úterý 25. února 2020

Creating a Website

The key question: How can you use ICT in teaching English? 

Task 1
Read the following article: https://www.myenglishpages.com/blog/ict-tools-and-english-language-teaching/
Note down any terms you have never encountered, and tools you have never used. Make a personal plan - choose which of the unknown tools you will try out during the lesson.
TIP: Always note your plans down - writing supports logical thinking, reasoning, timing, and enables final check.

Task 2
Reflect your personal experience and preferences. Make a list of three activities using ICT which you regularly use to support your studies. use PEN AND PAPER! You need not sign the sheet.
When finished, pass the paper on. Read the lists written by the other students and compare.

What is the percentage of passive, consuming activities? Who does something creative?
Add useful links or tips into the comment to this blog entry.

Task 3
Watch the video HERE.
Who made it? How? For what purpose?
What do you think of the video? Summarise your opinions in the comment to this blog entry.


Task 4 - optional
What is Kahoot?
Register, and try out! work in groups, test your tests.

Task 5
For publishing and sharing anything, you need a space you can edit freely. Let's create a private website!

Create a folder named PCSkills on your pen drive.
Create the index.html file in NVU. Save it into the PCSkills folder.
Write a short introductory text into the file index.html. You will improve it later.

[WYSIWYG editors for Mac]

Experiment with formatting, colours, consider the role of images and graphics...

  • Insert a link to the KAJ Dept. page.
  • Insert a picture you took (avoid copyright problems!).
  • Create an Avatar HERE and add the link into your index.html.

Create a free account at webzdarma.cz. Design a catchy name for your domain.
Upload your index.html and the image to your site in webzdarma.

Bask in glory, admiring your first hand-made web page!

Experiment with formatting, colours, consider the role of images and graphics. Check the links below for ideas:



Internet Survival Guide (CZ)

Summary - Focus on web

You should be able to
  • insert an image into your web
  • insert a weblink into your web
  • insert a link to any file into your web
  • use tables for formatting the page
  • improve the graphics using suitable colour combinations

pátek 14. února 2020

Credit Requirements 2020

Credit requirements
active participation, working on classroom tasks
80% attendance
Projects: (submission deadline May 10, 2020)

1. A personal website (includes: personal profile,  links to all school projects and tasks)
2. Hot Potatoes project
3. Hoax project
4. Interview or dramatisation project

Re Hoax project:
  • to be done in groups of 3
  • create a webpage presenting an unreal concept – idea, object, animal...
  • the page should look like a credible source – including formatting, language, fake images, links, resources, „professionally” written manipulative text
  • the choice of topic to be approved by the tutor

    Aim: to be able to recognise fakes and manipulation online

    Re Interview project:
    • to be done in groups of 3
    • output: original, self-recorded audio, cca 10'
    • a simulated interview with a famous English writer about his life and books
    • OR a dramatisation of a part of a book or a play
    • high quality recording equipment will be available
    • the choice of topic to be approved by the tutor
    Aim: to be able to find relevant and interesting facts online, and transform them into one’s own text; practicing language and pronunciation