úterý 22. února 2022

Publish or perish

The first issue to solve is a place to share all projects. In general,  we have 3 possibilities:

1. To use a simple preset website - e.g. estranky or webnode, or even some blog site - it is a service which enables editing the text, links and images - and not much more. There you can share links to projects saved somewhere else (permanent drives - ulozto, gdrive, capsa, dropbox...)

2. To use a professional hosting service, e.g. webzdarma, which offers full control - and requires basic html editing skills, at least at the WYSIWYG level (NVU editor installed in CS226). - See below.

3. To use a teaching platform with a complex structure and plenty of features - in our case, MOODLE.


Decide which of the three possibilities you will use for sharing your projects. Explore the offers and conditions. Always go for a free programme!


Working with Moodle will be a continuous project; the tasks will appear in this blog one by one.

Gradually, you should build the knowledge about available possibilities, and the skills necessary to use them for effective teaching and learning.

Let's start with the basics:


  1. Go to moodle ujep - https://moodle.pf.ujep.cz/course/view.php?id=1177
  2. Open menu Course Administration/Sprava kurzu; check the settings
  3. Go to the the main screen (https://moodle.pf.ujep.cz/course/view.php?id=1177&notifyeditingon=1)
  4. Click on Turn Editing On/Zapnout rezim uprav - upper right
  5. Scroll down, choose Pridat temata, add one; 
  6. Edit its heading: use your own name + the chosen topic instead of TopicXX/TemaXX.
            example: Novak_The Age of Shakespeare

Now you have created your personal training field :)

    7. Search the web, find a useful site related to your topic, and add the URL to your area. Explore         the settings available.


To be able to publish anything online, we should understand how things work there - above all, how links among files work.


  1. Save, save, backup, save... 3 copies: HDD+PenDrive+Cloud
  2. Keep all files to be published in one folder. 
  3. No spaces, no diacritics in filenames.
  4. First save the files, then create the links.

First think, then click!


How to create your own web on webzdarma:

Create a free account on webzdarma.cz.
Read the conditions and other information available.

Beginners: download and install nvu http://www.nvu.com/
Advanced: Feel free to use any html editor you prefer. 
fast tags help - jakpsatweb

Create a folder named PCSkills on your hard drive.
Create the index.html file in NVU. Save it into the PCSkills folder. (CASE-SENSITIVE!)
Add some images into the same folder.

Otevřete Průzkumník souborů - ve složce zvolte menu Zobrazení a zaškrtněte políčko Přípony názvů souborů.
Klikněte na lupu -> Možnosti Průzkumníka souborů -> Zobrazení -> Odškrtnout "Skrýt příponu souborů známých typů"

Insert some texts into the file index.html.  
Insert a link to the KAJ Dept. page.
Insert a picture you dowloaded or took (avoid copyright problems!) and saved into the folder.

Advanced users: 
Experiment with formatting, colours, consider the role of images and graphics. 
Organise and design the space of your homepage (you can use tables, or css styles, or any other formatting).
Study some of these articles:
Upload your index.html and the image into webzdarma administration (SPRAVCE SOUBORU).
Add your web URL to the group Google sheet.

Bask in glory, admiring your first hand-made web page!

úterý 15. února 2022

Information Technologies and English Language Teaching - Credit Requirements



  • active participation, working on weekly tasks
  • 80% attendance
  • Projects as defined below: (finalised before April 26, 2022, presented in the last three lessons)


1. In pairs: create a hoax webpage.

  • Format: Include text, photoshopped images, audio/video, fake links and comments.
  • Objectives: 
    • to recognize how easy it is to claim any nonsense online; 
    • to browse and analyse other hoaxes and their spreading - what types of people believe and share hoaxes? Why?
update 28.2.2022: the hoax site is no longer compulsory. The reality overcame all nightmares... Do not create anything which can cause problems - e.g. a mock site approving the Russian aggression at Ukraine. Explore the world of hoaxes and fake news independently. Think, search, verify.

2. In groups of 4: Audio project.

  • Product: high quality audiorecording 5-10'.
  • Content: audio dramatisation of a literary scene according to your own choice; may include special sound effects.
  • Objectives: 
    • to practise pronunciation, including peer correction; 
    • to revise British and American literature and support learning for Lit. exams; 
    • to master basic sound editing skills in Audacity; 
    • to design a system for recording within online communication; 
    • to develop cooperation and organisation skills;  

 3. Individually: Study material

  • Product: Moodle-based multimedia summary + practice of any exam topic in one of the courses covered in your second term of studies at KAJ: British Literature 1 or Phonetics+Phonology
  • Target group: Your schoolmates.
  • Content: structured, correct, understandable presentation and explanation of any chosen topic, including examples, FAQs and practice (min. 2 tests in 2 different formats)
  • Format: multimedia - should include text, images/graphs/illustrations, audio or video, references.
  • Objectives: 
    • to understand the topic; 
    • to be able to present and explain clearly; 
    • to apply student's experience with online covid teaching; 
    • to experience the role of the teacher; 
    • to explore the Moodle platform features.

 Please register the topics in the google chart - one topic can have only one coverage. 


Course topics

7125 Jazyk a komunikační technologie 1                Wed   11-13 (1. ročník solo)






Computer vs. human brain  

register to Moodle training field


elearning tools - Moodle



Webpage basics; brain vs. structure+colours



Images + fakes;  hoax project



Audio + Podcast - Audacity



Testing techniques in Moodle



Kahoot, mindmaps, Prezi, Mindmeister



sportovní den rektora - výuka odpadá



Excel + basic statistics



Graphics in teaching - Moodle+web (page layout, colours, fonts...)



projects feedback



projects feedback



projects feedback + extras



credit week