pondělí 28. dubna 2014

Hot Potatoes Checklist

Most frequent mistakes:

1. T's book missing
2. Link from ex3 to ex1 missing
3. Link to Index - should go to HP teacher's book page (HP Index - rozcestnik)

4. troubles with grammar, especially with articles!!
5. spelling errors

6. using capitals in isolated words
7. NOT using capitals and fullstops in sentences

8. Missing feedback in multiple choice

More details at http://prekladani.capsa.cz/

pondělí 14. dubna 2014


A quick intro to the process of learning and remebering

- we remember through associating (connecting the new information to those items already stored)
- our brain constantly creates new connections (links), compares the info, drops unused or not reliable items
- the usual capacity of working memory  is about 10 items; connecting and associating the items always supports memorisation

understanding => remembering (passive knowledge) => independent use

VISUALS always help! (images, charts, graphs...)

In the class:

1. Presentation

present the meaning of new items clearly, PREVENT any mistakes or misunderstanding

What makes a good presentation or explanation?   -  It is

*      clear
*      simple or simplified
*      brief
*      true
*      uses examples
*      applies various approaches
*      asks for feedback

How can you present vocabulary?

*      definition
*      description
*      examples - hyponyms
*      illustration
*      demonstration
*      context
*      synonyms
*      antonyms (opposites)
*      translation
*      collocations

2. Practice

~        controlled activities  - focus on form (matching)
~        guided activities (multiple choice)
~        free activities - creative, high level of tolerance, autonomy, S centered (gap fill)

Task 1:

What specific useful information do you remeber?

pondělí 7. dubna 2014

Excel for students

1. Basic statistical analysis is something every university student and every shool teacher should master. Let's work with a typical situation first, to organise our data, and then we will see what they tell us.

Download the file Excel_start.doc from http://prekladani.capsa.cz/.
The tasks are described in the file.

2. Co to je směrodatná odchylka?
Přečtěte si krátký článek a vypočtěte směrodatnou odchylku vybrané skupiny dat (např. známky jednoho studenta, známky z jednoho testu).

3. To be able to analyse data, first we have to get them. 

Go to http://oursurvey.biz/, login.
Choose a topic you are interested in; your research field is learning and teaching languages.
Prepare 3-5 survey questions and put them online using survey.biz.
Publish the link in your website - and in the comment to this blog.
Go to each other's sites and answer the questions. Prepare statistical survey for the next lesson.

Example of a link:
Example of exported results in capsa - ResearchResults.docx.
Example of survey in capsa - ResearchReport_2013_10_06.docx

Tips for making a valid questionnaire:
- think first; imagine what your respondents could answer
- be clear
- ask about one issue only in a single question

- avoid open-ended (txt) questions - prefer multiple choice
- be consistent - focus on a single topic or problem
- avoid spelling mistakes
- avoid ambiguous questions