pondělí 24. února 2014

Creating a Photography

Save the photo you made in Task 2, and use it in the homepage of your web.

Free choice of classroom tasks:
1. Create the index file of your future web, explore the menus of nvu.

2. Register into http://www.webzdarma.cz/.
3. Upload your index file into webzdarma. Check that it works.
4. Develop the index file (colour scheme).
5. Insert links to your hotpot files into the index file.

"Kreativní fotografie si neklade za cíl zobrazit realitu (takové to tam Mařenko bylo) ale zobrazit něco víc. Zobrazit emoce (pocity, nálady ...), které autor na místě cítil a chce vám předat.
Když se díváte na fotografie z vaší dovolené obvykle si vybavíte pocity, jaké to tam bylo (jé podívej - tady jsme byli ...). Díváte-li se ale na fotografie z cizí dovolené, vidíte jenom obyčejné pláže, hrady, zámky atp. Prostě emoce spojené s místem a zážitkem vám chybí a proto vám často tyto fotografie připadají obyčejné. Dobrá fotografie vám dokáže předat pocity a zážitky i z míst, kde jste nebyli. A o tom to je...
Když stojíte v lese, vidíte široko okolo sebe, vnímáte vítr, šumění lesa, vůni jehličí a do zad vás pálí slunce. Toto vše na fotografii však chybí. Je tam jen obrazový výsek a to ještě ve 2 rozměrech (3 rozměr prostoru / perspektivy chybí). A proto je to tak těžké. A proto je pokoušet se o to taky tak krásné!"

Look at the following photos. Do you like them? Why?

What shall we know?
1. How to compose a photography
Practical composition (in Czech) 

Do not forget:
concentrate on a single idea, object, feeling
get closer, fill almost the whole field with the target object/situation

Look around, go to the corridor if you want. Try to compose a photo which will show the atmosphere at school.


What shall we know?
2. How to save an image
raw - full data
jpg - compressed (lossy)
tiff - for print, usually lossless; can handle CMYK
bmp - full data (bitmap)
gif - small (and animated); saves only used colours; 8bit
png - lossless, successor of gif, 8-24-48 bit

More in Wiki (in Czech)
and Wiki (in English)


Choose an object within the class and make a picture which show only the object - as if you needed an illustration of the word.

What shall we know?
3. How to make a photo of an isolated object
check the background
- fill amost the whole image with the object
search for light
- use simple aids, such as lamps, scarfs, sheets of paper
- experiment 
Product Photography at digineff


... want to know more?

pondělí 17. února 2014

A HotPot Learning Site

Lesson checklist:
1. enter your blog URL into the comment to the PREVIOUS blog entry.
2. enter the topic and target group you chose into the comments of this  blog entry.
3. create a matching exercise
4. create a multiple choice exercise
5. link them together (Configuration - buttons - next page URL)

Do not forget bout the 3 rules:
Save - all in 1 - no spaces

Hot Potatoes is probably one of the oldest freewares focused on teaching. See http://hotpot.uvic.ca/!

Choose a topic and target level for your HotPot exercises.  Insert this information into the comment to this blog entry.
Imagine a real child, in order to be able to imagine the target group.
Specify the target group through age or school year.
Choose a topic suitable to the age and level of your target group.

Target group: 11-13 years
Topic: Animals

Target group: 15 years, 9th grade
Topic: Endangered animals


HP HotLine:

1. Keep all files in the same folder. Do not change the names after you link them.
2. HP create two types of files:
*.j?? (jcl, jmt...) "Teacher's book" can be edited; save it carefully!
*.html  - "Students'book",  the exported file - interactive, but cannot be edited
3. Save, export, check.


