pondělí 15. února 2010

Your First Project

The first credit project seems to be very easy - but it requires some long-term effort, too.
You will start a blog - anywhere, in Czech or in English - and will keep it alive for one semester. Five entries are required, spread within at least two months.
Do not try to write long texts into your blogs! A short, interesting, well-expressed entry is more valuable.

You can find lots of examples of good blogs online.
This one is my favourite - even if it is not actually called a blog :)

... And do not forget about the graphics - you can also add photos and illustrations to your blog.

3 komentáře:

  1. http://balltongue.blog.cz/

    Dobrý den,
    zde je link k mému novému blogu.
    Rostislav Štihlovský, english solo.

  2. Matěj Šulců


  3. http://romankalecky.blog.cz/

    Kálecký Roman
