pondělí 28. listopadu 2022

WebQuest Evaluation

 Enter your WQ URL into the comments, please.

Check this chart called RUBRICS to see how a WQ should be evaluated.

Hissenová, Havliš http://www.zunal.com//webquest.php?w=778790

pondělí 21. listopadu 2022

Interactive Board Advanced


1. Answer the following questions.
How can we use IWB in teaching English?
What advantages does it offer as compared with a dataprojector?

Add your answers into the comment to this blog.

2. Learn how to create hidden and automatic feedback in Activ + Smart.
Follow the tips and links below.

Interactive = offering immediate feedback

A  What should the teacher do? 
3 ways  of using IWB:
1. PRESENTATION - present text, images, sound, animations, video, links

2. PRACTICE + FEEDBACK  - indiviual work, PC lab - multiple choice, matching, gapfill... pre-progammed feedback!

- give the class a chance to think
- offer free space in the file to make notes, summaries...
- saving the Ss' work and using it for further activities

- use the time wisely
- motivate the students

B What should we include?
- a functional combination of text, visual support and audio
- variability of all sorts
- empty space
- motivating activities (games)
- feedback

C Technical skills to be mastered:
- inserting text
- inserting images
- inserting audio
- inserting links

- locking
- grouping
- using layers - covering one object with another
- containing
- magical window

Youtube tutorials
How to use Containers
Multiple Containers
How to make a magic box
Creating Action Objects
Magic revealer window


Hidden content
How it works: if you click on object1, object2 (dis)appears
Go to Actions - find command Hidden/Skryté
Identify the target
Save the changes

Detailed instructions here:

1. Text to be moved:
Identification: Name = Panda
Contain: Return if not contained = True

2. Image or a space where to put the text/answer:
Can Contain = Specific object
Contain Object = (Select Object) Panda
Contain Rule = Completely contained

Česká verze:
1. Text (objekt), s nímž se bude pohybovat:
Identifikace: Název = Panda
Kontejner: Vrátit, pokud není obsaženo = Pravda

2. Objekt (obrázek), kam se text/odpověď přesouvá:
Může obsahovat = Konkrétní objekt
Obsažený objekt = (Vybrat objekt) Panda
Pravidlo pro obsah = Úplně obsaženo

Hiding objects in SMART: online help

To animate object in SMART:
  • Select the object.
  • If the Properties tab isn’t visible, press Properties .
  • Press Object Animation.
  • Select options in the Type, Direction, Speed, Occurs and Repeats drop-down lists.

Hiding objects using magic ink in Activ: youtube tutorial

Magic revealer window (Activ)

1.    Insert two images
2.    Put one of them to the Top layer
3.    Create a rectangle. Settings:
           a.    Margin (ohraničení) – cca 20
           b.    Výplň – Nic
4.    Activate the magic ink. Fill in the rectangle.
5.    Set the order of the resulting two objects (rectangle will be above the magic ink to make the margins smooth)
6.    Group them together.

7. Check the order of the layers: Object (the rectangle),  Pen (the magic ink) and the upper image are in the upper layer in the mentioned order, the remaining image is in the middle layer.

pondělí 7. listopadu 2022

Interactive Board Basics


No matter what IWB software you use, some basics remain identical - both from the points of view of technology and methodology.

  1. Install and explore Activ Inspire (download here)  and Smart Notebook, try the basic functions, get the feeling of both softwares. For installation, see the first blog entry of this term. 
Activ KEY: 0016-4129-0456-5336-4576
  1. Follow the list of compulsory items below and practice these basic skills both in Activ and Smart.
  2. Explore the site http://www.veskole.cz/, try to identify high-quality materials, and recognise the faulty ones.

What can we use the Interactive Board Material for?

1. To identify the purpose of the material:
Intro – topic, aim, target group
Source – textbook

2. To identify the resources:
References – texts, audio, images resources (last page)
create your own images!

3. To suggest how to use the material:
– create a Teacher’s book (could be in side notes, or in the last page, or hidden within each page)
– instructions to tasks (focus on organization, variability)

4. To enable easy navigation: Insert links
In Activ Inspire - use commands "Another page" and "Open a website"
In Smart - right click at the object, use "Odkaz"

5. To use visual and auditory input: insert images, audio and video
In Active Inspire: go to Resource Browser (the symbol of 2 music notes)
In Smart: go to Gallery (the symbol of a picture)
In both: download an image, and drag it to the chosen page

6. To integrate games and animations into a lesson:
Explore the resourcepacks
Modify Flash animations (Smart)

You can find examples and instructional files online (try youtube), and also at http://prekladani.capsa.cz - folder  IWB Materials.

Interactive Board Project  
Choose a textbook and a topic as a basis (primary or lower secondary levels – basic school)
1. the aim: teaching vocabulary; choose 10-12 vocabulary items to practice intensively
2. choose and design various activities

At first, you should choose the topic for your interactive board materials (ITBM), and list the keywords you want to teach. Into the comments to this blog entry, please include:
1. topic
2. target group - age, grade
3. the textbook you are using
4. the list of 10-12 keywords.

 The finalised ITB Project will be published online in one of the available formats (Activ or Smart)

Interactive Board Project compulsory items:
- teacher book with target group, objectives and instructions on the use of your material
- enough functional and effective visual support (images, graphics, illustrations)
- a listening task (+ audio with tapescript)
- a speaking task
feedback to all tasks
- links to T's Book from all pages (and links back!)
- active URLs (with tasks)
- a link to a youtube video - focused on the topic, with tasks!
- enough space for the students'work
- a page with all references

 Most frequent mistakes:
• Vague tasks, not defined objectives
• Too many visual effects without purpose
• Missing keys and feedback, or missing multiple correct answers
• The pages are too long – cannot be seen in one screen
• strange combinations of colours
• misspelled words, slips, grammatical mistakes

Examples of materials - http://www.veskole.cz/, - chooose DUM, search for materials in Smart 11 format -  Promethean planet resources, youtube...