čtvrtek 2. prosince 2010

International cooperation in teaching

The principles of current cooperative, globalised world, and the growing accessibility of simple and cheap communication technologies, are also reflected in teaching methods.
The idea of individuals or classes working together on various projects has been explored for some time, and currently the perhaps most used system in Europe is called eTwinning.

Today we should explore the possibilities of this system. Work in pairs (or individually, if you wish); go to eTwinning home page, REGISTER (as a teacher), browse the site and answer the following questions. Enter your answers into the comments to this blog before the end of the lesson.

1. What are the conditions for participating in eTwinning?
2. What are the general aims of e-Twinning?
3. What are the specific aims of foreign language projects in eTwinning?
4. Browse the foreign language project suggestions, and choose two illustrative examples: an excellent one and a "not well-considered" one.
Bonus task: Come up with your own project suggestion (for blog only, obviously, as you do not - yet - have a class to work with).

14 komentářů:

  1. 1.Conditions are being registrated, being a teacher or pretedning to be..
    2.The general aims are cooperating with other teachers and being in touch with them
    3.The aim of foreign language projects is improving of the language


  2. Matěj Šulc
    Conditions - There are almost no conditions. You can participate of you can write and if you know your place in the world.

    General aims - Connecting of people from all around the world, sharing and developing of ideas and tips for better teaching between the teachers and teachers but also between the children and teachers.

    Specific aims - For example the "Winter in.." package contains the whole structure and plan of one or more lectures, it offers the possible evaluation,themes for discussion, explains what students will learn during the lesson.

    Suggestions :
    Bad -http://www.etwinning.de/mitmachen/projekte/15244.php
    Good - http://www.etwinning.cz/?p=261

  3. Petra Dlouhá

    1. to be a student at the age from 3 to 18
    2. - to improve the knowledge of ICT
    - offers the possibility to communicate
    with other teachers and for children to
    work with other (foreign) studenst
    3. - to improve communication
    - to learn about others culture,..
    4. a)http://twinblog.etwinning.net/1676/

  4. Rostislav Štihlovský

    1. What are the conditions for participating in eTwinning?
    - To have your own email address and to come up with new ideas.

    2. What are the general aims of e-Twinning?
    - Gather as most tutors (and their ideas) as possible.

    3. What are the specific aims of foreign
    language projects in eTwinning?
    - To understand what other countires think about the others.

    4. Browse the foreign language project suggestions, and choose two illustrative examples: an excellent one and a "not well-considered" one.
    Excellent: http://www.etwinning.net/cz/pub/map_subject.cfm
    Not well-considered: http://www.etwinning.net/cz/pub/map_subject.cfm

  5. 1, Registration, basic pc skills, enthusiasm

    2, Improving teaching methods and creating student projets all over the world,

    3, Improving written (mail, qip client etc.
    ) and spoken (using skype etc.) foreign language

    4, good one: http://www.etwinning.net/en/pub/inspiration/kits/kits_main.cfm?kid=104&klang=en&lang=en

    not well-considered:

  6. 1. registration
    2. general aims are that children from one class can cooperate with children from anathor one
    3. to improve foreign language
    4. http://www.etwinning.net/en/pub/inspiration/kits/kits_main.cfm?kid=221&klang=en&lang=en

    Michal Janicek

  7. Rostislav Štihlovský

    1. What are the conditions for participating in eTwinning?
    - To have your own email address and to come up with new ideas.

    2. What are the general aims of e-Twinning?
    - Gather as most tutors (and their ideas) as possible.

    3. What are the specific aims of foreign
    language projects in eTwinning?
    - To understand what other countires think about the others.

    4. Browse the foreign language project suggestions, and choose two illustrative examples: an excellent one and a "not well-considered" one.
    Excellent: http://www.etwinning.net/en/pub/inspiration/kits/kits_main.cfm?kid=1&klang=en&lang=en
    Not well-considered: http://www.etwinning.net/en/pub/inspiration/kits/kits_main.cfm?kid=81&klang=en&lang=en

  8. 1. Participant has to be registered in the website and he/she should work in school or any other institution.

    2. The aim is to lead teachers and students (pupils) to co-operate with other people in groups (may be from abroad), have fun and learn.

    3. Students improve their language, are getting used to different variants of (English) language, they take down communicative barriers within themselves.

    4. a) http://www.etwinning.net/cz/pub/inspiration/kits/kits_main.cfm?kid=7&klang=cz&lang=cz
    b) http://www.etwinning.net/cz/pub/inspiration/kits/kits_main.cfm?kid=81&klang=cz&lang=cz#info

  9. 1. nearly none - having an email and filling a form given
    2.cooperation with a partner on a project
    3. improve language and spread local "cultural" habits, general knowledge
    4. good: "show me your future" - This project is about how young people see andwhat they think about their future. In here- young people will be able to present multimedial projections of things like: emotions, hope, change, development, future. How other people are seeing future of young generation, is it familiar to the thoughts of the youth?
    bad: Exchanging information about our pupils' lives and about our customs.
    Bonus task: invent a writer - his/her life, works - and write some "book", "magazines", "dramas" and so on as if they were him/her


  10. 1. You should be an active teacher and you should also be registrated on eTwinning.
    2. To make pupils cooperate with pupils from another school or country and thus learn other places, cultures and languages.
    3.I like this one: http://desktop.etwinning.net/index.cfm
    an I think this one is too complicated: http://desktop.etwinning.net/index.cfm

    Jitka Mráčková

  11. Jiří Svozilek

    1.) The only condition is to be registered and to obey the agreements connected with the registration.

    2.) Finding partners, sharing ideas & experiences, etc...

    3.) Connecting at least two schools in order to allow them cooperation on ITC basis. Students and teachers have a wonderful option to co-work on schooling activities, thus improving their knowledge, both language and cultural.

    4.) Not well-considered one:
    Excelent one:

  12. Jan Giurg

    1) Registration.

    2) Easy communication between teachers, students and all interested in the topics or teaching itself, here or all over the world.

    3)Lesson plans, cooperation with foreigners, improving your language.

    4) good -http://www.etwinning.net/cz/pub/map_subject.cfm

    bad- http://www.etwinning.net/cz/pub/inspiration/kits/kits_main.cfm?kid=12&klang=cz&lang=cz

  13. 1) Registration
    2) Cooperate with other teachers in different countries, connect kids all around the world, break down prejudice about other cultures, teach students how to work in group or pair via internet.
    3) Understanding better other cultures and conditions in other countries.
    good one - http://www.etwinning.net/en/pub/inspiration/kits/kits_main.cfm?kid=221&klang=en&lang=en
    not-well considered - http://www.etwinning.net/en/pub/inspiration/kits/kits_main.cfm?kid=341&klang=en&lang=en

    Michala Rusňáková
    Miroslav Franc

  14. Kamila Barborová

    1) You have to register yourself and remember your login details. :)

    2) The general aim is commnication.

    3)Specific aims: improving language and to find out some interesting information about different cultures.