You can create a whole  HotPot site, combining and connecting various task formats. This is the suggested order of exercises (Can you guess why?):

1. Matching
- 10 items (target vocabulary)
- if using pictures, set the same height for all of them  (e.g. 100 pixels)
- find out how to set the timer, shuffle questions, show a limited number of questions

2. Multiple choice
- 10 questions
- 4 distractors (no mistakes!)
- use sentences, not isolated words
- feedback - additional information, input

Good feedback: motivating, positive, informative

3. Gap fill
- 10 gaps
- context (e.g. a story)
- choose the gaps wisely  :)

+ Create feedback which is interesting and informative; do not hesistate to include facts from our real life.
+ Do not skip determiners, e.g. articles:)
+ do not hesitate to include images, links, or audio!

HP exercises can be interonnected using the menu Configure - Buttons.
Suggested course of actions:

1. Create HP matching exercise Ex1. Connect it to the index.html. Make sure you have all the files, including images, in the same folder as the exercise. Save, export.
2. Create a HP multiple choice exercise Ex2.Connect it to the index.html. Carefully fill in the feedback! Save, export.
3. Create a HP gap fill exercise Ex3. Connect it to the index.html and Ex1.html. Save, export.
4. Connect Ex1 to Ex2, and Ex2 to Ex3. Save, export.
5. Open your index.html in NVU. Add links to all three HotPot exercises. Save.
6. Upload all files (index.html, Ex1.html, Ex2.html, Ex3.html, all images) to the web.

Do not forget:
+ No diacritics, no spaces in filenames.
+ Save everything you want to put online into a single folder. No subfolders.
+ Regularly save your changes.


1. Do I have to use an authentic text in jcloze (gapfill) exercise?
Try to find an authentic text which will focus on the topic; some of the target vocabulary items should be included, but not necessarily all of them.
Such a text activates the passive vocabulary of the student, helps them understand the new words in context, and is much more informative than isolated sentences.

Tip: explore primary level sites for native speakers, e.g.
BBC for kids
British Council
Encyclopedia for kids

2. How do I make a good feedback in multiple choice?
Just follow these simple tips:
- DO NOT use capitals, exclamation marks, "NO!" "Unfortunately..." etc.
- be positive :) - do not start the feedback with "Sorry, no..."
- add extra information, eg.
Where do lions live? Chosen answer: "India"
Feedback: "Tigers live in India, but lions live in Africa."

3. How should I set the colour scheme?
- Remember that the text should be easy to read - the font and the background should be constrasting.
- The backgroud itself should not bee too bright, not to tire the eyes.
- study the Color Wheel site

4. What is the HotPot index?
It is a html file which includes links to all three hotpot exercises, and the basic info:
- the author
- the aim of the exercises, e.g. "Teaching the names of family members"
- the target group description, e.g. "Third grade, basic school, elementary level"

pondělí 10. února 2014

IT: Evil and blessing of our life

What does Information Technology do for (or against) you?

Task 1:
Make groups of 4, choose a secretary who will put down notes.
List positives and negatives of IT in our everyday life.

Task 2:
Choose three positives and three negatives you consider to be most original and discovering among your ideas. Add them into the comment to this blog entry.
Sign the comment with the names of all the group members. Time to finish: 15:22

1. Create your personal blog. 
2. Create your avatar.

What is a blog?


What is an avatar?

from Sanskrit अवतार avatāra, which means "descent", an avatar refers to the human incarnation of God during times of distress on earth. Thus, Krishna and Rāma were both avatars of Vishnu, who also manifested himself as an avatar many other times, ten of which are considered the most significant.[10]

create your own avatar for your web!


active participation, working on classroom tasks
80% attendance
Projects: (final submission deadline May 8, 2014)
1. A personal website (includes: personal profile, photogallery of photos taken on your own, a page on your hobbies/interests including active links to references, HotPot index and exercises, links to all school projects and tasks)
2. Hot Potatoes project (submission April 15, 2013)
3. Photogallery - choose an original and creative topic, take 12 images and present them; topic example: my town as I see it (not really tourist postcards, right?)
4. Your choice: either audiocomments to the images in the gallery, or a video of cca 5 minutes, English sound, with your subtitles and inserted textual or audioinstructions for the use in a lesson.