pondělí 27. září 2010

Winter Semester Credit Requirements

Welcome back to PC Skills 2!

This semester we will deal with more complex projects.

1. Vocabulary presentation for interactive board – deadline November 12
2. WebQuest to be created in groups of max. 3 – deadline December 10
3. A structured evaulation of three websites specialised on teaching English – deadline December 10

General tips

Ad 1:
Choose a target group (primary or secondary levels) and a topic. Use a suitable textbook - you are designing supplementary material to a chapter!
Consult your choice with the tutor.

Ad 2:
Form groups and decide which topic you would like to cover; write down your aims.
Consult your choice with the tutor.

Ad 3:
Each student will present three different sites!
Register your choice in the comments to this blog entry.
Follow the evaluation structure (will be defined during the first lesson).

Personal backups please upload to

Finalised projects shall be submitted before given deadlines; please publish your project in your personal web site and send me an email (jana.pavlikova@ujep.cz) with the URL.

EXAM – KAJ/6119
written, the task will be to publish 2 interlinked HotPot exercises:
Matching + Gapfill, on a given topic, and with the requested details.
Example: your HotPot exercises shall include specific instructions in Czech and in English, five pictures, active links to the web pages you referred to, a reading text, a timer set on 6 minutes, shuffling, your own background colours… etc.

2 komentáře:

  1. Jan Giurg

    Sites to evaluate:


  2. Vlastimil Stránský

    Sites to evaluate:

