PC, not only as paper handouts.
    We can create interesting presentations and helpful handouts for our students. Then our thoughts and notes to the lectures can be published on the internet, so our
    students can be involved in the language not only at lectures but also at home

  6. Nowadays ICT provides vast range of possibilities for learning English. We have touch pads, pcs at schools, etc... For example. Small children are now capable to work with computers. So it is clear, that we need to use it. From the very beganing, it would be the best to use touch screen. I would recomend it to pre-school age children.
    They would just recognize pictures with animals, fruit, persons... At first choosing the right picture acording to birth language and than, there will be pre-recorded English sound of the picture. This is the gate to start thinking of things in English.

  7. ICT can be used for extension of students knowledge by audio visual examples of discussed topic. Everything interactive can make the borring study more interesting.

  8. On elementary level we can use for example some applications to teach children the alphabet or some basic vocabulary with images of these letters or words to help children memorize it better. We can use tests in the form of multiple choice on the PC. It's much faster because the PC corrects your answer right away and you don't have to check your answer from the key, where a lot of mistakes can be done. Listening - children can listen to some recordings or videos of certain situations and try to write down what's happening or try to find the main idea of the text they are listening to.

  9. ICT can bring English Language closer to this generation because kids spends most of their time on computers. Classes can be more interesting for children and they can be more involved in lessons. So we can make the lessons interesting and fun with audio and video presentations.

  10. powerpoint presentations

    usage of software to translate

    interactive learning courses or quizzes for english

    movies, songs or computer games with subtitles to enlarge the vocabulary

  11. Kids spend more and more time around computers and the're fascinated by them. Using ICT for teaching is probably more effective for these kids because they like it and enjoy it more than using books. To answer the question "how": there are many programs focused on different subjects that are full of excercises pictures, videos and other useful stuff that we can use to teach.

  12. We can make it much more interesting for kids. For example make presentations, show them pictures, videos or sent them some handouts about a topic which they are learning about. Also we can recommend them some websites which can be useful.

  13. Ideas for the ICT use in the secondary school classroom:

    1. presentations - students prepare their own presentations on different topics that are further developed by the teacher - include a short quiz for the others
    2. webquests - students explore the topic based on the task sheet prepared either by the teacher or by themselves (e.g. working in groups preparing task sheets for other groups)
    3. youtube videos - used at different stages of the lesson - e.g. as a motivational starter, as a summary, listening exercise... (songs, stories, advertisements...)
    4. interactive quizes, exercises
    5. blogs in English students write based on their interests
    6. online dictionaries, encyclopaedias
    7. reading articles/watching videos on news websites
    8. teaching facts about English speaking countries - interactive tours of places, Google maps.. photos...

  14. Play short video in English
    Play the same video with subtitles
    Result: helps understand spoken language

  15. ICT in teaching english language can help us with preparations for classes, designing interesting presentations, helps us in designing english writing tasks for blended learning through the use of ICT.

  16. It is common for contemporary students to use ICT for almost everything, so why not use it to study English. Students can use websites in English language, for example
    news which could help them to see and understand the English speaking world. Also there is many educational programs, games, videos, which can be also used.
    Also writing some essays and tasks and then sending them by e-mail could be more comfrotable for not only students, but also teachers. And in present days, this way
    of teaching is more interesting for students.

  17. We can use it to improve our knowledge about computer technology and language. It also improves our use of language, via audio recordings our in a written form, making the learning of language much more exciting.

  18. ICT can help to teach children or young people because they are used to work with computers. We can use games, presentations, videos or other activities to make it easier and funnier for them.

  19. We can use more examples (pictures, videos). Somehow ICT can be more useful because there are useful programs. And the fastest way to research grammar or vocabulary.

  20. Using ICT in English Language teaching makes the lessons more interesting for students. Theachers are be able to use more information, pictures etc. in their lessons. It is also easier to find some infromation about the subject for students. It is better or easier way of communication between students and teachers when the students have some questions or when the teacher puts their marks on the internet. Watching movies or short videos in English can also help students.

  21. Using ICT helps us much in teaching English. Nowadays any techer can`t imagine his lesson without printed handbacks or presentation. Informational and Comunicational technologies assist in:
    - developing literacy, improving it`s level;
    - enhancement of teaching and learning;
    Internet simplifies the process of finding necessary information.
    International communication is the pleasant way of enhancement the English language.
    ICT is a valuable tool for researching and representing in English.

  22. Using computers during English lessons could make the learnig more fun for student, so they could pay attention longer. Childen can improve their vocabulary while playing games with pictures etc. But I do not think that using computers is necessary. Childen spend too much time in front of the computer at home, so I would rather recommend them to read english books than use the computer.
