pondělí 14. května 2012

WebQuest - An Introduction

A WebQuest is an effective tool for USING English. In the following two weeks, you will find out how it works, and you will try to design your first WebQuest.

REMEMBER: A good WebQuest
- uses Internet resources (written in good authentic English)
- requires independent thinking, not mechanic copying from references
- is based on information processing: the students search for facts, evaluate, and come to their your own conclusions

WebQuest Home Page

1. Explore the web to find out what a WebQuest is. What is the difference between a WebQuest and a LanguageQuest
2. Identify an example of good practice - a WebQuest which you consider to be of a high quality - and enter its URL to tne comments of this blog.

Example: Greece or China?

A tool for making and publishing presentations online


1. Make pairs.
2. Your project task will be to design a webquest for a class of eager 16-year old students at a grammars school. First, choose a TOPIC - at best, use some cross-curricular content: do not focus on English, but on another subject matter.
3. Think about the outcomes of your WebQuest. Describe the final product and enter the WebQuest topic and the product description into the comments to this blog. (Sign with both names.)

Look at the WebQuest template to learn more about its structure.

WebQuest 1 - Canterbury Tales
WebQuest 2 - Animals
WebQuest 3 - Select Your President
WebQuest 4 - A Trip to Egypt
WebQuest 5 - A Diary of the Survivor

For the final design and publishing of your WebQuest, you may:

use questgarden or zunal:
Read the registration and free use conditions first.

download and install phpwebquest generator

download a template and use it

11 komentářů:

  1. http://questgarden.com/51/22/4/070608090111/index.htm Havránková

  2. Anna Červená+Petr Vagner
    What would the world be like, if the Allies lost?

  3. Pavel Dynda
    What animals (extinct or living) could be legendary dragons, and how would you possibly encounter them in world.

  4. Webquest topic - you have moved to foreign country and you don't know language spoken there (country will be specified in the webquest). Write a diary about your progress, what you need to do, what you need to learn first, how can you communicate, what to do in your free time (do you even have a free time), what is culturally different, how do you feel about it etc.

  5. Do you remember anything from the 'Byl jednou jeden člověk' series?
    Havránková, Jiříková, Kuzmová

  6. You woke up in some work of art. (ie - LOTR), what is the life there?

    Jan Harák

  7. What does coffee do in human body?
    Strohová, Paulasová

  8. Try to imagine that you are worker on the Great wall, what is your life like? - N. Špiritová, M. Rodová

  9. Kleinová a Konfršt

    Who built the pyramids?
    How were they built?
    Why were they built?

  10. Čízová, Pagáčová Servant in Buckingham Palace (how to survive there)
