úterý 29. listopadu 2011

The Third Project - Web Evaluation

As you know, your task - apart from WebQuest and IWB material - is to create a presentation and evaluation of a site focused on interactive practice of English at any level, which will be presented in your webpage.

Background story: Imagine you are an English teacher trying to attract the students' attention to various online resources, available for independent studies. You would like to help the students avoid crap and use the ideal, well designed sites.

1. Find a high quality site, featuring interactive material for teaching English - e.g. quizzes, gap fills etc, including feedback. Enter its URL into the comment of this blog to avoid duplicity.
2. Consider the purpose of your presentation: it should serve as a fast insight, which will help the reader to decide whether the site is suitable for him or not.
3. List the criteria you will be using. Do not forget about the target group, aims and objectives, laguage quality, the quality of feedback, graphics and other formal characteristics...
4. Summarise your findings, create a new web page in nvu or any other editor, and put it on your website. Make your text as much communicative, informative and easy to read as possible. Apply the general suggestions for making a good webpage, which we mentioned several times.

Some very simple, general advice you can find for example HERE.
Good luck!

pondělí 21. listopadu 2011

Organising a Webquest

In any project work, we strive to vary the organisation forms as much as possible - respecting their specifics of course - to offer the students more variability.

Organisation forms and the fields of work they are most suitable for:

1. Individual work - subtasks focused mostly on research and information processing (first stage); creating posters, web sites, multimedia etc. - preparing components of the final products
2. Pair work - brainstorming, information processing (second stage), mutual support and close co-operation, more complicated sub-
3. group work - collecting and evaluating information (processing third stage); developing organisation skills and social skills, decision making
4. whole class - sharing key information; T:introducing the WebQuest topic; Ss: summarising, presenting the products

And finally - some motivation techniques may be useful for you:

pondělí 7. listopadu 2011


"Save your files and share you photos online!"

Lots of similar ads attract our attention nowadays... let'http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifs have a look at one of the offered spaces - dropbox.com

1. Create an account.
2. Explore the possibilities of sharing files - especially for the purpose of sharing a your Interactive Board materialor the WebQuest.

"The Public Folder lets you easily share single files in your Dropbox. Any file you put in this folder gets its own Internet link so that you can share it with others-- even non-Dropbox users! These links work even if your computer’s turned off.

Step 1: Drop a file into the Public folder.

Step 2: Right-click/control-click this file, then choose Dropbox > Copy Public Link. This copies the Internet link to your file so that you can paste it somewhere else."